Chapter 2

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Small moans of satisfaction escaped the lips of the vampire as he fed. Each ticking second turned to eternity as time seemed to slow down.

Your legs grew weak, buckling before you began to collapse. Strong hands grabbed your shoulders, a pained gasp left your lips. Even though it hurt, he kept you from falling.

You almost didn't notice his fang retracting out of your neck when he was done feeding. The whole situation felt oddly pleasant, your body numb but tingling with pleasure.

Your mind was foggy, a bit dizzy from the sudden blood loss. However, this entire even had you sobered up- giving a thinking space just clear enough to register the flurry of questions that flew around in your mind. There was thing that needed to be set straight: what is the identity of this vampire?

You whirled around, but the sudden movement causes you to become dizzy- falling onto your knees, your hands cushioning the impact when you hit the ground. In the midst you had managed to turn around. 

A question sprouts from your lips as you raise your head to look at the vampire's face.

"Who are you-" you breath hitches as recognition spreads across your face.

"Kim Taehyung?"


Taehyung POV

It had been quite a bit of time since he had last fed. The lack of blood had been showing, people at work constantly asked if he was ill and to be honest, it was starting to get on his last nerves.

"You should go out tonight Taehyung," said Suga as he sprawled himself out on the couch, flipping lazily through the channels while sipping on a blood packet.

"Why hyung?" Taehyung questioned halfheartedly- he already knew answer.

"You know why," growled Suga before continuing, "If you get exposed I don't care if they burn you at a stake."

"Fine." Taehyung snapped back.

After getting his coat, he began to head out. "I'm leaving upon your request Suga-hyung," Taehyung called out.

"Don't get caught," replied Suga. He lifted his head and met Taehyung's eyes while nodding his chin at the door. Taehyung didn't even have to ask what Suga by what he meant by that action, he'd already gotten the memo.

Get your stupid ass out of here before I throw you out myself.


Taehyung POV (continued)

He situated himself at his favorite hunting spot, the eerie road with the dying streetlight. People rarely traveled in groups here, they mostly came walking along the road by themselves, usually drunk.

Not that Taehyung liked spiked blood, but it was easy to prey on them without causing a racket. Most of the time, the humans would just believe that they had drank too much and were now seeing things. However every now and then, there would be a fan girl who recognized him, and he had to go into the pain of erasing their memories. The people would then continue their merry way home, waking up to a 'really bad mosquito bite.'

Tonight was no different. He had spotted his usual victim, an unsuspecting girl, who was walking by herself.

Taehyung followed behind her, careful not to make any noises- being as stealthy as a cat.

However, this particular girl was more alert than others, turning her head back suddenly every now and then. Each time, Taehyung barely jumped out of sight.

"That soju, that damn alcohol is kicking in," she muttered.

A low chucked escaped his lips. Cute.

The girl whirled back around again, sure she would catch her stalker.

Taehyung held his breath as he ducked out of sight.

Shit, that was a close one.

The girl began making her way back to her apartment, this time walking much faster. It was futile in a sense as Taehyung was able to close the distance with each of his quick and silent strides. Soon he was just inches away from her neck.

The girl halted suddenly and he bumped into her accidentally. "Woah."

Her eyes moved and he knew that she had seen him. Those brown orbs showed signs of pure terror and confusion. Deciding not to wait any longer, he made his move.

"I'm sorry," Taehyung breathed before sinking his fangs into her neck.

The delicious and savory taste of blood burst into his mouth and a moan of satisfaction left his lips. It had felt like an eternity since he had last fed.

He gripped her shoulders, trying to steady her so she didn't collapse. She let out a gasp of pain, he had grabbed her too hard. It was sure to leave a bruise.

After he feeding until he felt full and had finished feeding, Taehyung released his mouth from her neck, still keeping his hands on her shoulders.

I better erase her memories, I've gone a bit overboard.

Taehyung felt the usual feeling of power rising from the ground, as of the earth was giving him the power and he was soaking it up like a sponge.

Erase, forget our encounter. It never happened.

After finishing, he let go and she wobbled, as if she was a baby deer walking for the first time. She tried turning around but feel down onto her knees.

"Who are you-" she started before suddenly cutting herself off. Her eyes began to widen and her lower lip quivered.

"Kim Taehyung?"



chapter two end



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