Chapter 29

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"So, what do you want to talk about?" Taehyung asked, keeping his eyes on yours- sending electrifying chills throughout your body. You shivered slightly and Taehyung draped his blanket over you, thinking you were cold.

What? I thought you had something to say since you asked if we wanted to chat or not? "Didn't you have something you wanted to talk about?" you asked, answering Taehyung's question with one of your own.

"Oh yeah," Taehyung chuckled. "I was hoping we could go for a light icebreaker instead of diving right into it..." Taehyung trailed off, laughing nervously.

"I think it's a little too late for an icebreaker, considering all that's happened already," you said, looking down- Taehyung's hand was still intertwined with yours.

"True true." There was a pause of silence after Taehyung's short reply. Judging from how he was looking around- seeming really interested at the blinking light of the smoke detector and such- Taehyung was stalling on who knows what.

"Taehyung," you began slowly, dragging his name out to call his attention.


"If you don't spit it out, I'll never know."

"Fine, if you want to dive into all the shit, by all means go for it," Taehyung growled. He leaned back into the couch, crossing his legs in front of him. He ruffled his hair annoyingly with one hand before looking at you. Seriously, Taehyung's sharp red eyes looked really hot with his sapphire blue hair. Y/N, stop gawking at him! Now is not the time!

"Y/N," Taehyung called your name, dragging it out the same you had done with his, "if you don't reply, I'll never know what's going on." Taehyung smirked as your face flushed slightly, the heat creeping back up to your cheeks.

"Shut up," you answered shortly. After composing yourself and getting into a comfortable position, you were ready for this 'nice chat'. "Okay, go ahead."

"So," Taehyung began, pausing briefly to take a deep breath, "you said you know what's going on-"

"Yeah, pretty much everything except the cause to your current condition," you added. Taehyung gave a mock annoyed look when you cut him off.

"Okay, so everything except that, got it. Now don't cut me off here," Taehyung paused to give you another look- you giggled slightly and he smiled. "So the fated pair thing, blood pact, and how those two things tie together- you know all of that right?"

"Yep, but do you mind explaining them for me again, it might make more sense if it came from you know um..." you trailed off, unsure how to phrase the rest of your sentence.

"A vampire?" Taehyung finished for you.

"Yeah," you said as you nodded your head.

"Understandable," Taehyung replied. He paused and his lips curled up into a smile. "In return you have to give me something."

"What? If it's within reason, I guess," you answered, slightly thrown off.

"I want hmm..." Taehyung trailed off, biting his lower lip. His eyes met yours in an attractive and seductive way. "I want your body," he smiled, licking his lips.

Your face flushed tomato red. You felt your face about to explode like a volcano. "What?" you choked out.

"To use as a lap pillow, goodness what were you thinking?" Taehyung laughed as he raised an eyebrow.

"Oh," you replied shortly, embarrassed at what had popped into your mind.

"Disappointed?" Taehyung asked, smirking.

Misconception // (Reader x Vampire Taehyung)Where stories live. Discover now