Chapter 9

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This was totally not awkward at all. Everything was perfectly fine...right?

A tall man that was glaring down at you. Another man holding your hand and smirking. A small Y/N that had shrunk into a tiny ball from fear. Yup, everything was perfectly fine.

It seemed everything had come to a standstill in the back of the cafe, nobody moved. Everyday life of others continued on but for the three of you, everyone was situated in awkward silence, waiting for an explanation.

After what seemed to be an eternity, Suga finally broke the silence. "Sit your ass down, everyone is looking at us."

Without acknowledging anyone, Taehyung pulled a seat over and sat down. He crossed his arms while glaring at the two of you. He didn't have to say anything, his eyes conveyed everything.

Despite how his eyes could kill, you found yourself staring into his eyes. You never really took a good look at Taehyung, you were always hiding or avoiding him. You noticed how his eyes had a hint of deep red, like blood, in the pool of his dark midnight eyes.

"Ahem," Taehyung cleared his throat. He had notice you staring.

You quickly looked away, feeling your cheeks begin to warm up in embarrassment. You glanced one last time, hoping to see Taehyung convert his attention somewhere else. However, Taehyung's eyes were still focused on you. He had a faint smirk on his lips.

"So," Suga began, breaking the silence again, "what are you doing here?" Suga stroked the back of your hand gently, bring you to realise that he was still holding onto you. You noticed Taehyung's eyes follow, his faint smirk long gone.

"Why the hell you do care?" Taehyung snarled, flashing his fangs slightly.

You felt Suga's hand tighten around yours. You glanced up at him, immediately noticing his lips tighten in an unreadable expression. His eyes were countering Taehyung's with the same level viciousness, if not more.

"Um..." you began, wanting to end the heavy atmosphere, "can we take this somewhere else?" You started removing your hands from Suga's again, but this attempt also turned out to be futile.

"Let her go," Taehyung growled, placing his hand on yours, attempting to break you free.

"Mind yourself before minding others," Suga snarled and looped his other arm around your lower back.

The two men glared at each other. Suga started revealing his fangs as well, his eyes reflecting a deep golden color. Taehyung's fangs were fully out, his eyes beginning to turn a scarlet red.

The air intensified, faint growls and snarls echoed throughout the cafe.

You noticed the employees turn their heads towards your table. With the men having fangs and unnatural eye colors, Suga and Taehyung would be exposed if the cafe employees came over. However, with the two only focused on each other, every aspect outside their focus was shut off.

A slight twitch from Taehyung's hand forewarned the danger of his next move. Before anyone could react, you grabbed Taehyung's cap and shoved it as far down it could go onto his face.

"What the fu-" Taehyung began, the tension coming from him momentarily paused.

"Pft," Suga snorted, "you shouldn't intrude on-" Suga was caught off as you focused your attention to him. You pulled his black beanie down to cover his eyes, along with his mask to cover his mouth. After slinging your bag and coat back on, you grabbed each of the men's hands, Suga on your left and Taehyung on your right. You gave the employees an awkward smile and nod before rushing out of the cafe. You took a left on the road, into a dark alley. After turning around and checking to make sure nobody had followed you, did you finally take a deep breath of relief.

"Seriously, can't you guys be anymore immature?" you huffed, and set your hands on your hips.

Taehyung stumbled and tripped over his own feet, still disoriented with his eyes being covered up by his cap. He cursed loudly when he failed to catch himself against the wall, falling on to his rear end instead. After a few moments, Taehyung stood up and dusted his clothes. He noticed the amused looks coming from you and Suga, his brows furrowing downard and his fangs showing once again.

"What the fuck?" he growled, throwing his cap down on the ground, stomping on it angrily.

"Sorry dear," Suga smirked at you, pulling his beanie up and mask down.

You shook your head in disappointment. "Seriously," you muttered, "what have I gotten myself into?"

"Into a mess with two hot vampires, do you happen to have a fetish for fangs?" Suga answered calmly, his smirk becoming even more prominent.

"What?" you choked out. "Excuse me?" Your voice cracked briefly as you felt your face heat up from embarrassment.

"Aw, you're not going to deny that fetish, baby?" Suga said slyly as he walked closer to you. You felt yourself back up and your foot catching onto a piece of debris. You began to fall backwards.

However, before you could feel the impact of the cement below you, Suga's arms slid across you waist, catching you and bringing your body again his. In your mind, Suga always seemed to have noodle arms but this action made you change your way of thinking immediately. "Don't worry, I don't bite," he breathed raspily against your ear, "Well, not a lot anyways." He nipped your ear before disappearing out of sight.

You collapsed on your legs, holding you left ear. Your face flushed tomato red. You took several deep breaths to calm your poor heart.

"So, are you interested in hyung now?" Taehyung growled. You looked up and saw him looming over you. He had a snarl that flashed his fangs. His eyes however were now toned down, the bright scarlet color know fading into a deep midnight. For some reason he had a hint a sadness in his eyes...?

"Why do you care?" you spit out, your anger beginning to return again. "You literally almost exposed yourselves back there! What would have happened if the employees had come over? Don't you know how much trouble that would have been not only for me, but also for the other innocents out there?!" you yelled, waving your arms frantically as you were still situated on the ground.

All was silent except for your heavy panting. Several moments passed before Taehyung spoke.

He looked away before turning his eyes back towards yours. The expression on his face stabbed your heart.

"I'm sorry," he said softly. "I-" Taehyung began before cutting himself off, "nevermind."

Taehyung walked past you swiftly.

By the time you managed to get on your feet, he was long gone. The only reminisce of him was the cap he had left behind. 


chapter 9 end



no author's note today... but LUV YA!

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