Chapter 10

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Your apartment was quiet, the only sound was the clock as the second hand ticked by. You sat at your desk, with the desk light on, and stared at the cap laid in front of you. Taehyung had left his cap behind, you wondered if he had been able to get back to the company without being noticed. The cap had been dirtied when Taehyung took his anger out on it, but after washing it, it was as clean as a brand new one. You were planning on giving it back to him at work but such an action would raise suspicion from the other employees.

"What am I doing?" you sighed and grabbed the cap, opened the drawer of your desk, and shoved it in there.

The clock read 9:24, a bit early for your normal sleeping time, but since you had nothing to do, you might as well go to bed early. You turned off the lights, snuggled into bed, and waited for sleep to be upon you.


The sharp alarm you set on your phone woke you up. You grumbled and turned over. You checked your phone, the time read 7:00 am. You got up and started getting ready for work- showering, eating breakfast, and fixing your appearance. You remembered Jin telling you how the members were on set. This meant a lot of footage to edit would be coming out soon along with working overtime. You sighed and changed into a hoodie and sweatpants. You grabbed your phone and bag and headed out the door. A mask caught your attention and you remembered telling your boss you couldn't come to work because you were sick. You grabbed the mask and put it on so your fellow workers won't be suspicious- to them, you were apparently "very sick"- and then suddenly getting better in one day? Not likely.

You were ready and out the door at 7:56, four minutes ahead of schedule.


You greeted your fellow co-workers as you made your way to your cubicle in the office. Some gave you raised looks, surprised to see you back so soon. You awkwardly faked a few coughs- one woman even gave you cough drops. After setting down your things (and the cough drops), you made your way back to your boss' office. If he was glad to see you back, he didn't show it. He informed you the footage was not out yet so you were free to go home. After that, he dismissed (more like kicked out) you out from his office.

You grumbled as you made your way back to your cubicle, picking up your things, and made your way out the building back to your car. You were too immersed in you own world of complaining about your boss that you didn't watch where you were going- running right into the person who was turning around the corner. There was a loud thud as the two of you fell onto ground. You winced in the slight shock of pain, shaking your head. You looked up and saw the woman across from you doing the same. A variety of makeup brushes had scattered across the floor.

"Jaehwa!" you squealed in excitement when you recognized the woman. Your field of work hardly permitted you to run into your best friend at work. (Jaehwa was first mentioned in chapter 1)

"Y/N?" Jaehwa exclaimed in an equally excited tone. The two of you hugged and giggled in glee. However, the sharp voice of annoyment interrupted the two.

"Miss Jaehwa, all you were asked to do was to clean the brushes," the voice slowly came louder and louder as its possessor rounded around the corner. "When you didn't come back withing ten minutes, I had to personally go and find you- did you seriously drop the brushes?" the man appeared around the corner, his voice full of annoyance. His eyes scanned the ground that was scattered with makeup brushes.

"I-I'm sorry M-Mr. Jeon," Jaehwa stuttered. Her hand trembled in your hands. Her normal fearless demeanor had simply evaporated in the presence of this man- this Mr. Jeon apparently.

"You haven't even been working here more than a week and yet you make so many mistakes. Seriously-" the man looked up and his entire demeanor shifted, "NOONA?" he exclaimed in excitement. Jungkook's eyes lit up, his previous mood had evaporated.

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