Chapter 45

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You laid awake in Taehyung's bed, staring up despite the fact that you couldn't see anything in the dark. Taehyung was beside you, snuggling into you- an arm draped around you as he rose and fell gently, calm. You sighed, playing tonight's events in you head over and over again- from the breaking news to Jungkook's reaction to what solution you had to find. Would things ever look up?

"You okay?" Taehyung murmured, giving you a peck. You turned so that you could face him, his eyes illuminating themselves in the dark.

"I thought you were asleep," you whispered back, trying to dodge the question.

"Nope, now tell me what's on your mind- though I might know what it is," Taehyung replied, his voice low and silky.

"Well, I was thinking about Jungkook...I wish I could help him. I-" you paused, sighing for the millionth time, "I don't know anymore."

"Well it's okay to not know everything- I know I don't," Taehyung chuckled, "But what I know for sure is that there is hope. If we don't hope, we take away that tiny chance we ever had."

You were quiet, digesting Taehyung's words. "That was deep," you laughed, "but very accurate."

"I know, that's why you're with me," Taehyung smiled. He gave you a kiss, bringing you closer to him. "Now sleep love, no more deep thinking this late."

You breathed calmly, resting on Taehyung's chest. His breath was warm as his body rose up and down against you. Comforted, you relaxed but the gears in your brain wouldn't stop turning- not in worry, but in hope instead. An idea finally you were confident in popped up and you quickly turned to Taehyung- ready to tell him. You stopped however, laughing quietly. Taehyung was fast asleep. You would tell him tomorrow.


You up early today- full of excitement of your genius idea. Surprisingly, you hadn't forgotten about it while dreaming. You didn't know how early it was, but it was most definitely somewhat early- there was barely light from outside.

You had woken up earlier than Taehyung, unable to tell him your plan. Choosing not to wake him, you waited. After laying beside him and staring at his handsome face for a few more moments, your bladder decided to not wait anymore. Getting up, you were careful to not disturb him. Padding across the room and to Taehyung's door, you yawned.

After you had relieved yourself- washing your hands and staring at your reflection- you opened the bathroom door, almost banging it into Jungkook. Talk about an awkward moment. Jungkook's eyes had widened before his brain registered what had happened. Quickly looking away, he dashed off. Clearly you weren't the only one registering uncomfortable mood hanging in the air.

"Jungkook," you called suddenly, stopping him in his tracks, "wait up!" You scampered over to him, grabbing his arms before he could run away. He could've broken free easily but he stayed still, silent but listening.

"Look, I want to talk about last night- not to pry about your past though," you started, "I wanted to ask if you would join us in revealing our solution to the world." Well technically my solution but only because I haven't told Taehyung- he's still sleeping.

"Really?" Jungkook exclaimed, taken back but interested at the same time. Quickly noting the excitement in his face, he became emotionless again. "I mean, go on."

"Let's go downstairs, we can fix ourselves some cocoa and chat," you smiled, pulling him downstairs. You smiled even brighter when you noticed how Jungkook wasn't resisting.


"That's genius!" Jungkook smiled, flashing his cute bunny teeth. He had chosen banana milk instead of cocoa- sipping on his every now and then.

Misconception // (Reader x Vampire Taehyung)Where stories live. Discover now