Chapter 4

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Short intermission from the author <3
I'm pretty sure that you've noticed that the members' hair color don't match up.
There's no comeback that had their hair color combo like that!
Calm thyself, lemme explain.
Each member has a different hair color (in the story). To be honest, it's mostly for me to keep track and differentiate the members better. Also different hair colors provide a better description and sensory language. I might go with the correct combo of hair colors for later chapters
Hope y'all don't mind <3
And now let's get back to the story~


"Well, technically speaking, that would be a yes," Namjoon said while ruffling his hair. "But then again from another perspective it would technically be a no...but there's also..." Namjoon trailed off and soon became inaudible. You could catch a few mumbled phrases but it wasn't enough for you to piece it together and make sense of his monologue.

Jin sighed and took a seat further down on the couch you were currently sitting. You moved moved your feet off the couch to give him some more room.

"I'm sorry about him," Jin nodded his head toward Namjoon who was still mumbling, "He always does this." Jin laughed and rolled his eyes.

"It's all good," you smiled. Jin made you want to join him in laughter.

"I know Namjoon-ah said that we would skip introductions, but I feel that we need one." Jin turned his head to face you.

"Yeah, that would be nice," you nodded and took a glance at the rest of the members. They were sprawled out all across room and weren't paying you the slightest bit of attention anymore. The only exception was Taehyung, who was still glaring at you all the way from the corner. You turned you head away immediately, the direct eye contact was making you uncomfortable.

"Don't worry, I'll get their attention," said Jin, who had noticed you looking at the rest of the members.

"Yah!" Jin stood up and shouted. Most of the members snapped their attention back at Jin. The only ones who didn't turn their heads was Namjoon and a red haired man who had his back turned to you.

"Namjoon-ah and Pipsqueak!" Jin shouted again, "I said yah!"

This time Namjoon and the redhead turned their heads.

"Just because I'm the shortest member doesn't give you permission to call me 'pipsqueak'," the redhead head replied in annoyance.

"Sorry Minmin, that was the only way to get your attention. Anyways," Jin clapped his hands together, "let's all introduce ourselves- no buts Jungkook, or anyone else on that matter. Now we will proceed by age, starting with me obviously." After announcing the objective, Jin took his seat back on the couch.

"My name is Jin, feel free to call me handsome-oppa," winked Jin before continuing, "I'm a faerie- well technically I'm half. By the way, It's F-A-E-R-I-E, not F-A-I-R-Y. The two are practically the same thing but it's still annoying to be called the other. It's like calling a donkey an ass, it doesn't sound pleasant. I don't have magic or anything, but I do glow a bit in the dark."

You nod your head slowly, your brain still trying to progress the information. "Can you lie?" you asked.

Fantasy books used to interest you as a child and remembered that the books stated that faeries couldn't lie.

"Ah," Jin said slowly, looking at you while doing so. The serious tone in his voice frightened you a bit. 

"I can," he said, all of a sudden bursting into a smile. "I'm only half fae. Only full-blooded faeries aren't able to lie. Did I scare you a bit just then?"

"Yes, you did oppa," you smiled.

Jin, satisfied by your answer, turned proudly towards Taehyung. "See Tae? I can act. Just because you were casted into a drama doesn't give you the ability to judge one's skill."

"Good for you hyung..." Taehyung muttered in reply.

"Anyways," Jin piped, "your turn Suga."

The mint haired man replied in a bored voice.  "I'm Suga, a vampire."

You stiffened a bit. After all, your first experience with a vampire did not turn out so well.

"Relax dear, I'm not going to eat you. I just fed not long ago," Suga smirked.

"Ooh! I guess I'm next!" J-Hope jumped up excitedly. You guessed he was probably a faerie from the way he was practically, you mean actually, glowing. "I'm half fae, just like-"

"Why are we doing introductions?" snarled Taehyung, rising onto his feet and cutting J-Hope off.

"Tae, calm-"

"No! Let's just erase her memories and be rid of her," cut Taehyung. His voice rose louder with each word- he was now shouting.

"Like Suga-hyung said earlier, I fucked up okay? Just let me try again and everything will return back to normal," Taehyung continued, this time in a softer voice. "I'm still a bit confused on how this whole situation started but if we-"


All eyes turned to the one who had interrupted Taehyung; it was Namjoon.

"I know you didn't mess up Taehyung. There's obviously something Y/N is hiding from us. I can sense it."

All eyes then went from Namjoon to you.

"Speak, there's no use hiding it anymore," Namjoon said in serious tone.

You hesitated, confused and not understanding the sudden topic change.

"Don't make me use my power on you. I can guarantee you it won't be pleasant."


chapter four end



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