Chapter 21

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Suga POV

"You're back?" Jin asked from the couch as Suga appeared out of nowhere. Jin used to scream every time Suga randomly popped out of the walls because of his shadow-travel, but after a few years of living together, he had gotten used to it. "Where are the other two?" Jin continued.

There was a bang and shutting of a car door from outside. "There's your answer," Suga yawned and sat down on the living room floor. After a few moments, he decided that sprawling down on the carpet was the most comfortable position compared to sitting.

There was muffled talking and scrambling coming closer and closer to the front door. A click from the front door lock sounded. The door swung open with Jungkook in front, followed by Taehyung and Y/N on his shoulder. Suga immediately sat up, no longer sleepy.

Y/N met Suga's surprised look and her eyes glared at him. "You fucking little mmphmm-" Y/N was cut off by Taehyung covering her mouth over his hand.

Namjoon came coming down the stairs with impeccable timing, his eyes widened also at the sight. There was a moment of silence as he stared at Y/N- slung across Taehyung's shoulder and muffled by his hand. It's not everyday you walk into that sight.

After a few moments, Namjoon broke the silence. "Tea?" he asked.



You were situated on a couch meant for a single person. You didn't mind of course- if you hadn't been dragged to BTS' lair without your consent. There was a mug of earl grey tea in your hand, the steam slowly rising from the piping hot drink.

"So um," Namjoon situated himself on the long couch to your left. Jin scooted over to make some room. Namjoon took a few sips of his tea before setting it down on the coffee table in front of him. "What a surprise," Namjoon finished, the trace of awkwardness clearly noticeable in his voice.

You took a sip of the tea and set it down in front of you. "Indeed it is," you replied. There was a long stretch of silence as you stared and the rising swirls of steam emitted from the mug of tea.

Laughs and giggles erupted from the stairs, growing louder with every thump- signaling the group of people coming closer and closer. Hoseok and Jimin emerged into the living room, still laughing something. The laughter came to a halt as they noticed the pairs of eyes staring at them- with Namjoon continuing his impeccable timing by taking a long sip of tea. The only person who seemed unbothered was Hoseok, shooting a smile with "Hi Y/N!" before seating himself down by Suga. Jimin on the other hand stared at everyone before falling his gaze on you, finally noticing your presence.

"Hi Y/N, um-" Jimin was cut off by his own tumble of coughs. Your eyes widened in worry. "Y/N, why do you reek of a whole bunch of vampires?" Jimin hacked out between coughs. Jungkook came over and gave Jimin a mask while seating him further away. You noticed how Jungkook was also sitting farther away compared to others.

"Um, what?" you choked out as the coughing fit settled.

"Yeah, what?" Jin repeated your question, crossing his arms and glared everyone, with his gaze falling on Namjoon the longest. "You knew didn't you?" Jin asked him.

"What? No!" Namjoon waved his hands, "I can read minds, but I can't sniff out vampires! That falls in their domain." Namjoon pointed at Suga, Taehyung, Jungkook, and Jimin- who must have adjusted quite quickly to the situation and no longer needed a mask.

"Okay," Jin mumbled. He took a deep breath before turning his head to those who had been pointed out. "Explain," he said much louder and firmer this time, with his arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed downward. You began to believe that Jin was the one with mind reading abilities rather than Namjoon for Jin was taking the questions out of your mouth.

"Hey!" Namjoon whispered to you, "are you doubting my abilities?" Your eyes widened at him before turning into a glare. Get out of my head. Namjoon replied with an "okay" and took another sip of his tea before turning his attention to the others. 

"Don't look at me, I didn't bring her here," Suga yawned.

"Hyung! You were the one who told us where she was though!" Jungkook whined. You glared at Suga and he averted his gaze.

"The reason to Jimin's coughing fit was precisely why we brought her," Taehyung mumbled. The room was quiet again.

"Wait, are you telling me I've been hanging around with a whole bunch of vampires?" you asked, breaking the silence. Taehyung's averted gaze confirmed your suspicions.

"But I literally have no one to even hang out with- especially after you did something to Jaehwa! My only friend in Korea doesn't even know who I am now!" you bursted- tense, your nails digging into armrest.

"We had to," Suga answered. From his response, you knew that Suga was the one who must've done something Jaehwa.

"You didn't have to do anything. You guys-" you pointed at everyone, "didn't have to do anything! Especially without notifying me. And since you guys choose not to inform me- then and now- you have no right whatsoever to even interact with me," you shouted. After your outburst, the room was quiet. You noticed how your tea had gone cold.

"Y/N," Namjoon began, "I'm sorry, I wish we could tell you why but-"

"Drop it, if you didn't want me to get involved anymore, you wouldn't have brought me back here," you shot your words, with the intent of it going towards Suga. You got up and headed towards the door. The loud bang and shutting of the door behind you echoed loudly.

The air was chilly, the moon was nowhere in sight- how befitting for the situation. You sighed and shook your head- trying to clear it of the tumble of emotions rolling through you right now. After a few moments, you began to make your way down the driveway and onto the sidewalk. Maybe a late night stroll in the chilly air could rid you of your problems.

"Hey Y/N!" a voice called out from behind you. You turned around and saw Jin, running up to you. You sighed and turned back around, continuing your walk.

"At least let me drive you back home!" Jin exclaimed, panting as he finally caught up to you. He threw a jacket around you, and escorted you back to the garage.

"Why did you make that a question when you weren't even going to listen to what my answer was?" you asked as he opened that car door for you. You got in and buckled yourself as Jin shut the door and came around the driver's seat.

"Looks like you were going to take my offer anyways," Jin smiled as he started the car. After backing out of the driveway, Jin continued. "Plus, I wanted to have a chat with you about the things I think you should know. I mean correction- things that you deserve to know."


chapter 21 end




hey guys, sorry for 1) the short update and 2) the sudden disappearance. my parents suddenly surprised my family with a trip to new york so my inactivity was due to that. i know i could've written and updated during that but i got lazy, plus it was NEW YORK! i'm small town gurl so that city was very eye opening and just overwhelming lol

anyways, i got to visit the LINE store in times square- best thing EVAH! there was so many cute things- especially the BT21 items! sadly, i was broke af and could only get a cooky plushy (they didn't have tata ;-;) but it was very fun overall. if you're ever visiting new york- go to that LINE store, you won't regret it XD

but all in all, it's great to be back, thank you for the support and i hope to see you next update- bye~! <3

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