Chapter 9- A spy?

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After yet another sleepless night, it was the next morning. We were set to head outside the walls for our mission. I got up and got ready, and then I headed out to where the rest of the survey corps was supposed to meet. While everyone was getting situated, I started looking around to see if I could find my dad before we set out. To my surprise, I didn't have to search for long because he had actually been looking for me as well, "(y/n), I'm glad I found you."

"Hi dad," I replied.

"We don't have much time, but I wanted to see you before we head out. Please be careful out there, and I don't want to say too much, but..." he leaned in closer to my ear, "there may be a spy among us, so watch your back," he whispered.

"I will," I replied sternly, "and please be safe, dad." And with that, we said our goodbyes and soon enough, the mission commenced.

I was placed toward the left-center of the formation. I knew I was close to Mikasa and a few other comrades. It certainly was a bit scary being out there in the open like that. I started seeing smoke signals from the other side. I began to worry, but I knew I had no choice but to keep moving forward. Things really took a turn when I started seeing black smoke signals, meaning an abnormal had entered the formation somewhere on the right. It was scary not knowing what was going on over there, especially since I knew Armin was somewhere near where the smoke signals were coming from. I could hear loud stomping, probably from an abnormal titan, coming from that direction. The stomping sound didn't seem to stop at all. I hope everything is okay,' I thought to myself.

After a little while, I saw someone coming from a distance. It was a fellow soldier, passing on a message, "most of the scouts from the far right of the formation have been taken out by an abnormal, pass the message on to the left."

"Oh fuck, okay," I nodded and began making my way over.

As I regrouped with the team and passed on the message, we began seeing flares signaling a change in course. We were ordered to head toward the cluster of trees in the near distance. As we changed course, people were wondering why Erwin had decided on this course of action. No one knew what was going on. As we approached the trees, we received orders to wait on the outside and act as bait to titans. While we were stuck there waiting, I heard my comrades discussing what might be going on. I overheard Jean and Armin talking about my dad, so I listened in. Jean was questioning the commander's motives, but Armin figured that Erwin had a plan to capture the female titan.

I began thinking to myself about what was going on. 'What is my dad thinking?' I wondered to myself. 'Why doesn't anyone know what's happening? We've gone way off course from the original expedition plans. Does he really have a plan to capture the female titan?' That's when I thought back to what he had told me earlier, about how there might be a spy among us. It made sense now, he couldn't tell everyone the real plans because he was trying to catch the traitor among us.

A loud cannon fire brought me out of my thoughts. Then there were more cannon fires. 'Did they capture it?' I thought that must be what the cannons were for. People began their chattering again, questioning what was going on in there. A few minutes later, there was a loud screeching sound, presumably from the female titan. It was a horrible sound. Then, the titans beneath us began running toward the sound, as if she had called out for them. They were paying no attention to us humans anymore. Everyone was a bit panicked, but we simply awaited orders.

After a few more minutes, we were given the order to retreat. We all assumed that this meant the mission was a success, and that the female titan had been captured. 'What a relief,' I thought. Just when I thought it was over, there was strike of lightning in the forest, signaling a transformation. Just a few minutes later, there was another transformation. There was a loud roar, instantly recognizable as Eren's titan roar. Mikasa took note of this and instantly headed into the forest to find him, despite mine and Sasha's protests. "Shit," was all I could say. "Should I go after her?"

"I don't know if that's a good idea (y/n)," Sasha replied.

"Yeah I know, but... shit, I can't just stand back and do nothing." I decided to go after Mikasa after a few minutes of contemplating.

"Please be careful!" Sasha shouted as I took off into the forest.

I moved as fast as I could through the trees, searching for Mikasa and Eren. 'What am I doing?' I asked myself, but it was too late, I was already in. Besides, if there was any way I could help my friends I was glad to do it. I finally found Mikasa, and she was battling the female titan already when I got there. I caught up to her as she was perched on a tree, "Mikasa, did you find Eren?"

"She has him," she responded.

"What do you mean? Where is he?"

"She has him in her mouth. I'm going to get him out." Then the female titan took a swing in our direction and we both had to maneuver out of the way.

"God damnit, fucking bitch!" I yelled as I got out of the way and landed on another tree.

Then she took off, and Mikasa was about to go after her, shouting "get back here!"

"Mikasa, wait!" I shouted, but then someone else appeared and took Mikasa to the side, stopping her. I made my way over to them and I could see that it was captain Levi. I was so glad to see him.

"Pull back for now," he ordered.

We regrouped and Mikasa explained that the female titan had Eren, "she's holding him in her mouth to leave her hands free to fight."

"Gross, poor Eren," I commented.

"Alright, assuming your hunch is correct, we will focus on getting Eren back then. Do not try to kill her, we have not been trained to deal with this type of titan," Levi ordered.

"Yes sir," we responded in unison.

"I'll handle the cutting, you two find a way to distract her."

Reluctant Heroes: Levi x Reader (Erwin's daughter)Where stories live. Discover now