Chapter 21- New Squad

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Later that day, I found out that Levi had picked his new squad, consisting of the members we had discussed, and that Erwin had ordered us to protect Eren and Historia. Just a few hours after I had left the room for my dad to talk to Levi, they had already started moving forward with the game plan. Levi, Connie, Hanji, and Hanji's squad had already gathered and set the plan in motion by the time they all came to find me. We were all supposed to go meet up with the rest of Levi's new squad at a remote cottage by the mountains.

As we walking into the cottage, the others were arguing. I smiled at the sight, thinking back on our training days. They all froze at the sight of Levi coming in. We all watched as Levi ran his hand underneath the table, collecting dust from it. "I'm quite certain I gave you enough time," he stated, obviously irritated.

"Sheesh, I didn't realize you were running some sort of maid service here," I stated sarcastically without thinking and immediately cringed at myself. I heard Sasha burst out with a laugh, but was shut up by Connie. The rest of them cringed, but were obviously holding back laughter too. I, on the other hand, was terrified.

Levi shot me a menacing glare, and my breath hitched, but then he turned back to the others as they cowered in fear and continued "never mind, we'll discuss your utter failure at a later time."

Once we were alone in the kitchen, I apologized to Levi as I helped him prepare tea for the others. "I'm so sorry, Levi. I don't know why I'm like this-"

"You need to start showing some goddamn respect. And you're going to have to start addressing me as Captain if you're going to be part of my squad," he interrupted.

"Right, I'm sorry Captain, I promise it won't happen again," I replied in disappointment. He was right though, I had been acting like a disrespectful little shit. Being the Commander's daughter seemed to allow me to get away with a lot that others couldn't, and it was probably getting to my head. Captain Levi made it clear that I wasn't going to get away with it now that I was under his command. I have to admit, he was pretty hot when he got mad though.

"It better not... You can still address me as Levi when we're alone, but in front of the others, I need you to act as a true subordinate," he added after hearing my disappointment. I turned and smiled at him.

"Right. Of course, I can do that..." I trailed off and we stared at each other for a moment again, and thinking back to our almost kiss earlier that day, I dropped my gaze to his lips. I stepped toward him, and I think we had the same thing on our minds as we both leaned in to try it again.

"Sir, we're ready-" we were interrupted just before our lips met yet again, this time by Jean. 'Damn it Jean,' I thought as we quickly backed away from each other again. Jean was blushing at the sight. I turned back around to finish setting up. "Uh- sorry, I uh, just came to tell you that everyone's gathered now."

I sighed in frustration as I began taking the cups out to the table. I looked around and there were no chairs left at the table for me to sit at, I made eye contact with Jean and to my surprise, he immediately got out of his chair and offered me his seat. "Uh here, (Y/N), take my seat. I don't mind standing."

"Oh, thanks Jean," I said as I walked over and took his seat. Normally, I would have been fine to be the one to stand, but I wasn't very fond of the horse face at the moment. Plus, the seat was right next to Levi so I really didn't mind taking it.

At this time, Levi discussed the plan to plug up the hole in wall Maria. He then asked Armin to elaborate on the plan he had thought up about using Eren's abilities. Then, Hanji discussed her plans to run experiments with Eren's titan abilities, and she hit us with the news that Pastor Nick had been murdered by military police.

Soon enough, it was time to begin Eren's experiments. I stood on the sidelines with Levi, Hanji, Armin, and Historia, and we all watched as his latest attempt had failed. Hanji was screaming at him, but he wasn't responding. "Get up Eren," Hanji yelled, "humanity's future depends on you! Get up!"

"His form is different this time. He's not even 10 meters tall, and he's missing flesh," Levi commented. "Plus, Eren's scrawny ass is hanging out."

"I can see that!" Hanji replied. "Eren! Think you can still move?!"

"Eren!" Mikasa called out as she ran to him.

"Great, the brat's acting on her own again, off to the rescue. She never learns, does she?" Levi commented again.

"There's no response. We're done here," Hanji yelled before going down to help Eren out of the titan. As she pulled him out, his face was all messed up.

"Ew, what the fuck?" I said in response to the sight. "That's disgusting."

"Don't be rude, (Y/N)," Levi scolded.

"It's not like he can hear me-" Levi gave me a dirty look, and I remembered our conversation from earlier, so I apologized immediately "Sorry, sir."

Hanji called off the experiments, and ordered us to check for any witnesses. I took off to help with the search party. Once we were finished there, we all headed back to the cabin.

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