Chapter 33- I love you too

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Once we arrived at the kitchen, I practically threw myself on a chair and dramatically laid my head down on the table. I felt so weak from not eating or drinking anything all day. Levi was going through the cabinets to try to find me something to eat.

"Looks like this stale ass bread is all there is," he informed as he handed me a piece of said bread.

"Oh... thanks," I said as I took it and began eating it. It wasn't actually that bad, but it was pretty hard. As I ate the stale bread, I grew quite thirsty. I realized I hadn't even had a sip of water all day. "Hey Levi, since you're up, could you get me a glass of water?"

"Get it yourself," he replied coldly, yet expectedly. I guess he had done enough kind deeds for the day. I also probably should have said please.

"Fine," I replied begrudgingly as I stood up to get myself a glass of water. I noticed that Levi was making tea, and noticing my stare, he asked if I wanted any, to which I replied "No thanks." Then, we sat down across from each other at the table, and he sipped on his tea while I gnawed on my stale bread.

"So, how'd it go with your dad? Did you get all your questions answered?" he asked, perhaps growing bored of the silence.

"Uh, yeah... I guess it went well. I mean, get a load of this. My parents were actually going to get married at one point," I started ranting about the whole situation to him. I told him all about how they met, and how my dad proposed after finding out my mom was pregnant, and how she left after only a few months of being engaged. I wanted to tell Levi everything, but didn't feel it was my place to tell him about my dad's true intentions. I wasn't sure how Levi would feel about the whole not actually fighting for humanity's sake thing.

"Huh, so your mother was actually the one that took off then? Do you have any idea why she did?"

"Well... sort of," I just told him that the reason my mom left was because she didn't want to hold Erwin back, which wasn't a complete lie. I mean, despite what dad said about mom thinking he was a monster or whatever, she never spoke badly of him. I really do believe she wanted him to pursue his dream. I really don't think that either of us could ever truly understand why she did what she did, since we can't ask her now.

"I see," he replied, probably not knowing what else to say.

"Hey, Levi? Do you have any dreams?" I dazedly asked as I stared at the half-empty (or half-full) glass of water in my hand. I was thinking about dad's dream again. He was quiet for a moment, so I looked up at him to see if he'd even heard me. He looked taken aback by my question, but after a moment, he answered.

"Same as everyone else, I guess. Freedom from this hell we're living in." I simply nodded in response, not really satisfied with his answer for some reason. Then he went on, "you know, there was a time when I wanted to open my own tea shop."

"Really? I could totally see that," I replied with much more enthusiasm.

"What about you? Do you have any dreams?"

"I don't know..." I tried to think of what I was fighting for, but the only reason I was even here was because of my father. I could say it was freedom from the titans like everyone else, but that wasn't necessarily true. Sure I hated the titans, but would I have even chosen to join the survey corps if dad wasn't in it? I honestly can't say. But wait, I did have a dream before all of this. "When I was younger, I wanted to be a pianist."

"A pianist? Do you play?" That's right, Levi didn't know of my musical capabilities.

"Yeah. At least I used to... I haven't played in a while now." I hadn't gotten the chance to play in months.

"Isn't there a piano in the mess hall?"

"Yeah, but there's always people in there," I made up an excuse. I don't know why I never played it, I guess I was just too distracted these days.

"I'm sure no one's in there right now," Levi suggested, "and I'd love to hear you play."

"Well, if you insist," I couldn't possibly deny that request. I got up and started to leave, but I was stopped in my tracks.

"Oi, clean up the mess you made first," Levi sternly ordered.

"Yes sir!" I squeaked.

~A few minutes later~

Sure enough, no one was in the mess hall. I grew very excited when I saw the piano. I ran over to where it was in the corner of the room. "It's never looked so beautiful," I nearly cried at the sight of it.

"Beautiful? Tch, it's completely covered in dust," Levi remarked.

"Levi, you're ruining the moment," I scoffed before proceeding to dust off the piano. I took a seat at the bench and felt a jolt of nostalgia. I had a quick flashback to when I would play the piano in our old living room, while mom was listening from the kitchen as she cooked. I decided to play the first song I ever learned on the piano, a beautiful classical piece. Once I began playing, it came back to me easily. Memories of the past flooded my mind as I sat there playing the songs that filled my childhood.

After playing a few songs, I couldn't help but notice that Levi had been awfully quiet. I turned around to see that he had fallen asleep in a chair while listening to me play. 'Aww he looks so cute,' I thought to myself as I gazed upon his sleeping face. At this moment, I realized that the way I felt about him was something I had never felt before. I felt so light whenever I was around him, like I was floating in the air or something. 'Is this what love feels like?' Of course it was love. I loved everything about him. Not only was he absolutely gorgeous, but he was smart, strong, sarcastic as fuck, and I could tell he really cared about me. I felt totally comfortable with him, and he made me feel safe.

"Levi," I decided to try to wake him up, since I didn't want to leave him there, and I wasn't about to spend the night sleeping in a chair in there. He looked so peacefully asleep, so I tried to wake him as gently as possible. I put a hand on his cheek and got closer to him so that I could give him a small peck on the lips. His eyebrows twitched so I could tell he was starting to wake up. "Levi?"

"Hmm," he groaned with his eyes still closed.

"I love you," I whispered, still all in my feelings. He woke up immediately at my words, with a surprised look on his face. He pulled me in for a kiss, and then pulled away with a smile.

"I love you too."

"Can we go to bed now?" I whined as I stood up.

"Sure," he responded as he got out of the chair.

"I'm staying with you again," I stated, wondering how he would respond.

"Okay," was all he had to say. With that, we were off to bed, and let's just say... it was a fun night ;).

Reluctant Heroes: Levi x Reader (Erwin's daughter)Where stories live. Discover now