Chapter 5

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short intermission from the author...again <3

omg, what the freak ahhhhhhhhh *internally screaming right now*

you guys are so awesome <3

never in a million years would I have ever thought I would get views, much less votes for comments that weren't my own lol

I was thinking about discontinuing this series until y'all gave me the motivation. So...thank you so much saranghae (or salanghae)~~~~ <3 <3 <3

I do apologize if the updates come out quite slowly, school is killing me right now. I'm currently trying not to drown in the assignments.

also, if the spacing looks a bit off, for example in previous chapters the spacing is a bit closer while as this one looks a bit wider. that's because I'm currently working on this on my laptop (in school lol, the things I'll do for Y'all lol) Sometimes I work on this from my phone so please bear with it thx <3 (also, if I forget to capitalize something, it's because my phone has auto-correct while my laptop does not. I don't mean to do it >.<)

but now...

Let's get back to the story~~~~


"Excuse me?" you replied in a bewildered voice. Your voice cracked a bit from the loud tone of surprise. All the stares coming from the men weren't helping either. Talk about peer pressure.

"Speak." Namjoon replied. His gaze was calm but sharp, as if he had figured out everything.

Which happens to be nothing. Last time you checked you were human. Last time you checked, supernatural creatures didn't exist!

"Um, I have no idea what your talking about," you chuckled nervously, trying to brush this off as a joke. Maybe they were just messing with you.

Namjoon raised an eyebrow at you. The dimple in his cheek had disappeared. This guy was serious.

"No really, I have no idea what you guys are talking about! What do you mean by 'you can sense that I'm hiding something?" You threw your hands up to emphasize your confusion, almost whacking Jin in the face.

Jin moved out of the way in time, but still gave you an annoyed look, the 'This face is worth more than your whole life, look.

"Last time I checked, I was human! Last time I checked, people like you weren't supposed to exist!" you cried. You were out of breath, spilling out all those sentences in one breath.

Silence filled the room, all eyes had a surprised look. They probably never expected for you to explode. Except for Namjoon, his eyes seemed to glint with amusement.

"Hyung, I think maybe she's telling the truth," piped a tiny voice. You turned around and saw a young man who had puberty hit hard but had missed his face. It's like the face of child on the body of a man. Baby faced man. You chuckled. His lips parted in confusion and your chuckle and you saw a glimpse of some bunny teeth.

"Yeah I know."

"What?!" Your eyebrows turned down in confusion. Had you said your thoughts out loud? A flash of pink hair caught your attention. Apparently it was Jin who had exclaimed out loud.

"You mean you were messing with me?" Jin strode over to Namjoon in two steps, putting his hands on his waist in anger. The action emphasized his broad shoulders, making him look even more intimidating.

"Calm down Jin-ah," Namjoon put his hands up in surrender, "I was just doing a short background check on her."

"And how would you do that?" This time you stood up and motioned Jin's actions.

"In your mind" Namjoon smiled and his dimple shone again.

"In my what?"

"In your...uh....mind?"

"My what?" Your mind seemed to log out of your brain, confused. However, realization slowly started to sink in, as if someone had hit the reboot button in your brain.

"You mean you read my...." you pointed to your head.

A slow nod from Namjoon confirmed your realization.

"Don't worry, I didn't go digging for all your secrets. I was just wanting to make sure you weren't lying."

"Uh huh..." All this information was bombarding your brain to the point you couldn't even be mad. However, you were going to have a nice little chat with Namjoon later...

"But 'baby faced man' though, that was funny."

You snapped your head back to Namjoon. Nah, your were going to have that chat with him right now.

"Baby faced man, what the hell is that?" Suga asked from his comfortable spot on the floor.

"She means you know," Namjoon nodded at the man who was situated next to Jimin.

All eyes turned to him and laughter burst out, Jin's windshield laugh being the most noticeable.

"Jungkook? Did you hear that?" J-Hope laughed so hard his smile was practically half his face. You also noticed the bright glow radiating off of him.

Jungkook's face when red with embarrassment, lowing his head down. His black coconut hair flopped over his eyes.

As everyone stood there laughing or smiling, you were not. You felt bad for everyone picking on this child and all of a sudden, you felt your feet unconsciously moving towards him. All eyes turned towards you and their smiles started to vanish ever so slightly. When you reached him, you sat down to his right and put your hand on his lower back.

"I'm sorry," you replied softly while rubbing slow circles on his back.

Jungkook glared back but didn't brush your hand aside.

As you continued to comfort him, his head began to lower onto your shoulder and hid his face in your neck. The slightest voice whispered back. "I forgive you noona."

"Noona?" the read haired man to the left of Jungkook exclaimed, a wide smile still on his face. "Kinky Kookie. Ooh! Alliteration!"

A low rumbled vibrated from Jungkook. Was he growling?

"Speaking of kinky," a lazy voice from Suga interjected, "how about Namjoon's mind reading abilities?"

"Kinky kinky." Jimin and Suga nodded their heads in agreement.

All of a sudden, the immense tense feeling had all evaporated into cheerfulness. Funny how the moods in the house change so quickly. Even so, you found yourself slowing enjoying the company.

"Noona, you fit in so well here." Jungkook turned his head and you stared into his eyes. Shades of black mixed with mocha brown orbs stared back. His arms slowly made his way around your waist.

"Ooh, someone is making some fast moves here." Jimin looked over and wiggled his eyebrows at you. His eyes smiled along with his mouth.

In the distance, one person was still in the corner, glaring at you. You felt the strong glare and turned your head and made eye contact with Taehyung.

His eyes were unreadable as he wrinkled his nose and flashed his fangs.

What the hell is wrong with him?


Chapter 5 end


Severely unedited. Sorry lol
Still a bit on the unsatisfied with the result...I'm okay with it but there's just a little bit of it bothering me lol. I do apologize for not giving you guys my BeSt! But then again, I was trying to memorize chapter 1 history in my head.
Hope you guys still enjoy my work.

*sellout moment here!*
Go check my jimin fanfic (it's not fantasy btw) I know there's only one chapter but I'll be updating story next.

Love you guys and thank chu so much for the support! <3 <3 <3

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