Chapter 23- Carry me

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After a couples minutes of lip locking, Levi started to pull away. As much as I didn't want to let go of him, I did. Then, he actually smiled at me. Not a big grin or anything, but a genuine smile. I was smiling like an idiot, of course, but I couldn't believe my eyes.

"I've gotta go torture a guy now," he said as he turned back into his normal serious self.

"Oh, okay then..." I replied in shock, not knowing who he was going to torture or why.

"Stay in bed and try to get some more rest for now."

"I'll try," I answered, and not knowing what else to say, I added "have fun." He gave me a confused look in response, brushed it off, and then went downstairs.

I laid there for a while, trying to fall back asleep, but failed. Unable to resist the urge to get up, I decided to try to make my way downstairs. Getting out of bed hurt like a bitch, but once I was up, the pain wasn't so bad. I made my way downstairs slowly, being careful not to move my torso too much in the process. Once I made it down the stairs, I could see that the others were sitting at a table having a serious discussion. Once they heard me coming, they all turned in my direction.

"(Y/N), what are you doing out of bed?" Armin asked as I waddled my way over to the table.

"Hello to you too, Armin," I mumbled as I tried to sit down in the seat next to him. "Ow, fuck," I groaned in pain as I maneuvered my way into the seat.

"The Captain said you're not supposed to get out of bed," Mikasa commented in a worrisome tone.

"Yeah, well, I got bored so I came down here. Do you guys know how long I was out?" I asked.

"A few hours," Armin answered.

"Well, shit. What'd I miss?" They all filled me in on what had happened since the time I passed out. Eren and Historia were kidnapped, then there was something about the Reeves guy and the shady MP's and now one of them was being tortured and questioned by Levi and Hanji. I honestly stopped listening about halfway through because I was distracted by my pain and I don't have a great attention span. Armin seemed upset over the whole situation, and ended up leaving the room to "go get some air."

After a minute of silence between us all, Jean decided to break the silence. "So, (Y/N), I've noticed that you and the captain seem really... close. Is there something going on between you and Captain Levi?"

"No, why would you think that?" I asked as I glared at him for bringing it up.

"Well, it's just that I've seen you two together so often, and earlier you guys almost-"

"No. There's nothing going on between Captain Levi and I-"

"Wait, what's going on between you and Captain Levi?" Sasha interrupted as she came into the conversation late. She had just come in from keeping watch. I'm assuming she had switched with Armin.

"I walked in on them kissing earlier," Jean answered, seemingly irritated about it.

"What? No we weren't ki-" I tried to get in before being talked over by someone else.

"Wait, you actually kissed that pipsqueak?" Mikasa asked in disgust.

"Ugh shut up! You guys are making my head hurt," I shouted before getting up and limping my way out the room. They tried to stop me, but I ignored them. I went outside to where Armin was. Seeing how upset he looked, I decided to ask "what's wrong Armin?"

"Oh, hey (Y/N). I'm just thinking about earlier. I can't accept the fact that I actually killed someone. She was probably a good person, too. Better than me. I've become a monster," he explained.

"I know how you feel. First kill's always the hardest. But, hey, at least you did it for a good cause."

"But I don't know if it's really a good cause. It's just because their views differ from ours. Wait- did you kill someone too?"

"Well, it's kill or be killed buddy. And yeah, I've killed someone before. Not today, but when I was younger, I killed someone for murdering someone important to me. He was a bad man, but my reason for killing him was revenge. I just as easily could have tried to find help, but I went for the kill. There's no way to really know if it's right or wrong."

"Wow, that's pretty intense. I had no idea. Was it like this for you too? Did you feel completely sick at the realization that you had blood on your hands?"

"Honestly... no. I didn't feel wrong about it at all. But, that may just be because I'm so fucked up in the head. Look, you're not a bad person now, Armin. Sure, you've got blood on your hands, but you only did it to save your comrade's life. You did what you had to. And if it makes you feel any better, you're still a wayyy better person than I am, that's for sure."

"Thanks, I guess that kind of does help," Armin said with a light chuckle.

The next thing I knew, Captain Levi was standing right behind us, "(Y/N), I thought I told you to stay in bed."

I flinched at the sound of his voice, "I'm sorry sir, I just got so bored in there..."

"Get inside, both of you," was all he had to say before leading us back inside to discuss what they had learned from the prisoner that they tortured.

I was still pretty clueless about everything going on, but I understood that Historia was the rightful queen, and that she might end up eating Eren to gain his titan abilities, or something like that. It was pretty hard to concentrate on anything but the pain in my side. Then, Levi ordered us to go to Reiss's estate, whatever that meant. We grabbed our gear and left the building, heading out at night to be less conspicuous.

I was struggling to get my gear on without hitting my wound, so I couldn't wear it. Instead, Levi gave me a gun to carry. As the group walked, I started falling behind, my injury making it hard for me to keep up. I ended up having to stop completely because I got a surge of pain.

Noticing that I had fallen behind, Armin called out to me "(Y/N)? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I called out in response as I stood there trying not to pass out from the throbbing pain. They waited for me as I caught up to them. I keeled over in pain again.

"You guys keep moving, I'll trail behind with her," Levi ordered. The group continued moving forward, while Levi came over to me. "What's wrong?"

"It just started hurting really badly again," I answered, almost in tears. "I'm trying not to pass out again."

"Is there anything I can do?" he asked in concern.

"Unless you wanna carry me all the way to wherever the hell we're going, then no," I replied sarcastically through gritted teeth.

"Fine, I'll carry you then," he responded.

"Wait what? Levi, I was joking..."

"If it'll help you, then I'll do it."

"I don't think that's such a good idea-"

"Here, get on my back." He ordered, leaning down so I could get on.

"I really don't think-"

"The longer we're out in the open like this, the more likely we are to be spotted. Now get on."

"Okay okay, if you insist." I wrapped my arms around him, and I groaned in pain as he lifted my legs up with his arms so that I was now on top of him.

"Are you comfortable?" he asked once we were situated. I wasn't all that comfortable, but it sure made me feel better having my arms around him again.

"Mhm," I mumbled as I rested my head on his shoulder and tightened my grip around him.


I nodded off again pretty much instantly as he carried me. I loved being so close to him. As much as I tried to deny it, to myself and others, I was definitely falling for him.

Reluctant Heroes: Levi x Reader (Erwin's daughter)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant