Chapter 15

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I'm lowkey thinking that Lykos could be like the younger version of Johnny Depp yk, like the gif above; except with silver hair and mismatched eyes. Idk tho, let me know (:


I had merely flashed Lykos a sickly-sweet smile and continued walking in the direction he had come from.

"This is not a joke," he said, his hand reaching for my hand until I gave him a warning glare and he retracted it.

"I know it's not." I said, staring ahead.

"Then tell me, what were you doing talking to him?" he said exasperatedly.

I decided on annoying him a little bit more, because why the hell not.

"Talking to who?" I asked my voice not giving away any emotions.

"Lua!" he said, his hands pulling at his hair roots, his slitted mismatched eyes were thin lines as he glared at me, showing the annoyance bubbling in him.

"Sorry, to whom?"

"You know what I give up, have fun finding Rowan's manor by yourself." 

"No." I said, my voice hard, as I could feel the constant anger coming back. 

He stopped before he could flash into his wolf and dart off. 

"As you're Princess, you will not leave me here alone. It is dangerous and is it not your duty to keep me protected?" I taunt, knowing full well how much honour and responsibility runs through his core. 

His jaw clenched as he stares at me with burning eyes. If looks could kill, I'd be ten feet under the ground already. 

"It is, and I will," he grounded out, his stance stiff. 

I didn't let the smile that was beginning to surface, show on my face as I ordered, "Take me home," 

"Yes, Princess,"


I hopped off Lykos's back and muttered a thank you, before walking back into the manor. 

And was bombarded by angry questions. 

Maybe I should've stayed out there. 

"Where have you been?"

"Have you seen the time?"

"You could've gotten killed!" 

"Is that blood on your coat?!" 

"Why is it black?!"

"What the hell did you do?" 

"Are you hurt? How could you be so stupid!" 

I rolled my eyes at my uncle, as I blocked out his voice and trudged upstairs into my room. 

I needed a shower.

After the long, hot shower, I put on some comfortable leggings and a large sweater, letting my wet hair drip carelessly on the ground. 

I walked downstairs, tired, but not tired enough to sleep. 

"Lua, I heard you had been talking to King Grayson." He said, rising from where he was sitting.

"I did not!" I gasped mockingly, my eyes theatrically wide and a hand to my mouth.

"This is not a joke," Rowan said, his voice hard.

"That's the second time I've heard that today," I said, brushing past the both of them and my mouth watered as I thought about food, god was I hungry. I sauntered towards the kitchen.

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