Chapter 19

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"One caramel cappuccino- extra cream please," you ordered. After a few moments you decided to add in that slice of blueberry cake that you had been eyeing from the display case. "And one slice of that cake- yes the blueberry one- please. Thank you."

"7500 won," the cashier said as she got your cake. You handed her a 10,000 won bill. "Your drink will be delivered to you in a bit," she said as she rang up your bill and handed you back your change. You nodded thanks and headed to a seat in the corner, sitting down and setting your cake in front of you. While browsing through your social media feed, you took a bite of your cake- you were in food heaven. After a few moments, your cappuccino was delivered and you took a sip.

It was a quiet Sunday morning. It was the first day that you had off in a long time and going to a cafe to relax was your way of starting it off. You had planned to go shopping afterwards.

It didn't take long for you to finish your cake. After wiping the crumbs from your mouth, you sighed in bliss. You reached for your drink and took a few more sips.

"Wow, it really is you," a raspy voice said from behind. You choked and whirled around- coughing. You saw a man with a black mask and cap that had tufts of purple hair poking out from underneath.

"Jesus, don't die on me. I don't want to be responsible for reporting it to the police," Suga said as he pulled the chair in front of you out, seating himself. He gave you a napkin and you muttered thanks, wiping your mouth.

"So- oh thank you," Suga began before he stopped to say thanks to the waiter who brought his drink to him. He took a few sips before starting again. "This is like a severe case of deja vu isn't it?" He smiled, his fangs gleaming.

You didn't say anything but rolled your eyes in response.

"Okay chill," Suga laughed, "First off, I want to congratulate you on learning some sass and secondly, there are a few things that need to be set straight. Now that we both happened to be in the same place at the same time, it must be fate for me to tell you almost everything now."

"I actually was planning on leaving and never coming back so..." you said as you got up, trailing off on your sentence hoping he would get the point. You pushed back your chair back and grabbed your bag but Suga stuck his hand out, stopping you by refusing to let go of your bag. You tried to pull it away from him but it didn't budge. You had no choice but to sit back down. Damn vampire strength.

"Thank you," Suga smiled before clearing his throat. His expression now turned serious. "I just wanted to tell you that it was wrong of us to send you away- no, don't cut me off, let me finish. We should've definitely given you a heads up but most importantly, we shouldn't have been making decisions for you. The only reason why is that there was no time, but I'm not going to expand on that any further. I also wanted to tell you that Taehyung had nothing to do with that decision as well, so don't go hating him please. If you absolutely need to blame someone, blame it on me 'cause I was the one who suggested it. Now, I would want to tell you why we had to ship you away but knowing how you don't want anything to do with us anymore, there's simply no need. And besides, knowing the reason won't give you closure- instead, it will make you become more involved with us. If there's one thing you need to trust me on, trust what I just said- okay?"

You had looked away and fidgeted with the strap of your bag. "Yeah, thank you," you mumbled. You didn't know how you felt right now. Should you feel angry or grateful? Right now you sat in a mix of those two emotions.

"Yeah, no problem. Oh yeah, it's not really my place to tell you this but I'll give you a small tip. You kind of reek of vampires," Suga said. After finishing his part he got up and waved farewell.

Misconception // (Reader x Vampire Taehyung)Where stories live. Discover now