Chapter 14.5

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Suga's POV

Taehyung had shut himself into his room. Ever since the two of them had come back, he had stayed in there. Occasionally one of the members would go and check if he was still alive, and every time they would get no response. 

"He's dead," Jimin came back towards the living room after checking up on Taehyung. Jimin then proceeded to sit on the floor. "I call dibs on his things by the way," he continued.

"Good," Jungkook huffed. Ever since Suga had reported what had happened last night, Jungkook had been angry at Taehyung. Jungkook would growl at Taehyung and Taehyung would snarl back. If Jin hadn't stepped in and slapped the two across the back of their heads, this whole entire dorm building would had been knocked down to the ground- actually no, Namjoon would choke slam them through the floor if it came down to it. 

"'Kook," Namjoon sighed, "it's not like you did any better." 

"W-well, I u-um..." Jungkook started, only to trail off and drop his head down. Jimin rolled his eyes and patted Jungkook on the back. The entire house then hushed and an awkward and suppressing silence fell upon them. 

"So!" Hoseok started, breaking the silence, "what did you call us down for Suga?" The rest of the members nodded and turned towards Suga, waiting for an answer. 

"Well, the reason I called you down here for is because..." Suga sighed, trailing off- not sure on how he should word his words.

"Let me guess, Taehyung fucked up again. Go figures," Jungkook muttered, rolling his eyes. 

"Jungkook!-" Jin exclaimed but was cut off by Suga. 

"Well, it's not necessarily that he fucked up completely- only half way," Suga replied.

"What do you mean Suga?" Namjoon sat up and leaned forward on his knees, crossing his hands together. 

"I'm not too sure either, but from what I picked up on how Taehyung reacted to my questions, I think there is quite the possibility that it may be true-" Suga cut himself off and yelled in frustration. "I don't even know anymore, the stupid kid can't keep his fangs in check and now I got to clean up his shit- gah!" 

"Wait, what questions?" Namjoon asked. "What did you ask him?"

"I asked him if he loved Y/N," Suga muttered.

"What?!" Jungkook shouted and jumped to his feet. "He- Taehyung- said he loved Y/N? My ass, after doing what he did, he has the nerve to say the he fucking loves her?!"


"But you just-" Jungkook started.

"DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO SAY," Jin cut off. After his way of "peace" had been established, Jin sat back down on the couch. "So," Jin began afterwards- much more calmed down this time, "I know Taehyung shouldn't have fed on Y/N but still, was it really that big of a deal?"

"Yeah, Jin has a point," Namjoon stated, "I mean, since Y/N already knows about our circumstances, wouldn't it just be better for Taehyung to feed off of her rather than preying on someone else and risking the chance that he might not be able to erase their memories?" 

"I know, but it's not a matter of him fucking up again on erasing someone else's memories, it's the fact that he continued to feed on Y/N," Suga said frustratedly. 

"Suga-" Namjoon began but Suga cut him off before he could continue to say 'what do you mean?'.

"I'm getting there- let me finish. To be honest, I'm just as confused and lost as you guys are," Suga paused to take a breath, "When I asked Taehyung why he was at Y/N's, he said he didn't know. He said he just thought of her and ended up shadow-traveling to in front of her house. It's nearly impossible shadow-travel to a place when you aren't even thinking about where you are going to go- besides, last time I check, Taehyung didn't even fucking know where Y/N lived!" Suga held up a hand at Namjoon, cutting him off before he could even ask his question, "Now, if you're asking me why I was able to find Taehyung even though I also didn't know where Y/N lived, I'm answering it right now so shut up. I'm not a half-blood like Taehyung, I can sense his presence and where he is- Taehyung cannot. Sensing where someone is comes part of the full-blood package, but moving on. Taehyung also says he can't control himself when he's with her- something just washes over him and all he can think about is Y/N- especially her blood. Now that is something that is definitely a warning sign. Vampires do indeed lust after good blood but I've never seem someone crave and desire it that much. There's only one way to explain these 'symptoms' but I'm sure as hell praying that it fucking isn't it." Suga had sped up his speech with every word, and by the end of his monologue, he was practically rapping. Hoseok gave a small applause after he had finished. 

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