Chapter 5- The survey corps

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When Eren was put on trial, Mikasa, Armin, and I were ordered to attend court. I figured it was because of what we had witnessed with Eren sealing the wall. We were brought to the court house and everyone seemed so tense. As I looked around, I saw my dad standing with Levi and other scout members. Once Eren arrived, all eyes were on him. Eren looked around to see everyone staring at him, and his eyes eventually landed on the three of us. I felt bad for him. His fate was about to be decided by a bunch of maniacs.

The trial began and people took turns discussing what was to be done with Eren. My dad explained that he and the scouts would welcome Eren as a member and utilize Eren's titan power to retake wall Maria. I was so glad that my dad was on Eren's side. I hoped the court would rule in his favor. However, things didn't look so good with everyone else arguing to kill and dissect Eren. Then, someone brought up how he had tried to kill Mikasa in his titan form. The court gasped and called him a monster. Mikasa was pissed that they brought that up, and she tried to defend him. When they discussed Mikasa's past with Eren, people grew suspicious of her intentions and a man accused her of being a titan too. Eren was pissed and started yelling at everyone to just shut up. He called them all cowards and told them that if they were too scared to fight then they should just put their faith in him. I was proud of Eren, but also scared for his life.

After Eren's speech, a man was ordered to take aim at him. 'Oh no' I thought to myself, but all of a sudden Corporal Levi came out and brutally kicked Eren in the face. It was bad. Mikasa wanted to go after him, but Armin and I held her back. I knew he was doing it to protect Eren from being killed. It was a smart move, it was just horrible to watch. I felt so bad for Eren, but I knew it was better for him to have the shit beat out of him than to be killed by those psychos.

After the beating, my dad proposed to place Eren under Levi's supervision as a member of the survey corps. The judge agreed to this plan, and Eren was released into their custody. I was relieved. I couldn't wait to join them.

The day we were supposed to pick our regiments was the day I planned to tell the Commander that he was my father. A lot of my comrades were debating whether to join the survey corps or not. I knew Armin and Mikasa were going to join, and Jean said he would, but others were afraid after everything we had witnessed. I knew Sasha was considering it because she had talked to me.

"So, you're thinking of joining the Survey Corps too, (Y/N)?" Sasha asked me.

"Yeah, that's been my goal from the start," I responded.

"But aren't you afraid? The titans are terrifying!"

"Of course I'm afraid, but it's something I have to do. You see, my father is the commander of the survey corps, but he doesn't know it. I vowed that I would tell him once I joined."

"Wait- Commander Erwin is your dad?!"

"Shh- yes he is. No one else knows, you're the first person I've told."

She was shocked when I told her, and happy for me. She was also happy to be the first person I had told. Just before it was time to make a choice, Jean came over to where a few of us were standing and confirmed that he was going to become a scout despite being scared.

Soon, we were ordered to go to the platform to make our choice. I stood in front with a few of my comrades. Commander Erwin came onto the platform to give a speech to us recruits. He discussed the plan to retake wall Maria and the plan to utilize Eren's titan power. He went on to explain the dangers and risks involved with being a scout, and the alarming death rates. He told us about the expedition planned that us recruits would be expected to be a part of. He then excused everyone that chose to be a part of a different regiment. It was very intimidating.

A large majority walked away, leaving just a few of us standing. The whole time we stood there, I didn't take my eyes off of my father. There I was, standing almost face to face with him. I had no doubt in my mind that this was where I needed to be.

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