Chapter 26

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"Oh my baby!" you cried as you tossed your bag aside, running towards your bed at full speed. Diving into your bed like a Olympic gold medal diver, you sighed as you snuggled into the sheets. You got to go home early since there wasn't really anything to do once you had finished planning the week's schedule. Nonetheless, you were ready to tell Monday to fuck off.

Your bliss was interrupted by sharp knocks and the loud piercing doorbell coming from you front door. Groaning you padded to the entrance and peeked through the peephole. You saw Jin frantically shuffling like he really had to the bathroom.

You sighed as you opened the door, "What's up-"

"No time, let's go," Jin cut off, grabbing your wrist and dragging you out to his car still on in your driveway. You struggled against him but Jin easily threw you into the backseat. He closed the door sharply, getting into his driver's seat and backed out of driveway like there was no tomorrow. It didn't help as he raced down the road going at least thirty miles above the speed limit.

"Hey, what's going on- oop," you stopped suddenly as Jungkook- who you just noticed was sitting by you- reached over and buckled you in. Sitting in front of Jungkook in the passenger's seat was Jimin, who was desperately holding onto the armrest as his eyes bulged out from his face, terrified at the speed Jin was going at.

"Something's happened with Taehyung," Jin said as he sped along the road, turning sharply and pressing down on the gas pedal even more as he entered the freeway. "I've been left with a short message from Suga to brief you on the situation," Jin said grimly, his usual content and casual expression gone. He was seriously going to put some permanent wrinkles on his beautiful face from furrowing his brows so much.

"What situation?" you asked. And is Taehyung okay?

"The situation with why we had to send you abroad," Jin answered, cursing silently as he swerved around a car that was going to slow for his taste.

"But, what if I don't want to know? I thought we were going to minimize our interactions with each other," you said. Even though you gave me Taehyung's jacket and Suga told him where I was at Sunday.

"Sorry dear, we don't have- quote unquote Suga- 'time'" Jin replied. "Suga's the expert with Taehyung so I can't really refuse him- especially not knowing what's up with Taehyung." A loud honk came from behind and Jin quickly changed lanes- again. "Jimin and Jungkook, you two brief her as I concentrate on driving."

"So um- gah!" Jimin cut himself off as his face turned pale. The poor kid couldn't even talk right with Jin's driving. It was now up to Jungkook to explain.

"Taehyung- well something's up with him," Jungkook began, fidgeting with his fingers, "and all I know is that Suga told us to bring you to him."

"Jungkook, I'm pretty sure I already went over that!" Jin called from his driver's position. "I mean explain the blood pact to her!"

"Oh," Jungkook answered.

"What blood pact?" you asked turning to Jungkook now that Jin's focus was on the road.

"It's something that you and Taehyung might form," Jungkook answered.

"Without my permission?" you cried in shock. Was this why your interactions with BTS- especially Taehyung- was increasing?

"I don't think Taehyung even knows about it. It has something to do with you and him being fated pairs," Jungkook replied, doing a terrible job at explaining what was going on.

"What fated pairs?" you asked, a jumble of questions was forming in your head.

Before you could open your mouth to ask again, Jin harshly pulled off the freeway and exited on a diverging path- parking illegally on the side of the road. "Jungkook, you drive. Hurry up and switch places with me," Jin barked as he jumped out of the driver's seat. They quickly switched places and you were speeding off again.

"So judging by your face, Jungkook did a very good job on briefing you," Jin began as he buckled himself in- shooting a glare at Jungkook before continuing. "Backtracking to two years ago, we had to harshly send you away. The reason why was because you and Taehyung were about to form a blood pact. According Suga, it's like a marriage proposal from Taehyung, the vampire, to you, the human. It's an extremely risky thing and I can't really elaborate on it because I'm not even sure about it. There really hasn't been a blood pact between a half-vamp and human recorded before so we don't know what might happen if one was formed. It also didn't help that you two were fated pairs- meaning Taehyung is attracted to you and you to him without knowing why, though the usual factor tends to be blood." Jin turned to you after finishing, "Getting this?"

"Sort of?" you answered.

"Good, there's more," Jin said after your reply, immediately continuing. "The blood pact hasn't been formed yet because it is sealed after the third feeding- aka when Taehyung drinks your blood for the third time. Currently, you sit at two. But this may or may not be true once we through in the factor of you two being fated pairs. We didn't want to risk you and Taehyung being near each other any longer, so we had to send you away. But you really can't keep someone like you away for long I guess," Jin finished and gave you a small smile.

"So why are you bringing me to Taehyung?" you asked after letting what Jin had told you sink in for a bit. Things started to make a little more sense but the overall situation was still confusing.

"That I don't know. All Suga told me was to bring you to him, saying 'it's starting.'" Jin answered. Judging from the grim look on his face, the situation must be quite serious.

After Jin didn't say anything for a while, you assumed that he was finished. You decided to think in silence, reflecting on the explanation you had just acquired. Jin said you and Taehyung are a 'fated pair', which then in return caused Taehyung to want to form a 'blood pact' with you. Taehyung was most likely doing it unconsciously according to Jungkook. No one knew what would happen with a blood pact between a fated pair of a half-vampire and human. Not wanting to risk it, you were sent away. You repeated this over and over inside your head, each time it sunk further and further into your head. It slowly began to make sense, explaining Taehyung's peculiar behavior around you. Kind and quiet when it was the two of you, explosive and unpredictable when others were involved.

Now knowing the reason why you were sent to America, you became content- at peace with the situation that bugged you for two years. However, this feeling did not last long. A new wave of uneasiness started rolling over you, growing stronger and stronger as you neared the dormitory where the boys lived. As Jin's brows furrowed downward further and further, your worry grew bigger and bigger.

Before Jungkook could fully brake the car, Jin jumped out. He offered his hand to help you down and you took it before he raced you inside.

"Suga!" Jin called loudly, frantically looking around.

"In the living room," Suga replied. Jin pulled you over into the living room and you gasped, finally seeing Taehyung and the state he was in.

"Oh no." 


chapter twenty-six



Misconception // (Reader x Vampire Taehyung)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum