Chapter 37

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If you had to list a pet peeve, you'd say the ominous feeling of a pair of eyes staring at you bugs you the most. Now throw in the factor of you sleeping- with someone staring at you. You shivered slightly and turned around, shifting to face the other way on the bed- hoping the feeling would disappear. Instead, you felt the stare burn a hole at the back of your head.

Giving yourself a mental countdown to turn back around, you took a few breaths. 3...2...2½...1. You turned back around quickly, opening your eyes to take a peek. A figure sat near the edge of the bed, the faint light of the moon creeping in through the cracks of the curtains illuminated the blue silhouette of his hair. He noticed how you were up and turned to meet your eyes. Two dark red orbs- dark and mysterious yet chilling color of blood- pierced through you. Your breath caught in your throat- He's going to chomp on my neck. Panicking, you screamed.

"Hey!" Taehyung called quietly, reaching his arms over to you. Your shrill went up and octave and Taehyung backed away, covering his sensitive vampire ears.

Loud thudding came from outside the room. A few seconds later, the door flew open- banging and swinging loudly on its hinges. The light flicked on and you shut your eyes- the sudden illumination of the room hurt your eyes.

"Y/N!" Jin cried after your eyes adjusted. Jin's eyes scanned the room quickly, with his final gaze falling on Taehyung. He gasped. "I don't have my pan! I'll be right back!" Jin cried before dashing out the room- thumping down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Y/N?" Namjoon asked, peeking his head in the room right after Jin had left. "Oh," he muttered when he saw Taehyung. "Uh, stay calm- don't move," he said calmly before dashing out the room. You could hear him scrambling and muttering, "Blood pack, blood pack, blood pack..."

"Y/N?" Jimin murmured, also peeking his head into the room. Right behind him was Jungkook grumbling about the ruckus. Before the two of them could take a step into the room, Taehyung growled. You squeaked in alarm and Jimin backed out in fear.

"I got the blood pack!" Namjoon cried triumphantly. Right before he could do anything with it, Jungkook grabbed it from his hand.

"Take this!" Jungkook yelled, throwing the blood pack at Taehyung. It bounced harmlessly off his face and landed in his lap. The room was quiet and all the pairs of eyes blinked.

"I got the pan! Make way!" Jin exclaimed, pushing his way into the room- breaking the silence. He stopped when Taehyung picked up the blood pack from his lap- noticing how he wasn't lunging at you or anything.

"Could you-" Taehyung began. He was cut off by Jimin who screamed.

"Who lost their fucking minds and decided it is okay to be screaming their fucking little shitty heads off at fucking two in the morning?!" Suga grumbled, his purple hair poking out from the crowd. He pushed his way into the room. "Oh hey Taehyung," he greeted when he saw Taehyung.

"Hey, could you-" Taehyung started, standing up and taking a step forward. He was cut off by Jimin's screaming again.

"Don't take another step if you want to live," Jin hissed, waving his pan in front of him- threatening. Taehyung stopped and backed away, putting his hands in the air in surrender.

"Could you-" Taehyung began again- repeating the two words he has been trying to say for the millionth time. Jimin's scream stopped him again.

"COULD YOU LITTLE FUCKTARDS LET HIM TALK?!" Suga screamed the highest and loudest of the all- his voice cracking slightly at the end. "Thank you," he sighed after the room quieted, "this is why we can't have nice things..."


"Couldn't you have started off with that?" Jin asked, shaking his head. He had taken a seat beside you on the bed, the pan still sitting on his lap.

"I tried to but someone kept cutting me off," Taehyung growled, throwing a glare at Jimin. All the members had gathered into the room, sitting on the bed or around you in chairs. Taehyung sat on the edge of your bed- near your feet.

"Anyone who didn't know you were fully awake would freak out," Jimin mumbled, avoiding Taehyung's glare.

Taehyung was fully awake now. He awoke shortly after everyone went to sleep- ironically. Suga had noticed and he quoted 'I threw a blood pack and he fetched like a doggo.' Long story short, he had already fed- draining the first blood pack.

"Do you want your second blood pack?" Namjoon asked, pointing the the bag that was still sitting on Taehyung's lap.

"Maybe, but I like fresh blood," Taehyung replied, looking at you quickly. You noticed how his eyes trailed down to your neck. Blushing slightly, you readjusted the neckline your RJ pjs- shifting it higher up on your neck.

"How about you finish that packet and we can talk," Jin huffed, he tapped on the pan with his fingers and Taehyung flinched. "Don't waste your food."

"Yes sir," Taehyung gulped. Suga handed him a straw and Taehyung began drinking the blood pack like quote unquote 'a bloody Capri Sun.' You felt a little bit queasy watching him drink your blood. You glanced at Jungkook and Jimin- they wore the same expression.

"I'm going to go back to sleep," Suga yawned, "Make sure you dispose of that correctly," he told Taehyung- pointing to the blood pack- before exiting. He was soon followed by the others. Jin stayed behind along with Taehyung.

"Come on Jin-ah," Namjoon called, poking his head back into the room, "I think those two need to talk." Jin relented slightly before getting up.

"I hear one scream from Y/N," Jin paused, demonstrating what he would do- swinging the pan in his hand down harshly in the air. Taehyung gulped and nodded his head- you noticed how he was biting his lips.

"Come on," Namjoon beckoned. He gave you a smile before closing the door- leaving you and Taehyung to yourselves.

"So, um..." Taehyung began quietly, fidgeting with his fingers. He trailed off, looking away.

"Wanna talk?" you asked. He looked up back at you, a small smile on his lips. You patted the spot right beside you on the bed, motioning him to move up and closer to you. After moving, Taehyung leaned his head on your shoulder- his blue locks tickling your neck ever so slightly. His warm breath brushed your neck. You felt his hand find yours, intertwining your fingers with his.

You looked down at him, shifting your head slightly. He met your eyes with his- smiling. You looked away quickly, feeling a blush creep up into your cheeks. The two of you forgot your original objective- remaining quiet and in silence instead. It wasn't awkward or suppressing silence- it was the kind of gentle quietness that enveloped one warmly, comforting. As if on cue, Taehyung gave your hand a squeeze. You felt his lips shift into a smile on your neck. A wish that you never wished for- especially with a man- formed in your head.

"I wish this would never end," Taehyung murmured, his breath brushing the sensitive skin of your neck. Taehyung's request surprised you- he took the words right out of your mind.

"Same," you whispered after your shock wore off- realizing how happy and relieved you were for Taehyung wanting what you want.



NOTICE!- I will be inactive for the rest of the week- I have to go to this summer camp for learning! in short, my parents enrolled me in summer school- I know, I'm not happy about this either...Anyways, I will try my best to work on updates during my free time.

anyways, I decided to leave y'all on a lil happy note cuz i'm nice like that- lol. If I have to say, I think this entire fanfic is slowly wrapping up- maybe I'll try to extend it to 45-50 ish chapters in total? maybe a lil less, idk- depends on if y'all want any epilogues or side stories or not. I can't believe it's been almost two years on wattpad! yayayyayayay if I'm being sentimental or cheesy rn i'm sorry- i'm listening to butterfly by bts rn...

anyways, I'll see y'all soon. (wish me luck in summer school camp.....)

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