Chapter 19

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Short chapterr 


My eyes snapped open, the moment I regained consciousness, shooting upwards so I could see where I was. 


Pain shot through every nerve, as I clenched my teeth, a groan escaping out of me. With the pain, the memories of what had happened before I got knocked out, began washing back. 

A horrible, disgusting, loathsome couple they were. I hated them already. 

And I wanted to break every single bone in their body, I wanted to h- 

"Princess! You shouldn't be sitting up yet!" I heard a soft yet brisk voice interrupt my violent and bloodthirsty thoughts. 

My head snaps to Emily, who was standing by the doorway of a room I didn't know, cloths bundled in her hand.  

"Sorry," I mumbled, looking around the room. It was plain, with a little wardrobe in the corner and a mirror on the opposite wall. "Where am I?" 

She calmly walked towards me, setting down the cloths next to a bowl of water, on the bedside table. 

"This is my room, your parents - " 

"They're not my parents," I interrupted, my voice filled with ice. 

I saw her nod from the corner of my eye, as she continued, "The king and queen had left you lying there, ordering me to heal you because you were of more use to them alive than dead,"

Fire raged through me, my fists curling as I cursed myself for being so weak, that I hadn't even gotten a single scratch on them. 

It was pathetic. 

"I couldn't carry you to your room, so I brought you here since it was easier to get to," Emily continued. 

I nodded absentmindedly, my mind whirling with curses and insults towards the king and queen and myself. 


I spent most of the day in bed, letting my body naturally heal itself from some of the sprains and broken bones. The anger never dying down as I stared at the ceiling and imagined everything I could do to hurt them, break them. 

The sun was slowly setting, when I decided to finally get out of the bed; I was hungry and I needed to move. 

There were still slight aches here and there, as I padded towards the door and walked out. There was no one in the hallways as I walked across this unknown corridor.

After a while of aimless walking, I finally made it out, into the open hallway that I had seen before. I was about to go up the large elegant stairs when familiar voices caught my attention. 

Within a second, I was within my shadows, completely hidden from view as I watched the king and queen briskly walking towards two huge double doors, their voices hushed, but still hearable. 

"She's old enough to be married. It could be a huge alliance between our kingdoms," 

"We don't make alliances," The king's voice was hard as he argued with his wife. 

"We are running out of supplies and soldiers, we are in no shape to continue this war, we will lose!" The queen hissed back, irritation evident in her tone. 

"We always win Cynthia, there's no need to worry about it for this war," 

Cynthia. It was the first time I was hearing of her name.

"This a chance to strengthen our forces, make us even stronger and forbiddable. We must take this chance!" 

The king was silent as he took in her words, I could see the conflict in his dark blue eyes. He was going to agree, he would be an idiot if he didn't. Unless he was more of an arrogant prick than I thought. 

But, if the 'she' they were talking about was me since I was the princess of this land, it would mean they were sending me to get married to a guy who I had barely ever spoken to. 

My mind flashed to his golden eyes, the pierced ears and midnight hair. He wasn't terrible to look at, and there was something about him, something...different, he was like a magnet. 

All I wanted was to be near him, even if I had never actually had a proper conversation with him. Maybe it was because he was the first decent guy I had met in a while. 

But maybe it wasn't. 

And even if it was completely strange and bizarre and that I didn't know what kind of person he truly was, deep deep down, there was a part of me that wouldn't mind getting married to him.

But there was also a very large and more logical part of me, that was not ready to be thrown into something like that. And I wouldn't. I'd refuse. I would not allow it. Not without meeting him, and knowing that he was a good person under that basically perfect face. 

My mind resurfaced back to reality, as I realised that the king had not yet spoken, they had both stopped in the middle of the hallway, just outside the two enormous double doors. 

In a couple of long seconds, the decision was beginning to get more clear in his head, as he looked at his wife and uttered. 

"We do not need him," 

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