25 • Aftercare ????

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You guys... I woke up and saw



but here's the aftercare I promised 😭

Once Hoseok had removed all the ropes off of Jimin, put him into clean pijamas and cleaned up any mess they had made they decided to lay in Hoseok's bed together.

"You did so well for me Jiminie." Hoseok said, helping him into bed. "Let's just relax okay? Are you hurting anywhere?"

Hoseok's behaviour sure had changed, Jimin thought. "The ropes did dig in a little I guess. B-but I still loved it!"

"Hey I know you did. Now where does it hurt?"

"Um..." Jimin begun. "My ass, my arms and legs where the rope was, my scalp, my shoulders and my elbows dug into the floor which hurt."

"Was I that bad?" Hoseok laughed. "Good thing I managed to refrain from choking you."

"Wait choke?" Jimin repeated, slightly worried.

"I'll be right back." Hoseok ran a hand through Jimin's hair before quickly leaving the room. Jimin shook the image of being choked out of his head as made himself comfortable in the bed.

Hoseok soon returned with glass of water and two pills in his hand. "Take these painkillers Jiminie." He said, handing them to the younger. Jimin carefully took the glass and the pills, swallowing them with the water.

"Thank you Hobi." He said, putting the glass onto the bedside table.

"That's not it. I know what else you'll like." He smiled, walking over to Jimin's bed. He then picked up Jimin's favourite plushie. "Koya!" Hoseok chirped, holding it up with a bright smile on his face.

Jimin could already feel himself slipping into his headspace. He immediately put his hands out so he could grab the koala before hugging it tightly. Hoseok also found Jimin's pacifier and climbed into bed with him. "Look what else I have." He smiled.

"Ahhh." Jimin opened his mouth, making Hoseok laugh. He then placed it carefully into his mouth. It was such a cute sight to look at, Jimin sucking on the pacifier and hugging the koala toy.

"Ah you're you cute Jiminie!" Hoseok cooed, pulling him into a hug. "Joonie is lucky to have you as his baby."

"I love my daddy!" Jimin nodded, his words hard to make out due to the pacifier.

"How are you feeling now?" Hoseok asked.

"Hmmm." He thought for a few seconds. "Good."

"The plain's going?" He caressed Jimin's hair as he wondered. The younger nodded in response. "That's good then."

Jimin opened his arms, so he and Hoseok could cuddle. He was happy to take Jimin into his embrace, letting him dig his head into his chest. "Sleepy." Jimin mumbled through his pacifier.

"Go to sleep if you want to." Hoseok whispered. "I won't leave you."

Jimin nodded and let his eyes flutter shut. It didn't take long for him to be asleep, cuddling both Hoseok and his koala plushie somehow. As Jimin slept, Hoseok decided to grab the thankfully nearby TV remote and turn on the TV opposite his bed.

He made sure it wasn't loud enough to wake Jimin up, before flicking through the channels. And of course he decided to watch one of those stupid reality shows he had a love/hate relationship with.

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