Chapter 46

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Lua's POV:

Grayson's arm tightened around me, as he pulled me closer into him the moment we stepped into the lounging area; Azule's scent probably triggering something within him. My hand brushed over his, reassuring him and he seemed to relax slightly at the contact. 

We glanced at each other for a brief second before turning to the now standing siblings, confusion clearly written across their faces as they took in our closeness, the protective and possessiveness in Grayson's stance. 

Then Azule's face morphed into a wolfish grin as it clicked for him, his snake-like mossy green eyes honing in understanding - "Did Grayson finally grow some balls and tell you?" 

I raised an eyebrow, even as slight surprise flashed through me - "You knew?" 

"I mean it wasn't hard to guess," He shrugged, his nest of curly black hair moving at the gesture. 

"What's going on?" 

Everyone's eyes snapped to Nora, her face slightly taken aback as her gaze falls on the arm around my waist, the tightening of Grayson's hand at the bitter emotions that begin to pool in them. 

"She's your lover?" She asked, her voice hard; I noticed her clenching fists. 

Gray pulled me impossibly closer, and I slightly leaned my head back into the crook of his neck. Perhaps out of the sheer need to be close to him. Perhaps out of spite. I didn't know.

"She's my mate," He said, his voice like thunder, clearly not liking the acidic tone to her words. 

Nora's face paled ten shades lighter, and I wondered if she was going to pass out. Did she truly like him that much? 

"M-mates," She muttered as if in disbelief, her eyes slashing between me and Grayson; before pushing herself around the sofa, to plonk down. 

Azule, sensing the tension spreading, smirked at me and I felt Gray's shoulders tense. Azule knew exactly what he was doing, as he sauntered towards us, gracefully swept up my hand and pressed a kiss on the back of my palm. 

"Congratulations, M'lady," He said, grinning as Grayson trembled with restraint. I wanted to smirk along with him, but I knew the King was hanging on threads at this point and I didn't want to see a brawl between the two tonight. Hoping to calm him down, I turned towards him, cupping his face with my hand so his eyes met mine and like always I melted inside that gold liquid. 

Did I ever tell you how beautiful you are? 

His voice was like nights caress against my mind, intertwining with my thoughts making it sound as if I had thought that myself, but from the twinkling of quiet amusement inside his eyes I knew it was him. 

"I'm going to go vomit," I heard Azule mutter under his breath and a small laugh escaped out of me, as I turned towards him, my hand interlocking with Gray's. 

"I wanted to apologise for holding up your mission with the rogue," I said, still feeling that thread of guilt.

But Azule shrugged it off, placing his hands into his pockets, "We still have tomorrow. Anyways, is there anything to eat? I am so hungry I could eat a whole cow," 

Gray clicked his fingers and instantly smells of meats, savouries and more began wafting in and Azule was out in a second. Nora, however, took her time to walk out the door, her eyes on our hands, her mouth pulled into a tight line as she finally crept past us. 

Gray's voice filled my head - Are you hungry? 

I shook my head, easily finding my way into his head; almost like a room of onyx glittering walls. 

You?  I asked.

No. I want to sleep. With you - he had ended that sentence with his eyebrows wiggling suggestively. I rolled my eyes at him but smiled in humour, before dragging him out of the room, through the hall and towards my room. 

"I'm feeling cruel," I half purred - "You can sleep in your own room tonight," 

I heard him argue back, but I had already smoothly entered my room and shut the door behind myself, sticking my tongue out at his mockingly distraught face.

I walked into the closet, quickly changing into a black silk night-dress and rubbing my hair at its roots, before slipping into the cold covers. Instantly, I was greeted by Gray's scent still covered everywhere and a soft longing gripped my heart as my arm grazed over the empty area, he had occupied earlier. 

This was ridiculous. I had just seen him, he wasn't even that far away and yet I missed him. His presence and warmth. 

I let myself wait a couple of long, dragging minutes, hoping the feeling would go away through time and I would fall asleep. But the cold was spreading into my bones as I stared at the empty space next to me, my mind on golden eyes. 

"This is absurd," I muttered to myself, as I pushed out of the covers and padded to the door; feeling Grayson's power beckoning to me. And before I knew it I was across the hall and in front of another door, my hand up and ready to knock.

 But what if he was asleep? What if the knock woke him up?

 With silent stealth, I opened his door and peeked through, half expecting him to be sound asleep, but instead, I found him awake, his eyes on the ceiling before snapping to me; a smirk adorning his face. 

"Just couldn't stay away?" He said, his eyes racking over my attire, how the silk hugged my body; not leaving a lot to the imagination. His eyes glowed with predatory intent. I walked in, shutting the door behind me; looking around the room casually, even if it felt like his gaze was like fire. Was this the first time I had been here?

It was like all the other rooms, large and spacious with dark oak furniture and grey accents here and there. And then there was his bed, large and inviting with him snuggled in it. 

"Come here," he murmured, my mind flashing to the last time he had said that and my body blazed with heat but nonetheless I padded towards him, my arms absent-mindedly reaching for him as I slipped under his sheets and into his warmth and scent, instantly calming me. 

His arms wrapped around me, my face pressing against his bare chest, his scent misting my senses to nothing but shimmers; my hand was idly trailed over along his skin

"If you had taken a minute longer, I would've dragged you here myself," he mumbled on my hair, his finger tracing patterns on my back. 

I hummed a response, my focus fraying as sleep began to tug at me and before I knew it I was swept under in a swirl of liquid glimmering gold. 

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