Chapter 24

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It was Monday, fucking Monday- the cursed day that all workers fear. You groaned, slamming your hand harshly onto the alarm, shutting it up. You laid on your bed for a few more minutes before forcing yourself to get out of it and prepare for work. Sluggishly padding over to the bathroom, you caught a glimpse of yourself in the full length mirror by the door. You groaned again before turning away, making a mental note to not look into mirrors in the morning ever again.


"Phone, check. Wallet, check. Bag, che- wait, no check," you muttered as checked to make sure you had everything. However, there was a hitch in the list- your bag was definitely not ready. Pulling out the to-go box, you made a face. You had forgotten it in your bag yesterday and as a result, you had a sandwich that had gone bad. How wonderful. Making sure you threw it into the trash can while spraying a can of air freshener, you sighed. Today's luck must be because it was Monday.

You threw your bag into a pile along with your dirty laundry, making sure that you would wash it when you came back from work. You then headed over to your closet, pulling out a backup bag that you would use for the day. A cap that sat besides the jacket Jin had thrown at you the other day caught your attention. Sighing you picked it up, using your fingers to trace along the seams.

"What am I supposed to do with these?" you muttered, setting the cap back down and picking up your backup bag.

"How about you return it to the owner?" a low voice replied from behind.

In shock you slammed the closet shut, whirling around. You saw a head of bright blue hair- shining in the morning light. You didn't even have to look any further to know who it was.

"Good morning," Taehyung said as he yawned, shifting slightly from one foot to the other.

"I think it's a what the fuck are you doing in my house morning," you yelped, leaning against your closet door for support.

"Well if you want to call it that, we can. Anyways, I'll get straight to the point. I think you have something that belong to me. Would you ever be so kind to return it to me?" Taehyung asked, his eyes flickering to yours before he broke off contact.

"Yeah, sure um..." you murmured and turned around slowly, opening the closet door back up again to grab his hat and jacket. "Here," you said as you handed the items over to him. You were slightly caught off-guard with how mild and quiet Taehyung was being. He had a record of being quite unpredictably wild when approaching you. 

"Thanks- oh," Taehyung started before cutting himself off. His eyes flitted back and forth from you and the cap before settling back to the cap.

"Is there something wrong?" you asked. Even though you being in my house is wrong- just how the existence of Mondays is entirely wrong.

"No I just um uh, you kept my hat," Taehyung said quietly, finally meeting your gaze. There was a gentle demeanor on him today, a faint smile on his lips. "It's a little surprising but thanks."

You gave a small smile and nodded your head slightly. You also thought it was surprising on how you had kept his cap for all this time. When packing and cleaning out your old house two years ago, you had tried your best to throw it away but in the end, you couldn't bear to do it. Fast forward to now, the cap had always been with you- ever since that one day in the alley when Taehyung threw it onto the ground and took it anger out on it.

"Well, um have a good day," Taehyung murmured. He turned around and began walking towards a wall before stopping. "Actually, you can keep these," Taehyung said and sat the items down on your bed. Before you could say anything he ran into the wall and was gone. Shadow-travel.

Misconception // (Reader x Vampire Taehyung)Where stories live. Discover now