Chapter 4- Humanity's strongest soldier

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After everything that had happened with Eren, those of us who had witnessed his Titan were ordered not to speak of it. Eren was now in the hands of the garrison, likely being questioned. Armin and Mikasa were with him. I was worried about what might happen to them. All of a sudden, there was a loud bang which was the sound of a cannon firing. People were distraught and panicking again, thinking a titan got in because of the smoke that came after. Reiner used his gear to maneuver toward the smoke, and I followed, along with Jean, Annie, and Bertholdt. Once we reached the scene, I could see something that looked like a titan, and I assumed it was Eren. After a short while, Armin emerged from the smoke and tried to convince the garrison that they could use Eren's abilities to fight the titans. Unfortunately, they proceeded with the order to fire at the three of them. Luckily, Commander Pixis came to their rescue and stopped the attack.

Pixis had a plan to take back the wall, so all soldiers were gathered around in one area to wait for his further instruction. Other soldiers were freaking out and trying to escape, but they shut up when Pixis started announcing his plan to seal the gate using Eren's titan form. People started leaving, not wanting to risk their lives, and Pixis let them go. I was disappointed to see so many leave, but I could understand why they did.

As the plan commenced, a large group of us recruits were assigned to lure the titans into a corner away from Eren. A green smoke signal was fired, letting us know that the mission had begun. All seemed well, until a red flare was fired minutes later. Something went wrong. Armin took off, probably to find Eren and Mikasa.

"Armin, wait!" I cried, but he kept going, "shit." I took off after him to make sure he was okay, and honestly because I was curious about Eren.

"Y/n!" I heard someone shout, but I didn't have time to turn back. I followed Armin until we arrived at the scene where Eren was sitting down and in bad shape.

"What the hell happened to him?" I asked out loud.

"I don't know," Armin replied. Then Mikasa appeared and explained that Eren wasn't in control of the titan.

"He wouldn't respond when I tried speaking to him, so it's useless for anyone else to try," she said. I looked around us and saw titans approaching. I wondered if they were attracted to Eren.

"I'll get Eren out," Armin shouted, "y/n, Mikasa, you two keep the titans away!"

"Okay," I agreed, but Mikasa was reluctant to leave. I trusted that Armin could do it. I moved quickly to help the others fight off the titans. Mikasa followed soon after. We all fought hard, but the titans were overwhelming us. Our soldiers were dying fast. I was scared, and worried that I might not get to meet my father.

Just as I was losing hope, Eren was back up again, and in control of his titan. He was carrying the giant boulder, which looked like it was crushing him, but I knew he wouldn't give up. Armin did it, I thought to myself. We all needed to defend Eren now by killing and drawing the titans away from him. We put in our best efforts. I killed two titans and assisted a few other kills. Although many soldiers died, the plan worked. Eren sealed the hole. People did not die in vain this time.

It wasn't over yet though. Armin was trying to get Eren out of the titan, but he was having trouble. Eren was stuck, so Riko cut him out while Armin, Mikasa, and I pulled. Once we got him out, two titans appeared right behind us.

"Shit!" I yelled, trying to think of what to do. They were so close and we were all caught off guard. I tried to get ready to engage. Then, in a flash, someone appeared and killed both titans in a swift motion. When he landed, I could see that his cape had the wings of freedom on it. He turned toward us, and I could see that it was Lance Corporal Levi, humanity's strongest soldier.

"Hey, brats," he said, "what's going on here?" We all stood there in awe of him. He had incredible skills. All I could do was stare. He was absolutely stunning.

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