c o r o n a t i o n

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i feel like i finished with the main bit of the story so now its just going to be random filler chapters for random events. if you have anyy ideas about what kind of chapters you want, feel free to tell me (: 

this one is going to be a coronation chapter; idk if in reality thats how things work but my book my rules. 

idk how to end a story, so bear w me :s


3rd person perspective:

Since the news of the passing of their former king and queen, most of the Lunar Kingdom rejoiced at the fact that their reign of tyranny was over, however as to be expected, there were the few who opposed, but what could they really do to stand against perhaps the two most powerful monarchs in written history. 

Whispers traveled around the kingdom like wildfire; Lua of Lunar blood had killed her own parents, what else was she cable of? Her mate was the former enemy? What could be expected of the new rulers?

But it was clear that they were going to be better than the late rulers, for their govern over the kingdom had, by far, been the worst they ever had. 


It was Lua's and Grayson's coronation to move from Princess and mate to officially the Queen and King of the Kingdom of the Moon today, only a month after the death of her parents and weeks of setting things in order, they were finally going to be able to go back home. 

[does this make them emperor/empress? idek]

They were going to find a suitable candidate to look after the kingdom whilst they were at the Kingdom of the West, of course. But everything was almost ready and decided, they were just going to have to worry about the coronation for now. 

The very large main hall of the castle was bedecked with fineries and decoration, the high ceilings draped with black and dark violet cloth, cleverly arranged to have them drape down between the large windows. Seats were placed in uniform to allow a pathway in the middle of the hall and a level higher empty floor at the front where they were going to stand and take their oaths to the kingdom. The pathway was then covered with a black velvet carpet that stopped just before the lifted floor of where they were going to stand. On the empty floor, there were two large thrones placed for the occasion, both of identical height and splendour, to make evident to the kingdom that one was not better or of higher status than the other; they were equals. 

Within an hour of the castle doors opening, the hall was filled with the liveliness of the people, some loitered outside, whilst most feasted at the food arranged at the back for those who wanted it. 

The crowd was buzzing with anticipation, as they waited for the horn to announce their arrival, whispers already breaking out about the Princess they had never seen, of the infamous King of the West, and their deadly inner circle. 

After a couple of more minutes, the door to the hall opened grandly, and two females stepped in, the room instantly falling into a hush, as if a blanket was draped over the sounds. Everyone's eyes were on the notoriously famous assassins, as they stepped into the room and began walking towards the front. 

[What the partners are wearing (how they look); left is melione and right is macaria]

[What the partners are wearing (how they look); left is melione and right is macaria]

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