Chapter 16

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I strapped my brimming leather bag onto my back and hopped on Lykos's furry one, shuffling about, until I was comfortable and relaxed. I glanced once more at the manor, leaving some of my demons there, before looking back to what was in front of me. 

"I'm ready," I said and laid my head between his soft ears. I felt his grumble vibrate through his body and into mine and then we set off.

Everything was an array of colours as we zoomed past, the wind was biting on my face and making it hard to breathe, but it felt nice. That fresh blast of air that woke me and my soul as I managed a large breath in.

And then, I began to let myself fully think about what was waiting for me at the end of this journey.

I was going to meet my biological parents. Parents who I had read and heard stories about, each one with the exact same concept of them. They were horrible, merciless and cruel and their kingdom was in a bad state.

The people of the kingdom were good and just but trapped in the walls of the Moon Kingdom and too afraid to venture out of there, as they had been raised to believe that they were safe in those walls and that the outside world was no place for Fae like them. They were trapped and scared, with endless lies being shoved down their throats.

At night, no one walked the dusty cobbled streets, each too scared to face the monsters that crawled in the shadows of their homes. Wild, ferocious creatures that craved for blood and flesh, and prowled in the darkness constantly anticipating for a victim to pass them by.

The people of that kingdom were said to be in constant hunger and poverty, yet their king and queen were doing nothing to change that. To get rid of those beasts that preyed on them, to get rid of the lies that plagued everyone's minds, or to simply give out food and proper shelter.

They did absolutely nothing, except wage out wars and conquer more land than they would ever need.

It was pathetic and wrong, and I was ashamed to be called their daughter.

I could feel the rage and fury flourish in my gut, as I sunk deeper into my thoughts.

Everything was going to change. If their king and queen couldn't do it, I would. I would bring change to their lives. As the rightful heir to the throne and as their princess, it was my duty to protect them and care for them and I was going to do just that.

I would help them, I would protect them, and I would cherish them as if they were my own family because I've had enough of all the misery they had to face. None of them deserved it.

I didn't care what my 'parents' had to say about it, I didn't care for them at all and I certainly would not let their opinions change my mind and I didn't care what they would do, what they could do. I was never going to let anything stop me from what I felt was the right thing to do.


What if those stories were all just stories?

What if they were false?

What if the people didn't need my help at all?

I guess I'll just find out then.

I finally looked up from where my head was laying and looked around, as Lykos continued to run.

We were in a forest, one with snow on the ground and ice covering the leaves, making them look frosty and sparkling. The only prominent colour being the trunks of the trees and the occasional burst of dark soil on the snow-white ground. The sun was peeking through the icy leaves, casting little dancing lights on the glistening ground. The area was somewhat beautiful.

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