Chapter 39

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You woke up when the sun wasn't even up. Blinking your eyes, you turned your head to the window. Despite the curtains being drawn, you could tell that it was still dark outside. You had tried looking around Taehyung's room for a clock but he didn't have one. Now you were wide awake in his bed, not knowing what time it was. 

Taehyung grumbled in his sleep and snuggled into you more- tightening his arms around you. He had shifted closer and closer to you in his sleep, his face a mere centimeters from yours. His breath was warm, his body rose up and down in a steady and calm manner. His lips were parted slightly and his long lashes gave his shut eyes the perfect final touch. 

"You enjoy staring at my face?" Taehyung sudden asked, his eyes still closed. You jumped back out of shock. Taehyung smiled and opened his eyes, moving closer to close the distance between the two of you. "So, how was the view?" Taehyung continued, his voice low and smooth. 

"It was terrible," you huffed, turning around so your back was to him. A blush of embarrassment crept up to your cheeks. 

"That hurt," Taehyung whined, nuzzling his head to your neck, his arm looped back over your waist. "But you shouldn't lie," Taehyung murmured, giving your neck a light nip with his fangs. He rolled away laughing before you could retaliate. 

"Taehyung!" you cried, turning to face him crossing your arms. You immediately shut your mouth, quiet again. You had forgotten that it was still dark outside- the other members may still be sleeping. 

"You called?" Taehyung smirked. You huffed again and began to turn around again. "Sorry sorry sorry," Taehyung whispered laughingly, stopping you with his arm. He brought you around to face him. "Forgive me?" he asked, giving you puppy eyes. You rolled your eyes before giving him a smile. Taehyung brightened and brought you into a hug. 

Your head was against his chest, your arms going around to his back. You could feel his muscles move under your fingers and his shirt with each movement. His chin rested your head, one hand on your lower back, the other on your waist. His legs rested against yours- intertwining. The two of you stayed in this position, quiet and calm. 

"Taehyung," you called, breaking the silence. 


"What," you began before stopping, unsure how to word your sentence. "What are we?" you finished a few moments later. The question had been boggling your mind for a while? What specifically was the type of relationship you and Taehyung were in?

"What do you mean? I'm Taehyung and you're Y/N," Taehyung laughed, missing your point. 

"That's not what I mean," you replied, pulling away from his embrace to meet his gaze. A hurt look passed across his face before it disappeared. 

"Then what do you mean?" Taehyung asked, no longer joking. You noticed how he didn't close the distance between the two of you.

"Well, you know how the two of us are bound by a blood pact," you began before pausing to point the thorned rose marking, "Are we just that? Is there anything more? What are we- you and I?" you finished. Are we just two people bound by a contract? Are we something more? Are we possibly lovers?

"Do you want something more?" Taehyung asked slowly. He cocked his head sideways and his face was slightly shocked- taken back. Your heart fell. Maybe it was just the blood pact and fated pair aspect that was making his vampire instincts act all 'lovingly' and close. 

"N-Nevermind," you muttered, sitting up and sliding off the bed. You padded around to the door. You felt embarrassed and hurt- had you gotten things mixed up? A slight twinge of shame also poked at you as tears threatened to fall. 

Misconception // (Reader x Vampire Taehyung)Where stories live. Discover now