Chapter 17- Erwin's suspicion

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Many soldiers were injured from the blast, including Hanji and Mikasa. Sasha and another guy were being sent to inform Commander Pixis and Erwin on what had happened there. I decided to go along with them, eager to see my dad, and because Sasha seemed so nervous about it. She was shaking.

"Hey, Sasha, it'll be okay. We're going to get help now," I said in attempt to calm her. I was quite shaken up from the events that had just occurred as well, but I did my best to remain calm.

"Can you believe those two turned out to be titans? I mean I never would have guessed it!" She exclaimed anxiously.

"No I can't, fucking crazy, right?" I replied.

"Yeah, insane. I can't stop shaking!"

"Yeah, I'm just glad we lived through it all. I wonder what we're gonna do now..."

"Same here. I just can't believe it all, we've come such a long way since the training days. And to think we only graduated a few weeks ago!

"I know right, those training days don't seem so bad now compared to this shit," I reminisced.

"Yeah, I actually sort of miss it now! And I've missed you, (Y/N)."

"I've missed you too, Sasha." I smiled at her. "I miss goofing off together during training."

"Yeah, but I sure don't miss having to run all those laps."

"Yeah, me either," I chuckled.

"Ooh! And remember when you'd sing for us? And play the piano! That was always so fun."

"Mhm, good times," I replied.

We didn't have very much time to talk before we arrived. A whole group of MP's and scouts were gathered, waiting for us to arrive. The other guy with us began explaining that there were no breaches in the wall. Sasha and I stood behind him, downing the water we were given. The guy continued, "but sir, a situation has developed. You see, we ran into another group on the way back to Trost. It was the scout unit led by section Commander Hanji. There were recruits from the 104th Cadet Corps with them, none of whom had equipment. This may sound crazy sir, but three of them were... titans!" There was a collective gasp from the group of soldiers.

Jean began freaking out a little. "Wait, you mean there were three more? But... who were they?" He looked at me and Sasha, "who, damn it?!"

Sasha flinched and nervously stuttered out, "actually, I, um- uh..."

"It was-" I began to say, but was interrupted by my father.

"Jean, calm down," he put a hand on his shoulder and continued, "what happened when their titan forms were revealed?"

"The scouts faced them. The armored titan and the colossal head on," the other guy continued. "But by the time our unit arrived on the scene, it was... too late. I'm sorry." The other soldiers gasped once again. 'So dramatic,' I thought to myself.

It was time to move forward with a plan. I began making my way over to my dad, but was stopped by Jean. "(Y/N), I'm glad you're okay..."

"Thanks," I continued walking.

"Wait, (Y/N). Who were they? The other three titans?"

"I'm not sure I'm at liberty to say," I said as I continued on.

"(Y/N)," Jean grabbed my shoulder to stop me. I sighed and turned toward him. "Did I know them? Were they actually in the 104th with us?"

"Yes," was all I said. He was desperate for answers, but I really didn't know if I should tell him or not.

"Damn it, (Y/N), who were they?!" He grabbed my arm, for dramatic effect I assume, as I stood there face to face with him, not knowing what to say. I normally would have been angry in this situation, and probably punched the horse face, but I was too filled with confusion myself to really know what to do in this moment.

"Drop it, Jean," Levi came in just at the right moment to save me from this guys desperate attempt for answers. Jean let go of me immediately and cowered away as Levi approached.

"Shit, I'm sorry (Y/N), I don't know what came over me," Jean seemed genuine in his apology.

"It's fine, horse face," I replied in attempt to lighten the mood. I knew he meant well, he was just stressed out like the rest of us. Besides, if it came to it, I could take him out in a heartbeat. He let out a small chuckle as he walked away.

"You alright?" Levi questioned once Jean left the scene.

"Yeah, I'm alright. Been a pretty shitty day already though," I sighed.

"Sounds like it. So did it turn out to be who we suspected?" he asked.

"Yup, it was them. Plus Ymir, no one saw that coming. This is all so fucked up." I turned to make my way over to my dad again, and Levi followed, limping next to me. I walked slower to accommodate him. I could tell he wouldn't be joining us in the fight since he was still wearing his suit, which looked so good on him. "Anyway, how's your ankle?"

"Still injured, unfortunately. It probably won't be healed for another couple of weeks."

"I'm sorry." As we approached my dad, the other soldiers around him backed off when they saw us. "Dad," I called out to the Commander. Levi stayed back as I ran up to him.

"Huh? Dad? Did she just call him dad?" I heard a few soldiers around us question. Not many people knew of our relationship yet.

"(Y/N)!" He called out as he pulled me into an embrace. "I'm so glad you're okay. You're not injured right?"

"No, I'm fine," I smiled up at him as we came out of our embrace.

"Good," he replied, returning a smile. He grabbed my shoulder and said, "walk with me, (Y/N)." Once we were away from everyone else, he discussed the plan that we would embark on soon, and once he concluded, he stopped and smiled at me again. "I'm just so glad you're here, (Y/N)," he said as he pulled me into another embrace. I hugged him back tightly.

"I'm glad you're here too, dad."

"Ah, I wish we had more time to talk. We need to move forward with the mission though. We should get going, the others are waiting for us." With that, we made our way back to the group and got ready to leave.

As everyone was gathering the horses, I looked around for Levi. Once I saw him and we made eye contact, we started heading toward each other. "Good luck, (Y/N). Be careful out there."

"Thank you, Levi." I smiled at him, then I noticed his gaze shoot to someone behind me.

"You too, Erwin." I turned around to see my dad standing there, smiling at the sight of us.

"Take care, Levi. We'll see you soon," my dad said before turning around to head to the horses. I followed quickly beside him. "So, is there something going on between you and Levi?" my dad questioned as we mounted our horses.

"What? No, I- we're just comrades," I spit out quickly and nervously as I turned bright red. His question caught me off guard.

"I see," Erwin responded, chuckling slightly. He obviously wasn't buying it, but he left it at that for now. It was time to get back to business, so we continued on to meet our fellow soldiers atop the wall.

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