Chapter 18- The arm

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Once we were on top of the wall, we rode on horseback to where Hanji and the others were. We rode on top of the wall because it was the quickest route there. I rode beside my father until we reached the others and came to a halt. The Commander got off of his horse, and the rest of us followed suit. Then, Hanji grabbed his leg from her position on the ground, saying "Don't just stand there, give me a map!"

A couple of soldiers rushed to find her a map, and once she had it, we all gathered around her to hear her plan. "It's a gamble, but the trees in this forest are massive. I say we ride straight for it. See, even if they had a way to cover the armored titan's footprints, this is almost definitely where we would find them."

"Why's that?" the Commander asked.

Hanji continued, "they need to recoup. They have the power to assume titan form, but other titans on that side of the wall still pose a threat. Especially after putting up such a fight. Yes, Eren was the worse for it, but they've got to be spent. Remember when Annie went out cold? Let's suppose they're headed somewhere beyond wall Maria. That's not a simple hike. They'll need all the rest they can get before covering that kind of distance. They're in no shape to make it in a single push. And if so, they'll wanna catch their breath somewhere other titans can't get to them. Odds are they'll hold out until it gets dark."

With that, we began preparing to move forward on our mission. The horses were being sent down the walls in a timely fashion. Speaking of horses, Jean came up to me to apologize again, probably feeling more comfortable with Levi out of the picture. "(Y/N), I just wanted to say I'm sorry again, what I did back there was completely inappropriate. I lost control of my emotions. It won't happen again."

His tune had changed, he was addressing me as if I were a higher up now. It was probably because of Levi, and the fact that I was Erwin's daughter. I thought he already knew, but it must have actually sunk in now. I have to admit, the amount of respect I was getting now that more people were finding out who I was to the Commander was actually quite pleasant. "Don't sweat it, Jean," I said, and then I added "but if you ever disrespect me like that again, I'll kick your ass." It was entertaining to see how scared he got in response. He knew I meant it.

I then shot him a smile to lighten the mood again, to which he blushed and replied "right. It won't happen again, I promise."

Soon enough it was back to business and we were all on the ground. We were ordered to move toward the forest in hopes of reaching Eren and the traitors before it got dark.

"Let's move!" Erwin commanded. "Be on the look out. All riders assume formation!" We split up to go our separate ways, I remained by my father's side. Earlier, I had pleaded with him to let me stay with him during the battle, to which he surprisingly agreed. I think he knew he didn't have to worry too much about me since I had proven myself to be one of the strongest soldiers left. I wanted to be able to protect him, for he was my whole purpose for being there. Plus, I wanted to spend every moment I could with him.

I rode directly behind my father, a little further behind the other two soldiers at his side. As we rode, there was a smoke signal letting us know there were titans approaching. Erwin ordered us to continue forward with the formation. As we neared the forest, red smoke signals were coming from every direction. The other two guys began to panic, questioning Erwin on how to proceed. "We don't have time for a detour. We'll forge ahead! Soldiers, Prepare to fight!" As we got closer, a flash of lightning appeared amidst the trees, letting us know that one of them had transformed.

"We're out of time. Soldiers, disperse!" We followed the orders as the titans approached. I kept my eyes peeled for titans in every direction, ready to engage at any moment. I was not about to let my dad or myself get eaten by those fucks. Fellow soldiers were already getting eaten by them, all we could do was continue forward. Soon, there was another flash revealing the armored titan. "Ride! Let the titans chase you!" my father ordered. "All squads follow my lead!" He took off after them and I followed right on his tail.

Reluctant Heroes: Levi x Reader (Erwin's daughter)Where stories live. Discover now