Chapter 14

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Taehyung POV

Taehyung laid besides Y/N- wide awake. He felt the gentle breathing of her as she slept besides him. Y/N tossed and turned a few times but always ended up in the same position she started in, as if she couldn't find that one perfect and comfortable position.

Cute, Taehyung chuckled quietly to himself.

Taehyung had tried looking for a clock in Y/N's room, but it was futile. Taehyung could understand. Manual clocks ticked too loud at night and digital ones were too bright. Why would you need a clock if you had your phone? (a.n.- ha, me)

Otherwise in not finding a clock, Y/N's room was relatively plain- in a good way. The walls were bare except for the place in front of her table, a few pictures of Y/N and her friends and family were pinned on the wall. One of the pictures had caught Taehyung's eye- it was Y/N and some guy, Y/N was smiling towards the camera while the guy had his arm looped around her shoulders, not looking at the camera but at Y/N instead. Taehyung felt him mouth tilt downwards in a frown.

Y/N's table, which was right underneath the pinned pictures was somewhat messy. Papers and different files laid sprawled across the surface. However, a cap laid on top of the mountain of papers- a very familiar cap. Taehyung squinted at it for a bit before he realized who's cap it was- it was his. Flashbacks to when Taehyung had threw his cap down in frustration in the alleyway popped into his head.

She kept it- why? Taehyung felt an unknown feeling flooded through his body. It always happened when he was with her or situations that involved her. His heart tightened and fluttered at the same time. It left him confused and searching for an answer. Such an emotion always made his way of thinking go completely going off track- how he always bursted into frustration in front of Y/N, making him want to go and slap himself. Why can't I act normal in front of her?

Y/N mumbled something in her sleep as she turned again, this time away from him and staying there. Taehyung reached over gently, pulling her back to face him. Taehyung looked at Y/N- her long lashes, soft lips, and simply how beautiful she was to him.

"I wonder what good dream you're having right now," Taehyung whispered.

In a few moments, he closed his eyes as he wished for this moment to never end.


Taehyung woke up to Suga's glaring face. He immediately sat up and opened his mouth, but Suga's hand quickly covered Taehyung's mouth. Suga pointed towards Y/N's sleeping figure and motioned Taehyung to follow him. Taehyung hesitated, looking back at her peaceful face. Suga let out a tsk and grabbed Taehyung- shadow-traveling them into a dark street alley. Taehyung didn't know where they were but he sure as hell knew that they were quite the distance from Y/N's house.

"What the fuck?" Taehyung growled. He shook his head to get all the sleepiness out of it.

"Don't you what the fuck me," Suga snarled, his eyes were bright red, his fangs gleamed in the faint moonlight. Taehyung flinched slightly at Suga's sudden sharp demeanor.

"Hyung," Taehyung began, "what were you doing back there?" Taehyung looked back towards Suga, only to find him bristling with even more anger.

"What do you mean by what was I doing back there? I should be asking you that question!" Suga's voice grew louder with every word. "I let you go out to feed after we cleaned up that mutt's hell of a mess and you go to Y/N? Seriously, were you thinking with your dick and not your head?"

"Excuse me? I don't know who pissed in your blood packet but don't try to do it to mine," Taehyung snarled, his fangs flashing.

"Don't you talk back to me." Suga slammed Taehyung into wall, Taehyung hissed at the pain. Suga loosened his grip slightly put still kept him pinned to the wall. "Now, tell me why the hell were you feeding off of her."

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