Chapter 26- The punch

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By the time the sun came out again, it was time to commence Erwin's plan. There was no evacuation, since the abnormal Rod titan was attracted to large groups of people, and we needed him to remain on course in order to take him out. Erwin ordered the garrison to stage an evacuation drill as some sort of precaution.

As the big ass titan neared the wall, the garrison fired the cannons at it. The cannons basically did nothing to it. The rest of us in the survey corps watched as it all played out, awaiting the Commander's orders. As Captain Levi and Commander Erwin talked over the whole situation, Hanji came up to the group of us.

"Erwin! I brought the goodies," she shouted. "All the gunpowder, ropes, and netting I could find! We still need to put it together, though."

"Captain Levi, Jean, Sasha, Connie, you handle that side," Erwin ordered. The rest of us were ordered to put together all the shit that Hanji brought. We had to wrap the gunpowder inside of a big net. Historia was with us too, against everyone else's will, and her and Erwin had a discussion about it while we were putting everything together. I was surprised at how much she had changed from the sweet and frail girl she once was. She had grown into a fighter. After speaking with Historia for a short while, my father came up to me.

"(Y/N), how's your wound?" he asked.

"It's actually not that bad," I replied. "Now that it's been properly wrapped up, I barely even notice it."

"I'm glad to hear that," he said with a smile. "Are you sure you're well enough to fight?"

"Yeah, it's really no big deal. I'll be careful, I know what I can handle."

"Alright. I trust your judgement. We'll talk more later, but for now, keep your hands busy. We don't have much time," he ordered. Then, there was a gust of wind, and the steam from the titan came in our direction. Soon enough, the titan was making it's way up the wall. Once it had climbed all the way up, we got a rather unpleasant view of it's insides. It's insides splattered onto the wall too. It was fucking disgusting, I nearly puked at the sight. This meant it was time for the scouts to take over.

The garrison was sent away, and the rest of us geared up for our attack. We poured cool water over ourselves to counteract the heat from the titan. Eren transformed into his titan. Then, Erwin ordered Sasha and Armin to launch the cannons they had prepared to knock the thing off of it's hands. It lost its balance and fell on its face. Once it picked it's head up again, Erwin ordered Eren to launch his attack, throwing the gunpowder we had prepared into it's mouth. The big ass titan went boom and pieces scattered everywhere.

"Go! Deploy your ODM gear and finish it off!" The rest of us scouts took off and started slashing any pieces we could. We had to get the nape or else it would regenerate. It only took a short time until Historia dealt the final blow, destroying the rest of the pieces too.

Later that day, we watched Historia be crowned as Queen. It was a beautiful sight. The crowd was cheering for her, and talking about how she had killed the titan higher than the walls. Eventually, all of us in the Levi squad met up with her again, and she was getting ready to go punch Captain Levi, like she had talked about with Mikasa the other night.

"Wait, you're actually doing it? For real?" Eren questioned in concern.

"Yes, I am," Historia answered.

"Hahaha, right on Queen Historia," I said cheering her on. I was really excited to see how it would all play out.

"Come on, it was just a joke, right Mikasa?" Eren pleaded.

"After you punch him, you should tell him this: 'I dare you to hit me back." Mikasa chimed in.

"Real helpful, Mikasa. If it's not a serious grudge, let it go," Eren pleaded some more.

"If I can't do this, then how can I call myself a Queen?" Historia answered.

"That's the spirit. Pound that runt!" Jean added.

"Yeah, you've got this Historia!" I supported. I could not wait to see his reaction. As we approached him, he came up to the group of us. The terrified Historia geared herself up, and then went running at him as she yelled and landed a punch on his arm. The others gasped, while I busted up laughing, and Mikasa stood there smiling.

Historia backed away, chuckling nervously, and then asked "Did that hurt? Well I'm queen now so too bad! If you have a problem-"

We all froze when Levi let out a small chuckle, and then smiled. "Thanks you guys, I needed that."

The others continued on, while Levi and I stayed behind in the hallway. "How's it goin', Cap?" I asked cheerily while putting an arm around his shoulder.

"I'm alright," he surprised me by pulling me into a tight embrace.

"You okay?" I asked as we came out of the embrace, noticing that he wasn't acting his usual self.

"Kenny died," he answered, looking distraught.

"Kenny- the guy you lived with when you were younger right?" I was rather confused at their relationship, since the guy was trying to kill Levi before, but obviously Levi still cared for him.


"So, how do you feel about that?"

"I don't know..." he answered. He seemed sad about it, but he didn't like to show his emotions.

"What exactly was your relationship with him?" I asked after a brief moment of silence. He went on to explain his whole childhood and how Kenny had found him beside his dead mother, and then raised him for a few years before taking off. Kenny taught him basically everything he knows about fighting. Not knowing what else to say, I said "wow, sounds like you had a real fucked up childhood."

"And I just found out after all this time, that he was my uncle," Levi continued, ignoring my statement.

"Oh shit, no way," I gasped. "So, you're telling me that all that time you two were trying to kill each other, he was your uncle?!"

"Yeah. Pretty fucked up huh," was all he had to say.

"Yeah, but you know, nobody's family is perfect," I answered, leaving him slightly confused at my response. "Anyway, I'm sorry for your loss. Still sucks, even if you did have a fucked up relationship."

"Thanks," he replied trying to seem like he was okay. I could tell he wasn't, and I wanted to cheer him up. So, I quickly thought up an idea that I thought he might like.

"Hey, come on," I said, grabbing his hand and pulling him along with me. "Let's have a tea party."

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