Chapter 22

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My days started getting more and more busy as the king and queen began to use the time of day to teach me the way of being a 'proper' princess. I was taught how to eat like a lady, how to speak respectfully. But every lesson went into one ear and out the other. Thank god, they weren't forcing me to wear those rib crushing dresses. Yet.

I just had to pretend to be learning, to be more like a mindless slave than their daughter. I just needed them to believe they were pulling my strings, whilst I spend every night training and enhancing my skills. Using the cover of night, to learn bit by bit how to end their reign.

Murderous thoughts still roamed my head, at every flare of hot anger I wanted to rip their throats out and I let that hunger to see them suffer blaze on. It was the only thing that seemed to be keeping me going these days.

The burning hot anger and hatred for the king and queen, to see them off their thrones and dying on their polished marble floors.

Even if it made me no better than them. I simply didn't care.

For, it took a monster to kill a monster.

They still like to torture me. Even when I had begun to play into the role of the perfect princess. Obedient and polite. They would punish me for the small things, like holding my knife wrong, eating with the incorrect utensils, a smudge of food on my clothing. Anything. Everything.

Every time it happened, I tried somehow to fight back. Using that rage to intensify my magic and test out if I had been improving as the nights passed on.

Today, I was escorted to the dining table and the king looked like he was ready to kill someone. Probably me. I ignored it and sat down, my mouth watering at the aroma of rice and meats. I was starving from the training yesterday. I eagerly dug in and suddenly got slapped to the floor, my cheek aflame with pain, involuntary tears pricking in my eye.

"Stop eating like an animal!" Cynthia hissed like the viper she was. They were both still sat on there seats, which meant that that powerful invisible force was doing the beating for them.

My anger was so great and sudden that I stood and spat into my plate, then used my wind to fling the plate towards them, with speed much faster than a couple days ago.

There was so much satisfaction, so much glory, that I was basically bathing in it, when I saw the rice splatter on their food, on their clothes. Bits of salad sticking onto the kings chin and the queens hair. The meat staining their immaculate clothes.

I was so ecstatic at the image in front of me that I laughed out, a cackle that came from deep within me.

But my euphoria didn't last long, as the king stood up, his face red and his eyes screamed 'murder' and began storming towards me.

"Once I am done with you, you'll be too scared to look at yourself." His voice thundering.

I tried to fight him off using the knife I whisked from the table and my magic, but that invisible force in the way. I even tried to reach for my shadows, which I had forgotten about since their confusing silence. But they didn't reach for me, melt into my skin like they always did.

There was just silence.

He grabbed me by the roots, and I shrieked at him like a madman, using the knife in my hand to try to slice his hand off me. Tried to cut him anywhere.

But with my vision blurring from the tears gathering in my eyes and that force that was everywhere, I don't think I was able to do anything.

I felt him drag me out of the dining room, my head felt like it was being cut open. I was screaming and shrieking at him, attacking like a cat, as if I had claws and at that moment I wish I had. I wish I could turn into those beasts, that my mother would tell tales about, the ones that would prowl through the night, claw you to death.

I saw maids stopping dead in their tracks as they saw me being dragged away by the roots, as they saw the tears running down my eyes and the pure hatred that burnt in both the king and my eyes. I saw the horror in their eyes when they realised where he was taking me.

No one stopped him.

No one dared.

"Let me go!" I screamed at him, but he never listened.

I didn't where he was taking me, but I felt stairs that bumped and hit my legs, indicating he was taking me somewhere downstairs. I heard him open a door and throw me inside, as if I was a rag doll. Agony shot through all sides of me, as he stood by the door, the darkness of this room casting menacing shadows across his face.

He pushed the door closed behind him and locked it, then began walking to a wall.

I hadn't seen it at first, but now the glistening and shining of the metals were clear in my eyes, I saw the knifes and hammers and spikes lined immaculately.

I watched him pick up the handle with a spiked ball attached to the end, and I felt the colour drain from my face.

I knew what was going to happen and my mind went blank with fear. With the terror of what he was going to do, it ran deep into my bones, rooting me in place.

He saw the fear in my eyes, and he sneered at me, his own eyes taunting, "Our little fighter is scared? She doesn't know what to do?" He mocks as he took a step towards me, the spikes of the weapon seemed to already gleam with the blood that was going to be spilled all over it.

Without thinking, my magic blasted out of me, a mother that was ready to protect what was theirs, my ice, wind, darkness, fire and light fired towards him at incredible speed. I noticed, with a split second of joy, the surprise in his eyes before that damn invisible force came in the way, blocking my magic from getting to him.

It seemed as if my powers had begun to have a mind of their own as they continue to surge out of me, firing and pushing at the force to try get to the king. I felt the force being pushed back, and a seed of confidence rooted in me, growing up my spine and pushing me to my feet.

I took a deep breath in as I closed my eyes and dived into my well of magic. I could get to him, if I tried hard enough, if I pushed harder.

Shock flared through me at how much magic was welled up in me, right now I was merely dipping a foot in it.

I called for more magic and more magic came. And more and more. I hit and fought harder, hard enough that I could see the sweat glistening at the king's forehead as the light and fire brightened the room, the temperature dropping to freezing conditions.

I wasn't going to hold back now.

I felt the force being shoved further back, as my powers exceeded it for once.

I felt happiness flare up through me as the thought of finally ending the king was on fire in my head. I was going to do it, I was going to win for once.

Without warning, I felt my magic drain and dry out like a barren desert, I felt my energy plummet and my knees buckle as I slammed to the floor. Pain lacing through me at the force of the hard-rock ground against me bones.

I saw the king's grinning face, his eyes shining psychotically.

Before everything went dark.

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