Chapter 11- An evening stroll

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As usual, I was having a hard time sleeping. But this time it was due to the constant replay of people's comments about us earlier that day. I never expected to be welcomed back into the walls with such anger from so many people; people that we were trying to protect. After tossing and turning for what seemed like hours, I decided to get out of bed and go walk around a bit.

After walking around aimlessly for a while, I came across the kitchen and decided that a cup of tea sounded nice. 'I wonder if i'll run into captain Levi again' I thought, thinking back on the other night when he was in there with me. Sure enough, he was already in there when I walked in, much to my delight. Naturally I smiled at the sight of him and said "hello."

"Hello (y/n)," he replied. I couldn't help but smile like an idiot. I turned away from him almost immediately to hide my stupid smile, and I started boiling some water. While I was waiting for it to boil, I heard Levi say "you did well out there today."

Shocked, I managed to squeak out a "thank you, Lev-, er uh, sir."

"You can call me Levi."

I legit felt like I had a heart attack when he said that. With a huge grin I replied "thank you, Levi." The water started boiling so I got a cup of tea and sat down across from him. He was sipping his tea and reading something, and I just sat there watching him because he was so nice to look at. After staring at him for who knows how long, he finally looked up at me and I quickly looked down at my cup that was now empty. Then he started getting up, to leave I assumed, but he stopped before exiting.

"I'm going for a walk, care to join me?" I'm sure I nearly died when he asked that.

"Of course," I quickly responded and basically ran toward him, leaving my empty cup behind. I couldn't help but smile as I was walking with Levi... I couldn't believe it was actually happening. We headed outside for our walk to get some much needed fresh air. The cool breeze felt amazing on my very hot face.

"So, what's keeping you up at night?" Levi asked. 'Oh shit he's really talking to me' I thought to myself.

"Well, uh, kind of a lot actually..." I started, "but I guess mainly the responses we got from the people today coming back from the expedition. I guess I just really wasn't expecting that."

"I see. You'll get used to it," Levi responded.

"Yeah I guess." I didn't really know what to say, or if I ever would get used to all of this.

Seeing my concern, he said "don't worry too much, they're just a bunch of scared shitheads who don't know what they're talking about. You can't please everyone."

"Haha, yeah you're probably right. Just a bunch of shitheads." We strolled along and continued talking for a while. He asked about my relation to Erwin and I explained my whole situation to him to the best of my abilities, so he was completely filled in on all the family drama by the end of our walk, which honestly felt like too short a time.

"We should probably head back inside now, it's getting pretty late," Levi said as our conversation drifted off. I was a bit disappointed but of course I couldn't keep him up all night. He walked me back to my room, and that was where we had to say goodbye for now.

"Goodnight, Levi," I said as we stood in front of my door. I felt a bit nervous as we were facing each other, but I was hoping he would make a move.

He didn't unfortunately, but he responded "goodnight, (y/n)." He gave a slight smile before walking off, leaving me slightly frustrated but also ecstatic. I still couldn't believe what just happened. I slept great that night, and I had wonderful dreams about Levi.

Reluctant Heroes: Levi x Reader (Erwin's daughter)Where stories live. Discover now