21 • Loved - pt.1

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Yoongi watched as Jimin moved his body to the beat, each small movement timing perfectly with the song that was blasting from the stereo.

They were the only two in the dance studio, as the others had finished hours prior. But Yoongi didn't want to leave without Jimin due to his growing worries.

"Nonono" Jimin sighed, his exhaustion showing through his voice. "I can't get this right."

"Hey Jimin do you want some water?" Yoongi asked, holding up his bottle.

Jimin shook his head, starting to move again."No thanks I need to try this again."

But as Yoongi observed he could see Jimin's weak moves. He could see in his tired eyes and pale complexion that he needed to stop. "Jimin." Yoongi said, rather sternly.

Jimin however didn't even hear. He was so absorbed in what he was doing that Yoongi's voice went straight through him. So Yoongi decided to take action. He stood up and walked to the stereo and paused the music, getting Jimin's attention.

"Hey why'd you pause it?" Jimin whined, turning to face him.

"Because you've done enough. It's time to go and rest." Yoongi responded, crossing his arms. "You've been going at this for seven hours-"

"Seven hours? Its only 4 o clock." Jimin argued.

"Its six, Jimin." Yoongi sighed.

"What?" He gasped, looking at the clock. "Okay w-well I lost track of time so what?"

"Take a look at yourself. You're exhausted. So come on, I'm taking you back so you can rest." Yoongi grabbed Jimin's hand, but gently, and lead him out of the room.

Jimin blushed feeling Yoongi's hand in his. He wanted to pull his hand away and continue practicing, but somehow he couldn't bring himself to. Maybe Yoongi was right.

"You need to take a break. This is getting out of hand Jimin." Yoongi sighed, tightening his grip on Jimin's small hand. "I- I care about you a lot, okay? So I don't want to see you become seriously ill."

Jimin thought about the elder's words. And he suddenly felt overcome by guilt. "I'm sorry Yoongi, I don't know what got into me."

They had finally returned to their shared home. "It's okay you don't have to apologise to me. Just promise me you'll take it easy?" Yoongi was speaking as he opened the door to lead Jimin in. Their hands were still intertwined and neither of them were planning on letting go.

"Come on, let's get you into your room. You need to lie down." Yoongi continued speaking, ignoring the racket the others were making in the living room, which seemed to be centered around Taehyung being little.

"So adorable!" Hoseok's voice echoed. Jimin couldn't deny the attention Taehyung was getting was making him slightly jealous. Nonetheless he ignored it and followed Yoongi.

"Thank you for this Yoongi." Jimin mumbled when they went into Jimin and Hoseok's shared room. "For caring about me so much."

"Don't thank me." Yoongi shook his head, letting out a small laugh. He then took Jimin's other hand so both pairs of their hands were intertwined. Jimin liked how it felt having his large hands holding his own small ones.

"Well of course I have to thank you." Jimin laughed, not minding how close they currently were.

"It's nothing, really. But this needs to stop, I can tell this dance is stressing you out." Yoongi whispered, letting go of one of Jimin's hands to move a strand of his hair away from his eyes. "Being stressed and tired does not help anything. Believe me I know." It was true Yoongi had been through hell and back.

For a while, they didn't say anything. Jimin just looked down at the floor between their feet. A deep shade of red appeared on his cheeks as he thought about what was currently happening.

Yoongi decided to break the tension between them by leaning in with a kiss. Despite the relationship between Jimin and the members being sexual - with an exception of Namjoon being his caregiver, Jimin could feel something. It was like Yoongi's care for him was being shown through the gentleness of the kiss. Their lips were moving slowly and in sync, which was something different.

It was a good kind of different; Jimin hadn't kissed someone feeling so much emotion before. But he liked it.

Yoongi's hands found Jimin's small waist whilst they deepened the kiss, keeping it gentle. Yoongi couldn't help but move his hands up Jimin's shirt, feeling his toned body. All he wanted was to show Jimin how much he meant to him, not just fuck him for pure pleasure like usual.

Before they knew it, their clothes were being removed by each other, and they were lying on Jimin's bed.

They continued to passionately kiss, now fully naked. Yoongi couldn't stop his hands from roaming around Jimin's body. "You're so beautiful" he whispered when they pulled away.

Jimin's heart raced hearing this. He didn't know how to react to the sweet words that continued to leave Yoongi's lips. But he listened to it all, as his words were nothing short of sincere.

"Jimin, let me prove to you how much I care." Yoongi muttered, his breath travelling down Jimin's neck. "Let me show you how much you mean to me."

Omg guys...

After like 5 weeks of hell, after 27 exams over a 34 day period, after my mental health basically deteriorating...

MY EXAMS ARE OVER!!!!!!!!!!!

My last exam was yesterday, June 18. I feel free. This also means I finished secondary school and will start sixth form in September. Its now my summer!!

But!!! Don't think I'm not busy. Tomorrow, which when writing this is Wednesday June 20, I will fly off to america!


so I'll be busy having a break after these horrific exams, I'll try to update though~

ALSO!! You were all so nice when I showed you some photos of me! Thank you sooo muchhhh like omg my heart :')

AnD 60K reads fuck me I never thought I'd get that many I literally just wrote this from boredom one day wow ily and I appreciate you a lot and I wish nOTHING BUT GOODNESS FOR ALL OF YOU OKAY💕


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