Chapter 7- I'm your daughter

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I didn't get a single minute of sleep that night. I was up the whole night thinking about how I was going to tell my dad that he was my dad. 'Ugh, I'm sure everyone will know by tomorrow' I thought, 'which means I need to tell him before he hears it from someone else.' I couldn't stop worrying about how he would react and I was terrified at the thought that he might not want anything to do with me. I mean, why didn't my mother tell him about me? 'No, I need to stop thinking like this. I'm sure it'll be fine. I'm an adult, it's not like I need him to take care of me. I just want to get to know my dad. I'm sure it'll be fine if I explain that to him.'

By the time I convinced myself that everything would be okay, it was the morning. We were supposed to start training immediately for the next expedition, which was set to take place in the next few days. We spent all day learning about the Commander's formation and where we rookies would be placed in it. The higher-ups showed us all around the survey corps area, and as we were walking by, I overheard someone calling Mikasa and Armin. I turned to see none other than Eren Jaeger. As they were talking I heard Mikasa mention "that pipsqueak," which I assumed was Corporal Levi. Coincidentally, he came out with his horse at that moment, glaring in Eren's direction. He must have felt my stare because he turned his head in my direction and our eyes met. 'Wow,' I thought to myself as I stared for a few seconds. Then I turned away, feeling nervous that I was staring too long. I couldn't help but look back at him again, but he had already turned and started walking away.

As I rejoined my comrades, I heard Jean tell Eren about Marco's death. Everyone was so sad  about it. Poor Marco, he was such a sweet person who really cared about others. I remember back when we first started cadet training, I would play the piano in the mess hall sometimes, and Marco was always the first to come over and listen. He thought it was so amazing that I could play, and he always told me I played beautifully. It meant a lot to me. I still can't believe he's gone.

"Hey, rookies, your uniforms are here!" We all grabbed them and put them on. As soon as I put on that cape with the wings of freedom, I felt alive again. Seeing everyone else put theirs on, I regained my sense of purpose. I couldn't help but smile as I wore the wings of freedom for the first time.

After we finished our training for the day, I knew it was time for me to tell the Commander that I'm his daughter. Sasha and the others certainly weren't letting me forget that. All of us rookies gathered in a room that evening, discussing the expedition. Jean had a few things to say to Eren, questioning his titan abilities. There was a lot of tension and worry in the room, so I guess Armin decided to lighten the mood by asking, "hey y/n, have you told the Commander yet?"

"No, not yet," I responded.

"Told him what?" Eren asked. 'Oh right, he's the only one that doesn't know' I thought.

"Y/n is Erwin's daughter, and he doesn't know it yet," Sasha explained.

"What? No way! Really?" Eren turned to me.

"Yeah, it's true, he's my dad," I said, "and I'm going to go tell him right now, so wish me luck guys." I looked around the room and I could tell everyone was eagerly smiling at me.

"Just go do it already! I can't wait to hear about it," Sasha rushed me out.

"Okay, okay, I'm going," I said. I took a deep breath and left the room to head toward the Commander's office. It took me a while to find it, but I finally arrived at the door. I hesitated before knocking on the door. 'Oh god, here we go,' I thought to myself as I knocked. To my surprise, he opened the door almost immediately.

The tall man looked down at me, "Oh hello there, how may I help you?"

"Uh, hi, um... I need to- there's something I need to tell you," I managed to stutter out.

"Oh, alright then, why don't you come in." We walked into his office and he gestured me to sit down so I did. He closed the door and sat across from me at his desk. "So what is it that you need to tell me, uh, what was your name again?"

"It's y/n Smith, and um, shit, I really don't know how to say this..." I trailed off, trying to think of what to say next. "This might sound crazy, but I'm just gonna go ahead and say it. I'm your daughter." His eyes widened and I could see the shock in his face. I could tell he wanted to say something but just didn't know what to say, so I decided to go on and try to explain. "I know, it's a lot to take in... um, I really hope I have the right person, heh. Uh, just to make sure, were you ever, um, involved with a woman named (mom's name)?"

He was still in shock, but he managed to get a simple "yes" out.

"Okay, well, a little over (age) years ago, you were with my mom, right? And she got pregnant right around the time you decided to join the military, but she never told you. At least that's how I understand it," I explained.

"Wait, how is this- I don't have a daughter. I mean, I'm sorry, I'm just trying to wrap my head around this... if this is true, then why didn't I know about it?"

"I know it sounds crazy, and I'm sorry for that, but I'm not sure exactly why she didn't tell you... my guess is that she didn't want to keep you from pursuing your dream. Please- I'm really sorry but I just had to tell you. And look, I'm really not expecting anything from you, I can take of myself- I've been taking care of myself for years now, I just really want to get to know my dad."

We sat in silence for a moment while he tried to put it all together. "Damn, you were right, this does sound crazy," he finally spoke. I looked down in disappointment, that wasn't what I wanted to hear. "But," he said, and I looked up, "I highly doubt that you would make this up. Of course, I would love to get to know you. I wish your mother would have told me- I'm assuming she's not with us anymore since you've been on your own for years, right?"

"No, she was killed by a titan in the attack five years ago," I sadly explained to him.

"Wow, (mother's name), my first love, what a shame. I'm so sorry," I could tell it hurt him to find out about my mom's death. "Not a day goes by when I don't think of her. Wow, I really wish she would have told me. I never would have left for the military if I had known I was going to have a child."

"I think that's why she didn't. I'm sure she wanted you to go. She didn't want to hold you back. And I mean, hey, you wouldn't be where you are now if she had told you. I'm proud of you, dad. You're here now and that's what matters." He smiled at me and I smiled back. He then stood up and pulled me into an embrace. As we hugged, a few tears of joy rolled down my face. I hadn't felt this happy in years.

Reluctant Heroes: Levi x Reader (Erwin's daughter)Where stories live. Discover now