19 • Discussed 🍼

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This chapter cringey asf and rushed lol

Seriously though I hate this short ass chapter hAH but at least it explains shit

"Right. We need a meeting." Namjoon called out. "Everyone gather round here we have shit I want to discuss."

The other members obeyed their leader and sat down on the sofas. They all looked at Namjoon who seemed oddly serious.

"This is going to be awkward but, Jimin. What the fuck is going on with all of us and you?" He sighed.

Jimin's eyes widened slightly as the other six turned their heads to him. "Oh, w-well I..."

He continued. "I like how things are going right now..."

He frowned. "What, you like how we all just use you?"

The truth was that Namjoon had started feeling guilty. He was Jimin's caregiver sure, but that didn't automatically make him his boyfriend or anything; that was Seokjin. Seeing him just sleeping around with the members including himself started bothering him. He didn't want to make Jimin feel as if he was just there for their pleasure.

"I don't see it as using." Jimin admitted. "It's just, like, some fun I guess."

"Are you sure?" Namjoon asked with concern.

Jimin nodded. "I have been enjoying it... I think it's just fun a-and it makes me feel good that you all like like me this way. I see this as good."

"I whole heartedly agree." Hoseok added.

"Shut up Hoseok." Jungkook groaned.

"Also." Yoongi spoke up. "You're like so experienced despite how innocent you seem. Where is this all from?"

Jimin thought for a second. He decided it was best to be honest. "Well, when I was younger I had to start, um, resorting to different ways of earning money. I-I was an escort at one point." He explained. "But I did then get a real job! So it ended well."

"You were an escort?" Hoseok repeated, slightly shocked. "Well damn."

Jimin nodded. "Well at first I was just some cheap prostitute on the streets." He laughed. "Until I started getting involved with older, richer men."

"You're quite open about this?" Yoongi tilted his head, curious about the topic.

Jimin shrugged. "I'm not going to lie to all of you. If it wasn't for those old married men I wouldn't have been able to afford to move to Seoul. I kind of started again when I got here, my first job was in some cafe."

He continued. "I didn't want to just sell my body. It was so hard for me to, you know, not end up homeless. I'd be skipping meals just to pay rent."

The others didn't know what to say. So Jimin decided to finish sharing his sob story. "Please don't let it make you think any less of me-"

"Of course not." Seokjin interrupted, looking around at the others. "We're all understanding here."

Nobody said anything for a while, until Namjoon cleared his throat. "Well at least we all know right?" He clapped his hands together in an attempt to clear the awkward atmosphere. "Is there anything else we should discuss?"

"Yes!" Jungkook nodded. "I noticed Tae was rather childlike."

Taehyung seemed to turn slightly pale, as his jaw dropped slightly. "O-oh I, um..."

"Do you have something to tell us?" Namjoon smiled sweetly, remembering when he witnessed what he didn't want to previously. "It's okay, you can be honest with us Tae."

"I don't know if I'm honest. I know I've been into childish things and I've always known about little space." He explained. "But I've always been scared to like, try it myself." By now he seemed embarrassed, as his cheeks turned a deep shade of red.

They all found this to be adorable. "I guess the other day I just accidentally... Yeah." His bottom lip was now quivering. "I was worried it was weird until I saw everyone's reactions to Jiminie. I tried acting like I knew nothing about it but I, ah." He couldn't finish out of fear that his rambling was annoying. It was also probably due to the fact he could feel himself regressing.

"Aww." Hoseok cooed. "I love all this little stuff like holy fuck my heart man."

"Tae? Are you feeling little now?" Namjoon asked. Taehyung shyly nodded despite his embarrassment. "Well it's okay to not hide it."

Jimin's lips formed an O shape. All of this only made him regress as well. "It's okay Taetae my daddy is smart."

Taehyung brought his knees to his chest, and hugged them. He dared not to speak to anyone.

"Say something Taetae!" Jimin called.

Taehyung shook his head and jumped onto the person next to him, who happened to be Jungkook, with a hug. For comfort he buried his head into his chest whilst keeping a tight grip on him.

"Are you shy baby?" Jungkook chuckled as he hugged back. "I want to get to know this little version of you, you know."

Taehyung shook his head. His nerves were getting the better of him unfortunately. Jungkook couldn't stop a huge smile from forming on his face when he saw this. He was actually quite excited to see what Taehyung was like as one of these littles. Based on how Jimin would act, it all seemed easy to look after a little. Although Jungkook was assuming Taehyung would be well behaved.

"Taetae you can share my toys!" Jimin chirped. "We can play together all the time."

"Would you like that?" Jungkook asked, running a hand through Taehyung's hair.

Taehyung nodded. "Come on, we can play with piggy again!" Jimin yelled of excitement, putting out his hand for Taehyung who looked at Jungkook before slowly moving forwards. He then took Jimin's hand so they could run out of the room together, giggling.

"Kookie. Come with us." Jimin suggested. And without hesitation, the youngest member got up and joined them.



My exams are almost done👀

anyway I said I'd show you my face so yeah uh prepare to be horrified lol

*Picture removed lol sorrY*

so this is an out of focus selfie lol

EW EW EW EWWWWW I really struggled letting myself do this😩 but yEah iTs mE

bYE Iloveyou💕

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