Chapter 13- Annie

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A few days later, the mission began. Eren, Mikasa, and Armin were sent to try to bring Annie down to the underground so that she could be contained if she was the female titan. I was stationed with my dad and Levi in one of the wagons going into the city, and Jean was in another disguised as Eren. I couldn't shake off the nervous feeling I had about the whole thing. My dad had planned out plans A, B, and C for precautions. I was just hoping that plan A would work.

Unfortunately, Annie didn't go underground with them. She transformed before they got her there. The wagons stopped in the midst of the chaos, and we all got out of them. Jean came out and threw off his wig, shouting "Commander, I want to help too!"

"Ask squad four for equipment," Erwin responded.

"I'll go too," I stated quickly as I followed Jean.

"(Y/n)," my dad called and I stopped and turned around. "Be careful." I nodded in response, then turned back and caught up to Jean.

When we got to the scene, Mikasa and other soldiers were trying to stop the female titan. Meanwhile, Eren was buried under a pile of rubble, with Armin there trying to get him out.  "What happened?!" I asked

"He's not able to transform! I think he's still in shock," Armin responded. "Help me get him out!" Jean and I joined him in trying to pull the rubble off of him. There was too much, plus he had a stake going through his chest. It was hopeless to try to get him out.

Jean freaked out on him trying to convince him to transform, for all of us, and for Marco. Then he took off after Annie. I decided to follow him and attempt to help in the fight, while Armin remained behind for a minute, probably trying to convince Eren to transform as well. We were able to stall for a short time, eventually leading her to plan C, the trap set to capture her lead by Hanji. It seemed to work, but only for a moment. She broke free almost immediately and made a run for the wall. That's when a flash of light appeared, meaning that Eren must have transformed. 'Thank gods," I thought.

Eren lunged at Annie, throwing the first punch, knocking her into the building behind her. She got up and ran, with Eren chasing her. She was running toward the wall, and they were destroying the city on the way there. It was intense to watch two titans fighting with their all. Nobody really knew what to do, but Hanji insisted we stay out of it for now. I was worried for Eren, but he seemed to be putting up a good fight. All we could do was watch as they fought and destroyed everything around them.

Then, Annie got away and began to start climbing the wall. Everyone started to panic, and rush toward them. "Don't let her escape!" Armin yelled.

"I've got her," Mikasa shouted as she made her way up to Annie and chopped off her fingers, causing her to fall down the wall, back to Eren. We could tell how angry he was when he smashed her face in, and then climbed on top of her, ready to bite her out of the nape. "Is he going to eat her?" people were questioning. He bit of part of it, leaving Annie to be revealed, then he froze at the sight of her. After a few seconds, it looked as if she was trying to merge with him, turning into some sort of crystal. Levi came out of nowhere and sliced Eren out of his titan form. Annie was soon completed surrounded in a crystal, leaving her useless to us after all this destruction.

We all gathered around Eren and the now crystallized Annie. Hanji was obviously upset. Jean was trying to break the crystal by continuously stabbing it to no avail. Levi went over and told him to stop, so he did. A large group of soldiers showed up, and they had my dad in handcuffs.

"Dad!" I cried as I ran to him. A man in uniform tried to stop me, but I shoved him aside. I stopped in front of my dad and looked at his cuffs in confusion, "what's going on?"

"I'm under arrest for treason, they're taking me in for questioning," he explained.

"What? Treason? That's ridiculous!" I wanted to fight those bastards right then and there. "Dad, they're not gonna put you in jail are they?"

"Don't worry sweetie, I'll be okay." He smiled down at me as I stood there wanting to cry.

Levi made his way over and exchanged a few words with my dad before they took him away. "Dad!" I called out as they started taking him away. I tried to go after him, but Levi grabbed my wrist, holding me back. I turned to him in confusion.

"There's no point in both of you getting arrested now, is there?" He was right, although I hate to admit it. I would most likely be arrested too if I tried to go after him. I sighed in defeat and began walking alongside Levi to where the rest of the group was standing with Annie's crystal. I looked back over my shoulder to see them putting the commander into a carriage, still cuffed, on his way to be questioned. Noticing my visibly concerned look, Levi turned to me saying "don't worry, he'll be fine."

"Yeah, I hope so."

Reluctant Heroes: Levi x Reader (Erwin's daughter)Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu