Chapter 47

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Lua's POV: 

Everything was tranquil within me, as I cracked my eyes open to the gentle morning light that trickled into the room. Grayson's alluring scent was everywhere, making me want to snuggle even further into his warm chest; needing more of him. As if in response, his arms that were cocooning me tightened considerably, like I would melt away into the morning mist if he didn't hold on. I moved my head upwards to get a look at his sleeping face, but his eyes were already open, staring into nothing, clearly in deep thought. 

What are you thinking about? I said into his mind, a mental hand trailing across his walls and a shudder ran through him at the feeling, his eyes shooting down to mine, some of the tension that was building up in them, vanishing.

The dragons. He said in response. I have a bad feeling about the ball, there is something we aren't seeing here. 

I frowned as my mind flashed back to the recent events. The rebellion, the invitation to the ball, the plan to assassinate Grayson. 

My mate's voice continued to enter my mind - They tried to rebel and failed. It would be a suicide mission to try it again, even when they think we're not expecting it. There must something else happening. 

The frustration written on his face had me holding his hand under the covers, as I leaned in to press a light kiss to his neck - Even if something happens, we'll be able to handle it. Together. For now, let's focus on what we do know and what needs to be done. 

Although some of the stress didn't leave, it seemed to have eased some of the edge off, as Grayson's hand cupped my face, before leaning in to kiss me. I instantly returned it, melting into him, as my arms slithered up his chest, and around his neck; never leaving contact with his skin. A soft growl rumbled out of him, as one of his hands grabbed my thigh pulling higher, the other digging into my hair. 

My heart was a wild thunder within me, as he pulled away and flipped over, so I was under him; his body a warm blanket over my mostly bare skin. His lips brushed down to my neck where he began to plant rough kisses; an involuntary moan escaping me, as a hot feeling began pooling through my body. His hand tightened on my thigh at the sound. I grabbed his face, pulling it up to stare into dark eyes, the pupils so dilated, the gold was merely a thin ring. 

"We should get going," I breathed, laughing as Gray deflated slightly before burying his face into my neck, and flipping over again so I was on top of him. 

"I don't want to," He mumbled into my skin, his hair tickling my chin, as my fingers absent-mindedly began fiddling with his earrings, my index finger tracing the arch of his ear. 

"We have to," I said, not very pleased about it myself, but I had already delayed this too much from my tantrum yesterday, I didn't want to hold them back any further. 

He groaned, then saying, "You smell so good,", his hand trailing down my thighs to the back of my knees. My face flushed, as my body thrummed with need for him all over again, his touch leaving trails of fire on my skin. 

Nevertheless, I sat up, my legs pressing against his waist, as I stared down at the gorgeous male. "When all of this is over, let's go somewhere, where we won't be interrupted," and his flashed with need and desire, his hands gripping harder as he whispered - deal - into my already fraying mind


We had indeed managed to get out of bed, Grayson clicking his finger, saying that he moved all my clothes to his room; since this was now my room too. Getting ready with Grayson was a new experience, his routine efficient and quick; starting with a shower every morning; something I preferred to do at night. 

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