Chapter 28- The truth comes out

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Ever since Historia was announced as Queen, we got some time to relax and reset. Eren was at work trying to perfect his newfound hardening abilities so that he could plug up the hole in wall Maria. Historia was at work running her orphanage of children from the underground. Hanji was working with other experts on new weapons to use against the titans. Erwin was hard at work strategizing and dealing with the fallout of the governmental coup. Within one month, the plan to go back to Shiganshina was set into motion. Erwin and Levi had already met with the government officials, and they approved the mission and gave additional funds to the Survey Corps to further development.

In a celebratory mood, my dad decided it would be a good idea to buy some kegs of beer for everyone in the Survey Corps to enjoy. Everyone gathered in the mess hall for the special event. Once they broke out the kegs, everyone had a drink. Everyone except for Levi, who refused to partake in any of it and went back to his office, much to my dismay. On the plus side, I got to have my first drink with my dad.

"You're telling me you've never had a drink before?!" Erwin shouted upon hearing the news. "Well, here. Drink up!" He handed me my very first pint of beer.

"Oh god, this is disgusting!" I winced at the first bitter taste of alcohol.

"You'll get used to it!" Erwin said, patting me on the back. Everyone was having such a great time getting wasted. I was already feeling sick after one sip, but I kept going. I was basically working on the same pint the whole night. Once my dad got completely wasted, he started getting rowdy. He started introducing me to everyone, saying things like "Hey, this is my daughter," and "Hey, have you met my daughter yet?" to anyone and everyone that talked to him. I had a huge grin on my face the entire time. Despite feeling sick, I was having a great time. Once we got to Hanji, she was completely wasted as well.

"Hey, Hanji. Have you met my daughter yet?" the drunk Erwin asked her.

"Yes! I've met (Y/N)! How are you doing sweetie?" Hanji reeked of alcohol. To be fair, everyone else did too.

"I'm great, how are you Hanji?" I laughed at her drunken state.

"I'm sooo good," she replied. "Erwin, your daughter is so pretty... She looks nothing like you! Hahahaha!"

"Hey, that's no way to talk to your Commander!" Erwin responded.

"Ha!" Hanji simply laughed at his expense.

"Oh my g- HICCUP" I was stopped by my own embarrassing reflux.

"Hahahaha," everyone who heard laughed at me. I was embarrassed, but I couldn't help but laugh along with everyone else.

"Hey everyone, did you know that my daughter here can sing?! She sings so beautifully, oh you've gotta sing for us (Y/N)," my dad apparently wanted to further my embarrassment by asking me to perform in front of the entire Survey Corps.

"Oh I don't-"

"Oh my god, yes! You have to!" Hanji interrupted before I could get a word in.

"Wait, you're going to sing for us? Yay!" Sasha shouted, making her way over to me.

"Oh! Yes you have to! Look, there's a piano over there. You've gotta play something for us, please please please?" A drunk Eren came up to me pleading to sing too.

With a whole crowd cheering me on, I couldn't possibly say no. I honestly loved the attention, even though I could be shy sometimes. "Alright, alright. I'll do it!"

I took this as an opportunity to down the rest of my beer, which turned out to be a terrible idea. After chugging like 2/3rds of it all in one go, I felt sooo sick. I stumbled over to the piano, only to feel the immediate urge to puke. "Oh god, I think I'm gonna puke!" I covered my mouth and ran to the nearest trash can, and basically puked my guts out in front of everyone.

"Ooh," I heard the crowd cringe at my expense. Once I finished puking my guts out, I slumped down on the floor next to the trash can.

"Alright, I think you've had enough, (Y/N)," my dad came over to me and lifted me off the ground, helping me walk. "Here, let's get you out of here." He continued to drag me across the hall, and took me into his office, which had a couch I could lay down on.

"Oh man, I'm never drinking again," I groaned as he set me down on the couch.

"Hahaha," he laughed. "You sound just like your mother."

"Huh?" I was curious to hear more about my mother.

"Well, you know, your mother and I met at a bar. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, so naturally, I offered to buy her a drink. Seemed as though she was a lightweight too, just like you. Long story short, we talked for a good while, and then she ended up puking after a couple of drinks, then I offered to walk her home. That's how we started dating," he explained. "She claimed she'd never drink again after that, but she went right back out and tried it again the next day."

"Wow, I can't picture mom ever drinking. She always told me drinking was for idiots who didn't want to feel anything."

"Yeah, that sounds like your mother. She loved drinking for a while there, but that changed when she found out she was pregnant. It's like she became a whole new person."

"Wait- what?" My heart shattered at hearing those last few sentences. "You knew?"

"Huh? Knew what?" He was still obviously drunk, it was probably the only reason he let it slip. I was completely sober at this point, since I had puked out what I consumed.

"You knew mom was pregnant. When I first came to you, you said she never told you!" I was pissed that he had lied to me, and I began getting argumentative.

"Shit... (Y/N), I'm sorry. I shouldn't have let that slip. Look, I'm really not in the right head space to be discussing this, can we please talk about this another time?" he pleaded with me.

"Yeah. Sure. Whatever, fuck this," I got up and stormed out of the room before he could say anything else. 'Where am I supposed to go now? I just found out that both of my parents lied to me about this whole situation,' I thought as I walked aimlessly down the hallway. Not knowing what to do with myself, I slumped down against the wall in a dark corner where I could be alone with my thoughts.

As I sat there contemplating my entire life, I heard footsteps coming toward me. 'Great, I really don't want to see anyone right now...' Luckily, it turned out to be the only person I could stand to see right now.

Reluctant Heroes: Levi x Reader (Erwin's daughter)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें