Chapter 10- Female titan

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"I'll handle the cutting, you two find a way to distract her." Following Levi's orders, Mikasa and I made our way in front of the female titan, maneuvering around her feet. I'll admit, I was terrified, but at least I knew Levi and Mikasa were two very skilled fighters. I certainly wasn't bad with my blades either, but I had never had to deal with anything like this. This one wasn't like the other mindless titans. There was no way in hell I'd ever take this one on by myself.

Once we had distracted her, Levi went in for the slicing. It was incredible how quick he moved and how much damage he did to the female titan. Mikasa and I watched him in awe of his skill. I had never seen anything like it. 'I guess they don't call him humanity's strongest soldier for nothing,' I thought. After being sliced all over by Levi, the female titan dropped her hand from where it was on her neck, leaving her nape wide open. Mikasa took it as an opportunity to go in for the kill.

"Mikasa wait!" I called out to her as she took off. Levi tried to call out as well but she wasn't listening to either of us. He ended up having to shove her out of the way when the female titan lifted it's hand to kill her. Luckily, they were both okay. Levi continued to slice her jaw open to reveal Eren inside of her mouth. We were all relieved to see he was alive, especially Mikasa. After Levi grabbed him, he ordered us to retreat and we began heading back to where the others were.

We met up with the others, where all the dead bodies were gathered. It was a horrifying sight. So many people had died on the mission thanks to that stupid female titan. I made my way over to where my dad was. He had just finished talking to these two angry guys and ordered everyone to head back to the wall. We exchanged a few words and I gave him a quick hug before we headed back. As we rode on, we heard titans coming from behind. 'Shit what did those two idiots do?!' I thought as I turned to see the two guys that were arguing with my father followed by two titans. I guess they went back for their dead friend. By doing so, they put the rest of us in danger. One of them ended up getting swallowed whole, while the other was luckily saved by Mikasa. More titans were coming after us. I wanted to help but I didn't know what I could do on this flat surface. Then an order came to drop the bodies from the wagons in order to move faster. I watched in horror as bodies started dropping to the ground and being smashed by the titans feet. I felt tears streaming down my face but I quickly wiped them away.

When we got back, everyone looked so discouraged. And the negative comments from onlookers was not helping. We all felt defeated. I made my way up to the front to be by my dad. I heard people yelling at him in anger and frustration; it upset me, but I understood where they were coming from. I just hated seeing him look so discouraged. I wasn't really thinking when I grabbed my dad's hand, but i'm glad I did. He gripped my hand and looked down at me. I gave him a small smile and he returned one. All that really mattered was that he was okay. I couldn't help but think about all those people who had lost someone important to them on this mission, and it made me feel so sad.

Reluctant Heroes: Levi x Reader (Erwin's daughter)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora