Chapter 27- Tea party

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"A tea party?" Levi asked in confusion.

"Yeah, you know, where you sit and drink tea and chat. I'm sure you've had one before..." I answered, certain that he's made his subordinates have a tea party before.

"Sure, but I wouldn't usually call it that."


"Why do you hold your cup like that?" I asked after curiously watching him drink his tea from across the table. He had been saying something sarcastic as usual, but I couldn't concentrate because of how he was holding his cup.

"What?" he was taken aback by my random question.

"Sorry, I just mean, why don't you hold it by the handle?"

"Well, you know how I grew up in the underground? Everything was expensive as hell down there, and well, long story short, when I finally saved up enough money to buy a tea set, the fucking handle broke off and the cup shattered. Ever since then, I've always held my cup this way. It's just habit now, I guess." I have to admit, that was actually a really cute story. Sad, but cute.

"Aww, you poor thing. Traumatized by that blasted tea cup forever, huh?" I teased.

"Tch," he rolled his eyes in response.

"Hmm, how do you even fit your hand around it like that?" I got the genius idea to try it myself. I mimicked the way he held it, wrapping my hand over the top, and tried to drink it that way. Unfortunately, I ended up spilling tea all over myself. "Fucking shit!"

"Here," Levi said, handing me a towel.

"Thanks," I mumbled as I took it and dried myself off.

"You know, I think you curse more than anyone else I know. Even more than I do, and that's saying something," Levi said. No one had ever really said anything about my extremely foul mouth before, but I've been this way since I can remember.

"Yeah... I think I picked it from my mom," I answered. Mom cursed all the time, and I naturally copied her. "You know, she grew up in the underground, too. I think that's probably where she picked it up."

"Your mom grew up in the underground?"

"Yup. Hell, you two might have even crossed paths down under... she would have been a few years older than you. She had me pretty young." I began thinking about my mother again. She had me at like, 17 or something, which made me wonder how old she was when she got out of the underground. I didn't know all that much about her past. She was a little off in the head, probably due to how she grew up, so she didn't always talk to me like normal mothers would. Any time we did talk, it was about how I could train better, or be smarter, or some rant about how I couldn't trust anyone but her. I'm surprised she even told me about dad. She always kept it vague though, never telling me the whole story.

"(Y/N)," Levi had to pull me out of my thoughts again.

"Sorry, I was in thought again," I said, trying to shake off my thoughts.

"It's fine. We should probably get you cleaned up though. You've still got tea all over you." After regaining my cool, I got an idea and gave him a sneaky smirk. "What are you doing..."

"Ha!" I splashed him with the rest of the tea that was in my cup and started cackling. Then it was his turn to make a splash.

"That's it-" he growled as he grabbed the tea pot from the table and got ready to pour it on me.

"Wait- No no no!" I tried to get away but I was too slow. He poured the whole pot of tea over my head. Luckily, it was cold, but it still sucked. But hey, at least it seemed like he had cheered up. "You suck!" I joked as I wiped the cold tea off my face.

"That's what you get for being such a brat."

"Hmm, fine. But for that... you get a hug!" I jumped at him, pulling him into a hug so that he would get cold wet tea all over him too. Then I pulled away from him, laughing. We stared into each other's eyes for a moment, then he pulled me toward him. He was smiling again.

"Wow, you're beautiful," he said, completely catching me off guard. I gasped and blushed like crazy at his compliment. Then, he pulled me in for a kiss. We made out passionately for a couple of minutes, and then he pulled away and turned back into his normal serious self. "Now, clean up this mess you made. And when you're done, go take a shower, brat."

"Whatever you say, Cap." I couldn't stop smiling the whole rest of that day.

Reluctant Heroes: Levi x Reader (Erwin's daughter)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora