Chapter 32

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Suga POV

"So how long until will this HongJoong arrive?" Namjoon asked after he had gotten himself a mug of tea. He pulled the teabag slightly as he looked into the mug. After a few moments, he frowned and sat the mug down on the coffee table.

"I don't know," Suga replied.

"Well if they aren't going to be here anytime soon, I'm going to get something to snack on," Jin huffed and dusted the cookie crumbs off his hands- he had already finished the mountain of cookies earlier. "Anyone want anything?" he asked from the kitchen.

"Can I get a banana milk?" Jungkook asked. Jin nodded and looked at the others. When there was no reply, Jin disappeared from Suga's line of sight. The room was quiet again.

"Gah!" Jin cried loudly from the kitchen. There was a loud crash and bang in the kitchen. Namjoon whirled around and dashed into the kitchen, Suga following right behind.

"What's wrong?" Namjoon asked, looking around and seeing a spatula in Jin's hand. Jin pointed the spatula in front of him, waving it frantically. Namjoon and Suga turned to where he was pointing. "Oh," Namjoon finished. He offered Jin a hand and helped him up- removing the spatula from his hand and putting it back into the correct drawer. "That's one way to show up," Namjoon mumbled.

"Welcome," Suga smiled- the action not reaching his eyes- after Jin and Namjoon had exited. In front of him was HongJoong and someone else who is probably a fellow vampire. The pair must have shadow-traveled here, just accidentally popping through the kitchen wall and giving Jin a heart attack. "I'm Suga."

"HongJoong," the shorter man introduced. Suga had been able to recognize him from the ATEEZ profile Jungkook had shown him. His distinct bright red hair also helped.

"Mingi," the taller man replied. He brushed his tan hair out of his eyes and nodded his head slightly.

"Follow me," Suga began as he turned around and walked out of the kitchen. "You guys half, full, or pure?" Suga asked while they walked.

"Full," HongJoong answered, "Mingi's pure."

So a full-blood and a pure-blood, interesting. "Cool," Suga replied and waved his arm to the right, "after you." The two nodded and walked into the living room. Suga saw how the two jumped slightly back from Jungkook and Jimin. Ah, oops. They'll get used to the werewolf stench.

"Sleeping beauty and Taehyung," Suga introduced. Keeping his eyes trained on the two, Suga observed their reactions. Mingi had stayed relatively emotionless but HongJoong's eyes had widened and he bit the inside of his mouth slightly.

"Good thing we decided not to bring Yeosang, right?" Mingi smiled and nodded to HongJoong.

"A very good thing," HongJoong replied. "So how long have they been out?" HongJoong asked, turning to Suga.

"Two days," Suga answered. Namjoon nodded in confirmation.

"HongJoong," Mingi called, he was standing right next to Taehyung. How did he suddenly teleport there? Pure-blood things? Mingi pulled Taehyung's shirt neckline down and revealed the marking. After checkinging Y/N's as well, he returned to stand right next to HongJoong.

"All in all, I can't really do anything about this," HongJoong sighed, ruffling his red hair. "I guess you guys should just wait and see what time does." Sighing again, he turned around and walked through the wall- disappearing.

"Uh, sorry about him," Mingi smiled, apologizing after a few moments had passed, "he's just very frustrated and tired."

"Aren't we all," Suga retorted.

"Anyways, pretty sure you guys know that we can't reverse a blood pact," Mingi continued, ignoring Suga's reply, "Give the two some more time to adjust. It usually takes about a week for them to become conscious again. This may or may not be true for Taehyung-ssi- he's a half right?"

Suga nodded.

"Well, he might need more time. Oh yeah, about the markings on their neck. They're like little feeding alarms. After the two wake up, it will be black- in fact, it's getting darker as  I speak. You can track it if you don't believe me. Anyways, if the markings are black, it means Taehyung-ssi needs to feed immediately. It'll disappear when he's done feeding. The cycle will just keep on continuing- from the marking getting darker to lighter, lighter to darker- and vice versa," Mingi explained.

"What if he doesn't feed?" Namjoon asked.

"Well, this marking will burn and cause excruciating pain- I suggest you don't try it," Mingi answered, his brows furrowing down slightly.

"And how can we trust this information you're spewing is true?" Jin asked, crossing his arms.

Mingi smiled and pulled the neckline of his sweater down, revealing a faint but still visible marking- identical to the one Taehyung and Y/N had.

"Wait, you've made a blood pact?" Jin asked, his eyes widening in surprise.

"Yeah," Mingi chuckled.

"Would it be rude if I ask whom it is with?" Namjoon asked.

"It's a long story but I suppose we have time," Mingi laughed. "It's with HongJoong."

"What?" Suga exclaimed.

"Don't take it the wrong way," Mingi rushed, waving his hands and shaking his head, "HongJoong and I aren't like that. The two of us just decided it would be easier for us to form a blood pact instead having to go out and hunt. Blood pacts aren't necessarily for couples you know, it can be used for convenience and to make things easier. It's also how I brought HongJoong into the clan by the way," Mingi laughed.

"Huh," Namjoon and Jin said at the same time after Mingi had finished.

"May I ask how Taehyung-ssi is connected to the clan?" Mingi asked. "It's not important considering how clans really don't mean much anymore but I was just curious," Mingi added. 

"We're not sure, but it's probably through his parents," Suga answered.

"Mother or Father? Pure or full?"

"Father, full."

"Ah, makes sense," Mingi smiled. "I must take my leave soon, any last questions?" he asked and looked around.

"How much do you know about fated pairs?" Suga asked.

"Not much...those two a...?" Mingi asked, trailing off. Suga nodded and Mingi sighed before continuing again. "That explains why HongJoong keeps mentioning the faint stench of a claim on Y/N," Mingi muttered. "Anyways," he began again, louder, "just keep them within contact of each other- I mean you have to either way considering how they're connected by a blood pact. Wait, did Taehyung-ssi accidentally snap or something? That the reason why this blood pact formed?"

The room's quiet response confirmed Mingi's questions. "Oh, well you couldn't have prevented it either way. Taehyung's vampire side overtook his human side- I guess is how you could put it. That usually happens with fated pairs. He won't be as possessive or aggressive anymore now that he's formed a blood pact," Mingi finished. "Anyways, farewell- poor HongJoong," Mingi waved, laughing slightly before disappearing. The room was quiet again after he'd left, he was surprisingly a chatty and happy fellow.

"Hyung, where's my banana milk?" Jungkook asked after a few moments, breaking the silence. 


chapter thirty-two




i'm not really satisfied with this update...sorry lol...anyways, see y'all next update (hopefully it'll be much better than this one)

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