Chapter 25- Big ass titan

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After my dramatic episode, and Levi and I's rather public display of affection, Levi filled me in on Hanji's plan moving forward. I did my best to listen to everything he said, only spacing out for a very small bits. He led me to the carriage where Hanji, Mikasa, and Armin were. As we got on, Hanji decided to put her two cents in.

"Aww, look at you two lovebirds," she cooed.

"Shut it, shitty glasses," Levi demanded.

"But you guys are so cute!" She exclaimed.

"Oh, put a sock in it, Hanji" I replied as I took a seat. I shouldn't have been addressing my superior that way, but she didn't seem to care.

"Hahaha," she cackled in response. After her laughter died down, and we started moving, Mikasa swooped in to change the subject.

"Hanji, you said you might know where Eren and Krista are?" Mikasa asked.

"Oh, yeah. Guess I should explain how," she answered once she finally stopped laughing at our expense. "Erwin gave me this scout report from an investigation on Lord Reiss' land," she explained while holding up a book she had, "It details a certain incident that occurred five years ago on the Reiss' estate."

She went on to describe something about a Chapel, some girl named Frieda that everyone adored, and some bandits that killed the whole Reiss family except for Rod Reiss. As hard as I tried to focus, that's about all I got from it. I ended up resting my head on Levi's shoulder as I pretended to listen, not caring what the others thought anymore. I was injured and just finished having a mental breakdown, so I just thought 'fuck it.' Levi didn't seem to mind either.

I noticed Hanji and Mikasa exchange looks after taking notice. Hanji had a big grin on her face when she made eye contact with me. I shot her a glare, but then couldn't hold back a small smile.

At this time, Levi decided to fill us all in on Kenny. "You should understand, this is Kenny the Ripper. If he's there, he's our biggest obstacle. In terms of threat level, it's like you'll be fighting me. Or wait, with those weapons of his, he'll be stronger."

"Then he's unbeatable! At least for us..." Sasha cried from up front. I raised my head and sat up in confusion. I couldn't imagine anyone being stronger than Levi.

"He's probably not like, that great..." I chimed in.

"Levi, how is it that you lived with Kenny the Ripper, but know next to nothing about him?" Hanji asked.

"Wait- you lived with him?!" I almost shouted.

"Yes, I explained that earlier," Levi said with irritation in his voice. "We never talked much. I only just learned the man's last name," he explained. "I don't know if you heard, but it's Ackerman. Might be a relative of yours," he said turning to Mikasa.

She gasped in response, then went on to explain, "I remember my parents saying that my dad's side, the Ackermans, were persecuted when they lived in the cities. My mom said her family's appearance made it difficult for them to fit in. Both groups were chased deep in the mountains near the edge of the walls. That's how my parents met."

"Tell me this, have you ever suddenly felt a 'power' awaken inside you?" Levi asked her.

"I have," Mikasa responded.

"This has happened for Kenny Ackerman as well. Suddenly, out of nowhere, he felt an absurd amount of strength surging through him. And it's happened to me, too. Makes me wonder," Levi trailed off. 'What are they, some kind of superhuman cult or something?' I wondered to myself. I was also becoming very curious about Levi's past. I realized I barely knew anything about him, and he didn't know that much about me either, yet somehow we had this connection. I was basically lost in thought for the rest of the ride.

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