Chapter 2- Training

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It wasn't until I started training that I discovered my father was the Commander of the Survey Corps. My mother made it sound like he was just a scout. Not like that's an insignificant feat, but it isn't quite the same as being the commander. Commander Erwin Smith, what an amazing guy. I could not believe he was my father, but I was glad he was.

I decided that I wasn't going to tell him he was my father until I had graduated and joined the survey corps. I had originally planned to tell him sooner, but after finding out that he was the Commander, I was too afraid to tell him. I figured that once I was in the survey corps he wouldn't be able to brush me off. I felt that I would be more worthy of his love if I was useful.

Training was hard and Shadis was mean, but it could be fun at times. I remember on the very first day, a girl named Sasha got in trouble for eating a potato during the introductions. I thought it was hilarious, but of course I held in my laughter so that I wouldn't get in trouble also. I couldn't help but smirk though. I also saw and met the three kids that I had seen on the boat from Shiganshina. I found out their names were Eren, Mikasa, and Armin. Eren had a similar story to mine, about his mother being eaten by a Titan.

During the first week of training, I thought I saw my father and I was completely shocked. I was walking into the dining hall with a plate full of food when I saw a big, tall blonde man who resembled the man from the pictures my mother had shown me of my father. I dropped my food because I was so shocked.

"Aw shit," I mumbled. Unfortunately, after getting a closer look, I could tell he was not my father, and I had caused a commotion, and everyone looked at me. I was so embarrassed; people were laughing at me. My cheeks were probably bright red, but thankfully, the potato girl helped me pick up my food. She introduced herself, and she helped me clean up the mess I had made, eating bits of it along the way. "Thanks a lot, Sasha," I said to the girl, "my name is (y/n), by the way."

"Nice to meet you (y/n), and no problem! Hey, why don't you sit with me and my friends, you can pick off our plates," she replied. After that embarrassing incident, I was relieved that she asked me to join her because I didn't have anywhere to sit, or any friends for that matter. Sasha introduced me to everyone at the table including Connie, Mikasa, Eren, Armin, and a few others.

Overall, I had a good time during those days of training. I excelled in all aspects of the training, Kieth Shadis said it himself to me. I made a few friends along the way and met a lot of interesting people. I learned a lot about the titans and the 3dm gear. The best part of the training was practicing slashing the titan's napes, it was so much fun and I felt a sense of power from it. I ended up graduating 3rd in our class, and I felt very proud of myself. I thought my father would be proud too. But, it didn't really matter because I was going to join the survey corps anyway. I felt sort of bad that I took a spot that someone else could have used to get into the military brigade, but oh well. I felt great about myself.

After the graduation ceremony, I got to see my father in person for the first time. A group of us went to watch the Survey corps as they were leaving the walls for an expedition. I was in awe. I still couldn't believe that my father was Commander Erwin. I heard people talking about them, mostly good things. I was honored to be his daughter, and I couldn't wait to be a part of that. I overheard others talking about Lance Corporal Levi, saying he was humanity's strongest soldier. I believed it. He looked really cool, and he had a dark look to him. I hoped I would get to meet him soon. I was excited to work with incredible people like my father and him.

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