Chapter 30

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Just as quickly as Taehyung squeezed your hand, he let go- tossing the blanket off of him and clambered down the couch to join the chatter. You quickly masked your disappointment and watched from your place on the couch.

"So Taehyung, how do you feel?" Namjoon asked. You noticed how everyone was still spread out across the room, in case Taehyung's body started acting up again.

"Much better. Why are you guys sitting so far away?" Taehyung answered, turning his head around to give you a quick glance. You smiled and he returned it.

The members turned around to look at each other, communicating with their eyes- unsure whether or not to answer him. Taehyung looked at their reaction in confusion, wondering what 'secrets' everyone was hiding.

"This is why," Suga answered at last, reaching his hand out to Taehyung's arm. You held your breath as Suga's hand came closer to Taehyung.

"What are you doing?" Taehyung asked as Suga's hand grabbed his arm. Everyone quieted and held their breath like you did, waiting for Taehyung's body to suddenly start spasming. Luckily, nothing happened.

"Huh," Suga muttered and pulled his hand away, looking at as if it had magical healing powers.

"Yay! Hugging time!" Hoseok exclaimed, popping up and running to Taehyung. Just before Hoseok's arms could wrap around Taehyung, Taehyung jumped up, snarling- stopping Hoseok in his tracks.

"Sorry, my body suddenly did that on it's own," Taehyung rushed, slowly sitting back down again. You noticed how his body was tense.

"It's fine, but are you not better?" Hoseok asked, going back to his spot besides Jin. Jin gave him a few pats on the back.

"What do you mean?" Taehyung asked, "I most definitely feel better."

"Oh he's better alright," Jungkook interjected as he got up and began making his way closer. When he was about seven feet from Taehyung, Taehyung suddenly stood up again- his body acting the same way it did when Hoseok got too close. "He's just not fully better," Jungkook finished and took a step back. Taehyung calmed down and you patted the couch, telling him to sit with you. Taehyung complied and you gave his shoulder a few pats.

"I think I got it," Namjoon began, looking at you quickly before moving his eyes to Taehyung, "Taehyung is most definitely in a better condition and just as Jungkook had said, 'he's just not fully better.' Now that his body is slightly better, our radius from Taehyung may have been reduced." To prove his point, Namjoon moved closer. His previous distance from Taehyung of seven feet was now reduced to three.

"Well, now that Suga can touch Taehyung, Y/N can finally get some rest," Jin smiled, his previous demonic anger of being awoken at four in the morning gone. You were most definitely happy to be able to return home but there was a slight tinge of disappointment inside. Why?

The boys talked a little more on what had happened during the time when Taehyung was out like a light. You listened and eventually ended up joining the conversation. There was one point where you were about to explode with anger, listening to Suga talk about the situation he had found Taehyung in. You smiled when you heard how Suga had handled it.

"Okay okay okay," Namjoon yawned, "it's already- oh wow- six in the morning. I already told the managers how Taehyung was sick and they happily gave us a few days off to take care of him. Actually, they weren't too happy but at least we got a break. Waking up at four is finally hitting me, so I'm going to head up and take another nap." Giving everyone a wave (and a thank you to you), Namjoon headed on up. He was soon followed by others, the only people who stayed behind was Jin and Suga- not including you or Taehyung.

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