Chapter 33

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My arms were aching and I reeked of blood, as I jogged along the cobbled streets, straining my ears for any screams or shouts or cries. The sun was already setting, shutting its glowing eyes and letting the moon conquer the sky for the remainder of the evening. 

I pressed my hand against a still repairing wound on my leg, trying to push some of my magic into getting it to heal, but I was getting tired and I felt like I was reaching my limit. 

I clenched my jaw, continuing to move forward, reminding myself that there were innocent and helpless people who needed my help and I was going to come for their aid no matter what. 

However, after what felt like forever I had heard no more screams, and it felt like I had searched every inch of the town. 

"Help! Help me please!" A voice shrieked from a couple of houses away and I ripped out my blades without a moment's hesitation, letting my magic rest for a bit as I began to run towards the person. 

My surroundings were a blur as I continued to run, multiple more screams rising along with the first one, giving me that extra energy to sprint faster, even as my leg screamed from the wound, as my hands bloody from my own and other creature's blood were sliding against the handle of my blades. 

My heart had begun to thunder as an abnormal amount of shrieks and screams of pain began burning in my ears. How did I miss so many people?

I slid a corner and stopped dead at the dozen of dragons circling a large group of people, blowing fire at their feet whenever they raised their voices. They had wanted the faeries to be silent, so it wouldn't attract any attention; so they could feast on the innocent people with no resistance. 

A fire roared in my veins, making me see red as I witnessed the horrified faces of the adults and the petrified faces of the young as they sobbed silently. 

I clenched my blades tighter. They would not get away with this. 

But there were a lot of them. Too much for me to go head-on. I had to think.

I had to be smart. 

One blink I was out and then I delved in. In between the worlds, into that little space, that time is not what we know. Where I am nothing but everything. 

I smoothly slid behind a dragon, silently slitting its throat and moving onto the next before it hit the ground. 

I got to the third dragon when one of them realised what was going on and began spitting fire everywhere, trying to catch me out. 

I sighed, stepping out; there was no point of that now. 

The dragons roared when they saw me, a bloody mess with blue staining every inch of me, and blades dripping with the blood of their comrades. 

I grinned at them, revealing the whirlwind of insanity as one of my demeanours when facing components; watched in sinful delight as one of them stepped back as they witnessed the pure lack of sanity in my eyes.

I charged forward, nothing but a blur as I reached a dragon and slid the blade into its throat, twirling around, slashing at another dragon's belly, then pulling free my other blade and sliding the into another dragon. 

This was all a dance, movements I had learned and adapted, made into a flurry of shadows and blurs and spreading blood wherever I spun and twirled. 

A sharp pain sluiced through me as a dragon managed to claw at my stomach, blood pouring out like a stream and the agony faltering the dance I had melted into. 

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