Chapter 1

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"-and I get to see them everyday! Oh my goodness, they're such eye candy! I can feel myself just going ooh la la~ Hey Y/N! Are you even listening?"

"Mmhmmm," you muttered, "I'm listening." You turn your focus back to Jaehwa, your best friend. "I'm so proud of you," you smiled.

Apparently your answer wasn't good enough for her. Jaehwa pouted and turned her head away in a upset manner.

An exhausted sigh escapes your lips. "Jaehwa, I'm sorry. I'm just really tired right now, plus the alcohol is kicking in." I wave to the bottles of soju in front of us. "My mind is going astray but I really am proud of you."

The two of you were out drinking in celebration of Jaehwa's new job. She had applied countless times before finally getting her dream job, a makeup artist at Bighit Entertainment. You already had gotten a job there in the editing department a few years ago.

"Thanks girl," Jaehwa giggled, she had already forgiven you.

"It's getting late, we should wrap things up and head home," you said as you begin cleaning the mess of soju bottles that laid before you.

"Early," Jaehwa replied, her eyelids fluttering to stay awake. 

"What?" you asked, turning around and giving her a confused look.

"It's early, not late," Jaehwa laughs and points to her phone screen. "It's 2:37 am, A-M. It's really EARLY in the morning."

"You're drunk," you say while rolling your eyes in amusement. This was an ongoing joke between the two of you. Sometimes you would have long debates over such a trivial topic.

After paying for the drinks, you headed back to Jaehwa, helping her get up. She stumbled a few times before you placed her arm around your shoulder- the two of you staggered while exiting. "Let's get your drunk ass home."

"Yes ma'am."


The streetlight in front of you flickered on and off- in a desperate struggle to stay alive. It was eerily quite, almost too quiet. Normally there would be strays cats wandering along the roads, along with the occasional drunkard.

You quickened your pace, trying to get back to your home faster.

The flickering streetlight came closer and closer and you shut your eyes as you rushed past it. A sigh of relief escaped your mouth when it was finally behind you. The working streetlight in front of you was a beacon of comfort- shining brightly in the midst of the night.

"Y/n never go out in the streets by yourself at night. It's a dangerous world out there, mysterious and full of uncertainties."
"Yes mother..." you mutter and pull off an eye roll at the same time.

A conversation you had with your mother pops into your head. The chances of, quote unquote from your mother, 'being eaten alive' by the dangers in the night? You might as well see pigs fly.

You continue walking, shaking your head in amusement of seeing pigs fly. However, something wasn't right- things felt odd. There was an ominous presence from behind, as if someone was following you.

You turned your head around sharply, only to see an empty road. The only thing showing signs of movement was the flickering streetlight. Strange. You could've sworn that something was stalking you.

"That soju- the damn alcohol is kicking in," you mutter.

A low chuckle escapes from a foreign mouth- the sound of amusement being carried by the night air from behind.

You whirl around, only to see nothing. The flickering streetlight winks mockingly back at you.

"Did I chuckle? I could've sworn I didn't though, nothing funny came out of my mouth," you mumble in confusion.

You turn back around and quicken your pace, almost in a desperate need to be in the safety of your house. 

In a few steps, the warm rays of a streetlight shined above your head. A temporary feeling of comfort washes over you. You wanted to stand under the light for the rest of the night- heading back home when the sun started to rise. However, the sun wouldn't rise for another four hours. Not wanting to stand under the streetlight due to unconfirmed suspicions, you opted to run home. 

You step out of light, feeling vulnerable while doing so. You began walking swiftly towards to your home.

However, the feeling of someone following you continues to crawl up your spine. You shake off that feeling, tired of being worried over something that probably wasn't even there. The only logical explanation included you drinking too much and thus started imagining things. After all, you did have several bottles of soju tonight.

The presence of something continues creeps closer and closer as you walk. Soon a warm breath breathes on the back of your neck.

You stop in your tracks, frozen in fear. There was a small thump as someone bumped into you.

"Woah," breaths a low voice, surprised that you had stopped so suddenly.

You glanced out of your peripheral vision, wanting to confirm that you were just imagining things.

Instead, you saw a dark silhouette behind you, the distant flickering streetlight revealing his presence.

A warm breath registers against your throat. 

"I'm sorry," breathes a deep, silky voice. His hair tickles your skin as his warm breath danced along your neck before dissipating into the cold air of the night.

Before you could reply, a sharp pain stabs your throat. You felt something sinking into your skin followed by a soft caress.




Mother I should've listened to you.


chapter one end



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