Chapter 20- Erwin's plan

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The next day, as I was preparing a cup of tea for myself and one for my dad, Levi came in the room.

"Oi, (Y/N). I was hoping I'd find you here," he spoke while approaching me and taking the cup of tea that I had prepared for my dad. "Thanks."

"Uh, that's not-," I tried to say as he took it away, but was interrupted by him.

"I need to speak to you in my office."

"Me? Why?" I asked in confusion and slight panic.

"Commander Erwin asked me to consult with you about the new Special Operations squad," he started as he led me to his office.

"Oh he did, huh," I asked as I gripped my cup in anger as I realized what my father was doing. I thought back to the night before when he said he'd see what he could do.

"He said you would have some insight on the members of the 104th that I'm considering."

"Of course he did," I said glaring at the thought. "Ugh I told him not to get involved," I mumbled.

"Get involved with what?" Levi asked as he opened the door to his office and held it open for me to enter.

"Nothing," I said as I walked past him and sat down in the chair in front of his desk. I sat down and angrily sipped my tea.

Levi started listing off his choices. "Eren needs people he can trust, and that will motivate him," he explained, "which is why I'm leaning toward the remaining members of the 104th, including you, Armin, Mikasa, Jean, Sasha, and Connie. What do you think?"

"Uh..." I trailed off as I didn't know what 'insight' I had to offer, "Sounds like a good team to me."

"And why do you think that?" He asked as he sipped his tea waiting for my answer.

"Huh, well, I mean I think we all work together well. We did train together, after all" he looked at me as though he was expecting me to go on. "Most of us graduated top 10 in our class, besides Armin. But that kid's a fucking genius and he's Eren's best friend, so there's that. Jean's been pretty good at taking charge during stressful times in the past. Mikasa's obviously super protective of Eren, and one of the most elite soldiers we have. As for Sasha and Connie, well they've made it this far, and that speaks volumes," then I boasted about myself last, "and uh, not to toot my own horn or anything, but I do have the highest kill count of the group, besides titan boy."
I had earned almost half of my kills just a few days earlier, while protecting my dad from the titans, resulting in me having even more kills than Mikasa. I was pretty proud of myself for that, but it sort of sucked now knowing that those were all humans at some point. But, it's not like it was something new to me.

"I see, you make some excellent points there," Levi went on talking but I sort of tuned him out because I was too deep in my thoughts. I started to think about the first person I ever killed. After my mother learned of the events from my grocery run, she bought me a knife. She taught me how to use it and made me carry it everywhere with me. She told me that, as a pretty young girl, I would be a target, and that I needed to be ready to protect myself when needed.
One day, being a stupid teen, I snuck out at night to meet up with a guy I liked. He was a good guy though, we were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. We went behind this one building to make out, but we chose the wrong building. A woman started screaming from inside the building, so we went to go check it out. From the door, we could see that a man was attacking her, it looked like he was going to murder her. No one else was around besides the two of us. The guy I was with decided to try to go after the guy, having no weapons and being much smaller than him. I tried to stop him, but he just went for it. The man spotted him right away because he started screaming as he went after him. The man grabbed him and stabbed him to death before he could do anything. I freaked out and stifled a scream. I hid behind the door again. With tears streaming down my face, I wanted revenge. I wanted that man dead. I had to regroup myself and focus on the task at had. I stuck my head out slowly and analyzed the situation. He was focused on the woman again, doing terrible things to her. I planned out my attack in my head. He was facing away from where I was, so I would have to make my way toward him without making a sound or being seen, and attack him from behind. I took out my knife that I always carried, and I sneakily made my way over to the man. Once I was right behind him, the woman screamed "Help me!" And the man tried to turn around, but it was too late for him. I jumped on his back and reached my arm around to stab him in the heart again and again until he stopped struggling and fell to the floor. The woman was screaming again, and I took off running home. I cried my eyes out to my mother as I told her what had happened, and she told me I was stupid for going out so late, and for getting involved, but that she was proud of me and so thankful I was alive.
(End of flashback)

"(Y/N)." Levi looked angry as he was trying to get my attention.

"Huh?" I said, clueless to whatever he had just said.

"Were you even listening to a word I just said?"


"What did I say?" He questioned as he glared at me.

"Um... something about the squad..." I replied, making it extremely obvious that I had not, in fact, been listening to a word he said. He stood up looking extremely irritated. "I'm sorry! I was spacing out!" I said nervously as I looked up at him while he stood looking down at me in my seat.

"Tch, you're such a brat." He leaned back against his desk and continued looking at me with a slight smirk.

"I know," I said staring back up at him, batting my eyelashes. We stared into each other's eyes for a moment, and I was thinking 'come on, make a move.' Then, he started leaning down toward me, and I thought 'is he finally making a move?' It seemed as though he was leaning in for a kiss. He closed his eyes and I did too as I leaned in and our lips were just a couple inches apart. Just before our lips touched, there was a knock on the door. Our eyes shot open and we backed off immediately.

"It's me, Erwin," my dad announced before letting himself in.

"Shit," I said.

"He's up?" Levi questioned.

Levi quickly made his way back to his seat behind his desk. Seeing us both blushing, and obviously caught off guard, my dad said "Oh, I'm sorry, am I interrupting something?"

"Nope," I said immediately, "I was just about to leave." I got up and hurried out of the room before he could ask any more questions.

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