Chapter 27

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Taehyung was laid down on the couch, the rest of the members sitting around him in chairs or on the floor. Suga moved from his position, the recliner right next to Taehyung, and headed towards you.

"Sorry for the short notice, but as you can see..." Suga trailed off and waved to Taehyung. You picked up on what he meant.

Taehyung's body was covered in a sheen of cold sweat, his breathing was uneven- switching from light breaths to heavy pants. Occasionally, one of his eyebrows twitched but his eyes remained shut. But what stood out the most to you the most was his pale skin and the dark veins that stood out starkly against it. If the situation wasn't so dire, you would have taken the time to stare at it. The veins were like a tangle of thorns, intertwining and lacing around his body in an artistic manner. The black lines stopped abruptly at his neck, causing you to admire his jawline.

You walked closer and noticed that it just wasn't a 'sheen' of sweat on Taehyung, that was an understatement. Taehyung was soaked, shivering in his sweat- his eyes remaining closed throughout the entire situation.

"None of you bothered to change his clothes or wipe his sweat?" you asked, stopping about three feet from Taehyung and turning around to look at the others.

"Oh we tried all right," Suga growled, appearing behind you. "I was only able to touch him when I transported us here- that was when he didn't look half as bad as it is now. Now he won't let any of us touch him. I don't know how he does it, but when I step a little too close," Suga paused and demonstrated, stepping forward. Taehyung suddenly began shuddering and growling, bristling as his hand began to twitch uncontrollably. Suga took a step back and Taehyung's body began to settle back down, his sudden episode melting back into his light shivering. "I don't know how he manages to do all that when he's unconscious," Suga finished and sighed, shaking his head.

"Out of all of us, Suga's the only who Taehyung allows to get to him the closest to him- around a foot or so," Namjoon said from his position on the floor, about seven feet from Taehyung. You noticed how Jungkook and Jimin stayed at the front door- around twenty feet from Taehyung. Sitting just behind Namjoon was Hoseok. Jin moved over and sat by him. Everyone was situated at different distances from Taehyung, but all wore a worried look.

"We thought you might be able to help us Y/N now that you know what's going on..." Namjoon said after a few moments, though he ended up trailing off.

You took a few more steps, now less than a foot from Taehyung. As you inched closer, you noticed how his breathing began to even out, the subtle twitching of his eyebrows and fingers ceased. Your hand trembled as you brought it up, bringing it closer to his forehead. You held your breath as you moved your hand closer and closer. If Taehyung suddenly popped his eyes open when you touch him, you swore you were going to have a heart attack. Luckily you didn't get the scare of your life when your hand did touch his forehead.

However, your relief didn't last long. Taehyung's forehead felt icy cold, his sweat just making it even more freezing. Taking your other head, you felt your own forehead. Your forehead seemed like the burning Sahara desert heat compared to Taehyung's.

"Can someone pull a chair over for me?" you asked after checking Taehyung's temperature. Suga nodded his head brought a chair over. You sat down before shooting out another request. "Also, three towels and a small basin of warm water would help too."

Suga dashed off to get what you asked, after all he was the only who could enter the radius close enough to Taehyung to hand you what you asked for. After a few moments, he came back. You sat the basin near you on the floor. Taking one towel, you dabbed it on Taehyung's face, working your way down to wipe the sweat off. After wiping the sweat from his face, you took the second towel and dipped into the basin of water, ringing it out before using to clean Taehyung's face. You used the third towel to dry him off.

You repeated this process, switching between the three towels until you reached his collar bone- where the neckline of his sweatshirt started. Stopping you turned around to glance at the other members, unsure of how to continue.

"Something wrong?" Suga asked from his position in the recliner. He started to sit up straight, worried.

No joke, I'm just going to casually take off his shirt and wipe him down- that's all. "Not really?" you answered, unsure.

"Ah," Suga replied. His eyes darted from Taehyung's clothing back to you. His mouth curled up in a small smirk before he got up and darted upstairs. He came back within a few moments, handing you a light long-sleeve shirt. "Go on," he nodded.

You looked back to the others, they didn't say anything to refute. Taking a few breaths to calm yourself down, you turned back to Taehyung- ready to get this over with.

Taking both of his arms, you gently moved them so that they were by his head. Holding your breath, you began lifting his sweatshirt- literally peeling it off of him. You brought it up to about his upper chest, pausing because you were unsure on how to go on from there. Should you get his head out first or his arms? You ended up choosing his head first.

It took a bit of a struggle to pop Taehyung's head out of the sweatshirt, but you did it- just accidentally getting his face stuck in the entrance a few times. You got his arms out in a breeze and now Taehyung was laying shirtless- in front of you. Never in a million years would you have thought of seeing Taehyung shirtless in front of you, especially undressing him.

It was hard trying not to stare at his beautifully sculpted body, his flat stomach shaping up to his broad chest. His lean shoulders and collarbone didn't help as well. Underneath his pale skin, his veins were black- marking his body like a map of overcrossing trails. It led to his heart, a dark mass situated slightly left on his chest. It was like the blossoming dark rose to the black vines wrapping around him.

Y/N, relax, you're in a very dangerous and dire situation- this no time to ogle his body. After giving yourself a wake-up call, you began the process of wiping him down and cleaning him- switching between the three towels until you were finished. After changing him into the long-sleeve that Suga had given you, you sighed and took a seat- mentally and physically tired.

"Good job," Suga whispered as he took the towels, basin, and dirty sweatshirt from you. He motioned you to take his spot in the recliner about two feet away from Taehyung. After a few moments, Suga came by with two blankets. You mumbled thanks, draping one on Taehyung and on yourself. Nodding his head and giving you a small smile, he motioned to the others- telling him to follow him upstairs. Everyone filed out one by one, heading up to their own rooms to rest.

"Thank you," Namjoon called to you, staying behind a bit before heading up.

"Glad to be of help," you replied back, leaning a bit farther into the recliner.

"It's nice to have you back," Namjoon said softly, giving you a small smile.

"Likewise," you answered. If the situation wasn't so chaotic, you actually enjoyed being in their company- the boys were a palette of colors, always fun to mess around and hang out with. "Now head on up and get some rest. Make sure to tell the others to stop frowning, it'll leave wrinkles," you ushered from your position twenty feet away.

"Sure thing," Namjoon laughed as he headed on up. There was a closing of a door, it's small click echoing throughout the house.

You sighed and turned back to Taehyung, he was in a much better state now. He was no longer sweating and his breathing evened out. There was even a little bit of color returning back but maybe you were seeing things. When he woke up, you wished to have a little talk with him- needing to set things straight. Though that could be put back till later but there was one thing still sitting in your mind.

I haven't cleaned his body from his hips and down.

Nah, the boys can handle that, I think I've seen enough today.


chapter twenty-seven



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