Chapter 34

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"Oh my god..." you breathed, resting your face in your hands.

"Here, have some water dear," Jin comforted, handing you a glass of water. You thanked him and took a few sips.

"So..." you began, only to trail off. Taking another breath, you started again. "So you're telling me I have a blood pact with Taehyung, the marking on my left collarbone is a feeding timer for Taehyung, and Taehyung belongs in a vampire clan along with HongJoong and Mingi?" you listed, rambling the things Jin had told you. He was right, this chat did take a lot of time. You were thankful he had asked you to sit down because your legs were currently feeling weak.

"Yes," Jin answered. "I know it's a lot to take in..." he trailed off, unsure how to finish his sentence.

"No kidding," you scoffed. You looked up at Jin- he was biting his lips, his brows furrowed with worry. "I'm sorry," you apologized, feeling bad for snapping at Jin, "it's just a little bit too much info at once."

"It's okay," Jin sighed, reaching forward to grab your hand. His hands were warm, enveloping yours as he comforted you. "I should be the one to apologize- with all that has happened to you. You never asked to be involved with us, yet I still..." Jin paused and sighed again, "I tried to bring you closer to Taehyung as much as I told you I would respect your wishes. So much for that huh? I'm so sorry Y/N for giving you Taehyung's jacket, I think that was what triggered him...knowing how he visited you that day- only to end up passing out and snapping into his vampire instincts..."

You were quiet after Jin's apology. "Jin," you called after a few moments, "I'm not necessarily mad, I'm just a little taken back right now. I just need a bit more time to adjust- I was out for nine days." You smiled and patted Jin's hand. "Also with Taehyung's jacket, even without you giving me it, this entire situation would still have happened- Mingi did tell you that you couldn't have prevented it either way. Well we're all in this together now, aren't we?"

"Yeah...Y/N, did anyone ask you if it hurt when you fell from heaven- 'cause you're an angel," Jin smiled. He squeezed your hand before letting go, giving your hair a little ruffle. "Now let's finish drying those dishes."

"Jin," you called from your spot.


"I think those dishes already dried themselves, they've been sitting out there for two hours."

"Huh, well these dishes ain't gonna put themselves in the cabinets."

You laughed and nodded your head, getting up and heading over to Jin, realizing how grateful you were for him.


"So, you wanna go watch a movie in the living room?" Jin asked after the two of you finished putting the dishes up. "I can see if I can find any popcorn. There are some snacks if I can't find them."

"Sure," you answered.

"Great- anything in particular you want to watch?"

You paused, thinking. "Actually, you can choose. It's your house- your TV."

"Awesome," Jin smiled, his eyes gleaming. "The Matrix it is. Oh! I found the popcorn! Now you want movie theater butter or kettle corn?"

"How about both?" you answered.

"That's my girl," Jin laughed, throwing the first bag of popcorn into the microwave.


"Gosh darn," Jin began, throwing his hands up in the air in mock annoyance, "we're out of both buttered popcorn and kettle corn!"

"I can go pop some more," you offered, getting up.

"No no no," Jin waved and motioned you to sit back down. "I'll pop them. I already know what happens here, you can concentrate on the movie- I'll be quizzing you later." Jin gave a stern look before laughing, grabbing the two empty popcorn bowls and headed into the kitchen. You heard him open the microwave and throw another bag of popcorn into it. The beeps and whirring sounds of the microwave soon followed.

As you waited for Jin to come back, you turned your head back to the TV screen. Ten minutes had passed and Jin wasn't back yet- he must be popping several bags of buttered popcorn and kettle corn.

Suddenly, the thumping sounds of the stairs torn your attention away from the movie. You saw a head of mussed head of blue hair. Taehyung. He was finally up. Your feeling of relief didn't last long as you saw Taehyung turn his head to you. His eyes weren't the bright exotic red when he had rendered to his vampire instincts, they were a different red- they were the red color when he was hungry, when he needed to feed. The marking above your left collarbone suddenly started to burn, you winced from the pain. You bent forward, your hair falling across your face as you clutched your chest.

Taehyung's growls caused you to look up. He made his way closer, allowing to see him in more detail. You noticed how his eyes were slightly glazed. He's not fully awake yet. You scrambled off the couch, falling down with a loud thud- the pain from your marking made it hard to walk.

"Y/N?" Jin called from the kitchen. You turned your head to his voice, seeing him peek out. His eyes widened as he saw your scared face. You saw his gaze shift over- he had noticed Taehyung. He ducked back into the kitchen. Your heart plummeted, you had hoped Jin would run over to help you.

Taehyung's hard grip latched onto your arm, causing you to turn your attention back to him. He pushed you onto the ground a little too harshly, making you wince. He was breathing hard, his breath warm. He lowered his head down onto your neck, his lips brushing the delicate skin of your neck. You held your breath, closing your eyes and waited for his fangs to sink in.

"You little prick!" There was a loud bang and Taehyung fell limp on you. You opened your eyes, blinking at the sight above.

Jin was holding a pan in his hand, panting heavily. From the corner of your peripheral vision, you saw Taehyung's eye closed, his body heavy on yours- he was probably going to be out for awhile.

"Sorry, I could have never beat his vampire strength by myself," Jin panted, relaxing his war stance a bit. His grip on the pan stayed firm however- ready to wack Taehyung in the head if he wasn't fully out yet. You noticed a dent on the metal pan.

"Hey, we're home! I got the rice Jin!" Namjoon exclaimed, swinging the door open and walking in. The rest of the members filed in, stopping shortly when they saw the sight in the living room.

"Oh," Namjoon stopped, dropping the bag of rice. "Tea?" 


chapter thirty-four end



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