Chapter 28

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Taehyung POV

Taehyung woke up suddenly in the middle of the night, sitting up in quick manner- the blanket that was laid on him falling down. He looked around frantically, his eyes immediately going to the clock that was hung in the living room. It read 2:38 AM.

What? How the fuck did I get here? Was I out for over fifteen hours? Taehyung began throwing the rest of his blanket off of him, wanting to get off the couch he was out on for hours. He noticed how he had something different on. I didn't leave the house in this- what?

Taehyung clambered off the couch, wanting to search for answers. He stopped when he noticed the person who was on the recliner right next to him.

Y/N was snuggled comfortably in the blanket, her entire figure almost disappearing into the recliner. Her breathing was light and slow, calm as she slept peacefully. Occasionally her eyes fluttered, bringing attention to her long lashes.

Taehyung decided to climb back onto the couch, throwing the blanket back on. He could wait until later for answers.



You felt something staring at you or correction- someone was staring at you. Groaning quietly you shifted your position, trying to throw off that feeling- maybe you were just imagining things. However, after a few moments later of failing to brush it off, you sat up. You were awake, nothing could really help you fall back asleep again. Letting out a yawn you, you looked at the time- it was just a little past 3:00 AM.

"Great, nothing like realizing you can't sleep during the devil's hour," you muttered quietly, sighing and brushed the stray strands of hair out of your face. Rubbing your eyes, you looked over to Taehyung. "What...?" you breathed.

Taehyung's blanket had shifted along with his body position. Did he wake up? He must have, he was out like a light and unmoving like a log last time I checked. Your suspicions were confirmed when your eyes flitted over to Taehyung's face- noticing how his eyes were fluttering slightly in an odd manner. Moving your face closer, Taehyung's breathing hitched and you let out a sigh of relief- he had finally woken up.

"Taehyung," you began quietly, "I know you're up." You backed up but still kept your eyes on him. You were about to doubt your own words, Taehyung opened his eyes- sitting up slowly.

"Hey," he whispered, rubbing the back of his neck and shooting a small smile.

"Don't you hey me," you whispered sternly, "How long have you been up for? Be honest," you added when you saw Taehyung's eyes flickering away, a sign that he was trying to think of a lie.

"Fine, around 2:40," he growled quietly. So there was someone staring at me- though for twenty minutes?

There was a gap of silence that soon followed. The two of you sat in silence, the only sound was the ticking of the clock. Taehyung was turned away from you, his eyes looking at the drawn windows. You stared at his face, his smooth face and sharp jawline- sloping down to his admittedly attractive neck before being covered by his long sleeve that you had put on him. You had to calm the blushing heat that was creeping up your face as you recalled that thought and what was under his shirt.

"What?" Taehyung asked when he noticed your stare. You quickly looked away before slowly bringing your eyes back to his- embarrassed that you had been caught. You noticed his eyes were a piercing bright red, different from the other times you had seen him with red eyes.

"Nothing, how are feeling by the way?" you asked, trying to turn the situation around. Nonetheless, you were concerned with how he was feeling now.

Taehyung raised an eyebrow at your question before answering, "I'm fine- or I think I am. Still a bit lightheaded with a giant gap in my memory. I guess I've must've been out for a while."

"You certainly look much better now," you said quietly. Despite the only light being the streaks of moonlight coming in through the gaps of the blinds, there was definitely more color in his face. His veins were also not as dark and stark against his skin anymore as well. The only thing that seemed out of place was his eye color.

"Really? Thanks," Taehyung smirked. He paused a bit before morphing his expression into a more concerned one. "But on a more serious note, how bad was it?" he asked, his oddly red eyes still just as attractive as the rest of him.

You sighed loudly before continuing. "It was pretty bad- your body was so cold, so very cold. You were also sweating profusely, bringing your body temperature down even further. None of the members could come close to you before your body started convulsing and shuddering violently," you rambled, worry starting to set in again as you recalled his past condition.

"Hey hey hey," Taehyung started as he reached for your hand. You flinched slightly at how cold his hands were, they were still warmer than before however. "I'm fine now," Taehyung smiled, trying to calm you down. "Wait, is there something...?" Taehyung asked worriedly after you had looked away and remained silent for several moments.

"Your eyes," you said after a few more pauses, "are different."

"What?" Taehyung asked.

"Nevermind, I'm going to tell the others that you're up," you started after brushing Taehyung's hands off. You started to get off the couch, throwing the blanket aside. You were almost to the stairs before Taehyung's odd breathing made you turn around.

Taehyung was coughing, almost hacking in a way. His face began to turn pale as his skin glistened from the forming cold sweat. His red eyes met yours and you saw the worry and panic in them.

"Oh my god," you cried as you rushed back to his side. Immediately his symptoms calmed down, returning to his calm state from before.

"What the hell?" Taehyung asked, shooting his red eyes in worry and confusion to you.

"I don't know either," you answered. You reached for Taehyung's hand, he squeezed it slightly as he tried to calm down his panic.

"Is that why you're here?" Taehyung fired another question, continuing to hold your hand.

"I think so. The members brought me here hoping that I could probably help you," you tried answering.

"I think they did a good job bringing you here," Taehyung smiled but his face was still grim, his red eyes still throwing you off- not in a necessarily bad way of course. He moved over a bit on the couch, motioning you to sit beside him. After a few moments Taehyung suddenly started again, "Wait, does this mean that you know-"

"The reason why I was shipped off? Yeah, I know," you said softly. You noticed how Taehyung bit his lips.

"I'm so sorry-" Taehyung began before you cut him off.

"Yeah, I know that too," you sighed. The two of you were silent after your reply. Seconds slowly turned into minutes as no one spoke.

"Wanna talk about it?" Taehyung asked, breaking the silence- bringing his piercing red eyes to meet yours.

"I mean we have nothing else to do at 3:00 in the morning, do we?" you smiled. 


chapter twenty-eight



Misconception // (Reader x Vampire Taehyung)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora